The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 403 Double part?

Chapter 403 Double part?

The next day.

At dawn, an "uninvited guest" ushered in front of the quaint school gate of Qingxue.

"Hey! Stinky viper, come so early?"

Taocheng frowned, he didn't expect Haitang to come so early.

"Get out of the way, you idiot!"

Haitang pushed Taocheng away with an unlucky expression, and walked straight into Qingxue.

Qingxue on Sunday was eerily quiet, and the sound of hitting balls could be faintly heard from the tennis court in the distance.

Taocheng and Haitang looked at each other, and the two hurriedly ran towards the court where the tennis club was located, regardless of the quarrel.

"This is!"

Taocheng and Haitang thought that they had come early enough, but they didn't expect that the seniors came earlier than themselves, and it seemed that they had been here for a while.


Taocheng and Haitang came to Bu Er, and today they are ready to cheer for the seniors.

"Come on, if you feel bored, you can find a court to play. It's not long before the game starts."

Bu Er smiled slightly.


Infected by the seniors, Taocheng and Haitang are also excited at the moment.

"Let's fight, Stinky Viper!"

"Hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Eight in the morning.

Members of the Qingxue Tennis Club arrived one after another, and they gathered around the courts where the main draws were played and watched the matches between the main draws.

In Qingxue, official members are not allowed to fight in private, so these members rarely see the fight between the official candidates.

When the time was almost up, Bu Er also gathered everyone together.

"set off!"

Everyone in Qingxue got on the bus prepared by the school and drove towards ARENA Forest Sports Park.

It was not only the venue for yesterday's semi-final match, but also the venue for today's final.

Looking at the continuous flashing stream outside the window, everyone in Qingxue looked solemn. Today is the moment for them to achieve two consecutive championships in the national competition.

ARENA Forest Sports Park.

There were a lot of contestants from all over the world gathered here today, and all the contestants from the losing school came to this place as spectators.

"Cut! I'm really upset, and I can only be a spectator."

Xiang Riyue's face was displeased, yesterday they lost the game against Li Haida again.

"Yue Ren, since you are unhappy, work hard to become stronger!"

Atobe raised his head and glanced at Xiang Hiyue Ren said.

"Atobe, today's game will be very exciting."

Ninja Yuuji said lightly.

Qingxue and Lihai University are undoubtedly two schools standing on the top of the country, and the confrontation between these two schools will undoubtedly collide with fierce sparks.

"Then you have to open your eyes and look carefully!"

Tracee laughed lightly.

"Hey! Isn't this Atobe? What? The invincible Master Atobe also lost?"

The sudden sound caused everyone in the Ice Empress to frown slightly.

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be Kadowaki you!"

Atobe smiled contemptuously, and he asked who it was who spoke so badly.

"Master Atobe doesn't seem to be able to do it either, why can't he just be a spectator like me?"

Kadowaki Satoru has always been brooding about Atobe's words to run on him before, and now he seizes the opportunity to give Atobe a good reprimand.

"Huh? Do you want to die?"

Shindo Ryo stepped forward, Kadowaki, dare to criticize Atobu like this in front of them, treating them as dead people?

"Forget it, Shishido, why bother with a guy who is not popular, let's go."

Atobe glanced at Kadowaki Satoru disdainfully, such a character is not even qualified to compete with him.


Shindo Ryo and the others snorted coldly, and the people who pushed away the Muzhi Vine squeezed into the crowd.

In the small black room, the three members of Kurobe had already taken their positions.

"I can go back and deal with the head coach after I'm done today."

Saito said with a smile.

"Yeah, the harvest is not small, the head coach will be very happy."

Kurobe nodded. With so many talented players in the middle school world, Kurobe guessed that Mifune would be very happy.

"You should be able to see Budu's game today, and I don't know how much he has improved during this period of time."

Kurobe changed the subject and brought the topic to Fuji. You must know that Fuji's opponents last year have already made their names in the world tennis this year, even Byodoin.

"Don't worry, with the teaching of that one, he doesn't need us to worry."

Saito Zhi lightly took a sip of the hot coffee in his hand, which was also the original words of Mifune's head coach.

"makes sense."

Kurobe nodded slightly, because he was too worried.

Nine in the morning.

"Here we come! People from Qingxue and Lihai University have arrived!"

The sharp-eyed audience saw the two teams stepping out from the two side corridors at a glance.

"Next is the final of the national competition, the match between Youth Academy and Lihai University Affiliated Middle School!"

The sound from the speakers instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

Everyone is shouting loudly for the team they support.

"I envy them, there are so many cheerleaders!"

In the stands of Higa Junior High School, Heiguza said with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Pingguchang, we will have these next year."

Kai patted Hirako on the shoulder and said.

"Qingxue! Lihai University!"

Wooden hands pushed his glasses, these two schools will undoubtedly be their biggest enemies in Bijia next year.

On the other side is the stand where Shizile Middle School is located.

"I said Ji Ping, do you feel that this scene looks familiar?"

Chitose Qianli joked.

"Well! Qingxue and Lihai University are old enemies. Last year's national competition was not the same as these two schools competing for the final championship."

Tachibana Jiping nodded.

"I don't know if this year's champion is still Qingxue."

Qiantose Qianli sighed slightly, Li Haida didn't know if he could complete his revenge on Qingxue.

"Let's wait and see!"

Tachibana Jiping's long golden hair fluttered slightly, and he was also looking forward to the final ending.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

After the two parties saluted each other in front of the net, Yukimura said to Fuji: "We meet again, Fuji!"

"I hope there will be a wonderful game today!"

Bu Er nodded.

"of course!"

After exchanging pleasantries, the two parties returned to their respective positions.

"The final of the national competition will start soon. Kanagawa will represent Likai University High School against Tokyo's Youth Academy No. [-] singles match. Likai University High School Yukimura Seiichi will play against Youth Academy Fujisuke. Players on both sides should be prepared!"

Then the sound from the loudspeaker directly caused the frying pan to explode on the spot.

"What! Is the first match a contest between the two ministers?"

"Are you kidding me? In singles three, the ministers from both sides played?"

The enthusiasm of the audience has become even higher. The battle of the true double will undoubtedly be the biggest highlight of this final.

(End of this chapter)

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