The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 420 4 Tianbao Temple

Chapter 420 Four Heavenly Treasure Temple
Since today is the club recruiting new members, the official club activities will start tomorrow, so today the club will be disbanded earlier than usual.

When Mamoru Inoue arrived with Shiba Saori, there were only a few people left in Qinggaku's tennis club who were packing up the belongings in the office.

"It's a pity that it's a step late."

Mamoru Inoue shook his head, it was really difficult to go to two schools in one day.

"Is Senior Inoue coming to interview again?"

Fuji greeted him with a smile. He had a good impression of Mamoru Inoue, who was a full-fledged young student.

"Yeah, it's a pity that it seems to be a step late."

Inoue laughed.

"This year, we have a very interesting new student at Qingxue, Mr. Inoue."


Mamoru Inoue's eyes lit up, and the freshmen who can be called interesting by Fuji must be very strong.After the Bingdi returned without success, is he going to gain something in Qingxue?

"He's a true second-generation samurai."

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Fuji's mouth.

"Samurai... the second generation?"

Mamoru Inoue was shocked, Qing Xue, samurai, second generation.

"Could it be!"

"Yes, he is the son of Echizen Nanjiro."

Fuji's words not only shocked Mamoru Inoue, but even Kikumaru and others were shocked.

"Echizen Nanjiro?! Is that the legendary warrior Echizen Nanjiro?"

Kikumaru jumped in front of Fuji all of a sudden, the legend of Echizen Nanjiro can be said to be everywhere in Seigaku, so Kikumaru had naturally heard of the legend of this man.

"Hiss! The second generation of samurai! The son of Echizen Nanjiro? Could it be that Echizen Nanjiro has returned to Neon?"

Mamoru Inoue asked.

Since Echizen Nanjiro disappeared from the world tennis world, this is the first time he heard about Echizen Nanjiro.


Bu Er nodded.

"Then can you take me to visit Echizen Minamijiro? I am his loyal fan."

Hearing the news about his idol, Mamoru Inoue was naturally very excited.

"This should be fine. I just happen to be going to Echizen's house too. Inoue-senpai, you can come with me later."

Fuji thought for a while and decided to agree to Mamoru Inoue's request.

"That's great!"

Mamoru Inoue looked excited. After so many years, he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to get in close contact with his idol.

At this time, it was far away in Osaka Shitenbao Temple in Kansai.

"Chitose, I really didn't expect you to transfer to our Sitianbao Temple."

Shiraishi looked at Chitose Qianli beside him with joy, and he was stunned the moment the teacher brought Chitose Qianli into the classroom today.

One of the two heroes of Kyushu, Qiantuiqianli, the famous egoist, actually transferred to their Four Heavenly Treasure Temple. Is this God's will?

"Baishi, I've already said it, it's because of my personal family reasons."

Chitose Chisato sighed, leaving Kumamoto Shiraku Middle School, where he had lived for two years, made him somewhat uncomfortable, especially without his good friend Tachibana Yoshihei.

But like him, Tachibana Jiping also transferred from Shizile Middle School due to family reasons, and the Kyushu duo may become history.

"Chitose, join our Sitianbaosi Tennis Club. With you joining, I believe we will have a good chance of winning the national championship this year."

Shiraishi extended an invitation to Chitose, as he said, if Chitose Qianli joins, it will be like adding wings to a tiger to the Shitenbaoji Tennis Club.

"Sorry Shiraishi, I don't want to play tennis right now."

Chitose Chisato shook his head, parting with Tachibana Jihei made him feel a little tired, and he didn't intend to join a new club immediately.


Shiraishi could see his firmness from Chitose's eyes, and it seemed that he couldn't persuade Chitose to join the tennis club of Sitianbao Temple for a while.

"Hello! Hello, do you know how to get to the tennis club here?"

At this moment, a small guy ran up to Shiraishi and Chitose and asked.

"Are you a freshman this year? The tennis department is over there."

Bai Shi smiled slightly and pointed the way for the other party.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to takoyaki later!"

Kintaro quickly disappeared from Shiraishi's sight after getting the information he wanted.

"This little guy is so fast!"

Both Shiraishi and Chitose were a little surprised. Kintaro's running speed just now did not seem to be at the level that a first-year student should have.

"Chitose, would you like to visit our tennis club?"

Shiraishi once again extended an invitation to Chitose Qianli. In Baishi's heart, the atmosphere of their Tennis Club at Sitianbao Temple is very good. Maybe Chitose Qianli will change his mind after being infected.

"OK then."

Chitose Qianli really can't stand Shiraishi's enthusiasm, anyway, it doesn't hurt to just look at it.

When Shiraishi and Chitose Chisato came to the tennis club, they found that the kid from just now had also arrived.

"May I ask who is the strongest here, can you ask him to compete with me!"

Kintaro was excited for a while, but he heard that Sitianbaosi was the top four school in the country last year, and its strength is very strong.


Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji looked at each other, where did this furry kid come from? Today's club recruiting seems to be over, right?
"What's your name?"

Shiraishi led Chitose into the tennis court.


"You are here, Shiraishi, and Chitose!"

Jin Jin Xiaochun and the others looked at Baishi and Qiantose Qianli behind Baishi with joy. Baishi had already told them that he would go out to win Qiantose Qianli in person.

"My name is Kintaro Toyama, and I'm going to become the number one tennis player in neon!"

Without the slightest stage fright, Kintaro pointed at himself carelessly and said.

"Neon number one tennis player?!"

Everyone in Sitianbao Temple looked at the new student with a series of surprised eyes. The new student's tone is so loud.

"Then let me compete with you."

Baishi said with a smile, he would like to see how good this little guy who said he was going to be the number one in neon is.

"Okay, let's play a game then."

Kintaro could also see from the expressions of the people around him that Shiraishi seemed to be the leader of the group, as long as he defeated Shiraishi, he would be the strongest in this school.

"Then let me be the referee!"

Qiantose Qianli is interested, Shiraishi competed with a first grader, this is very interesting.

Jin Xiaochun, Ichishi Yuji, Ninzu Kenya, and other members of the Shitianbao Temple also gathered around, and they also wanted to see how powerful this big-mouthed, borderless little guy was.

"The right to serve will be given to you."

Shiraishi came to the bottom line and crouched down, giving Kintaro the right to serve.

"Hey! Look at my mega-ton fantasy luxury volcanic eruption ball!"

(End of this chapter)

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