The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 422 Meeting the Idol

Chapter 422 Meeting the Idol
"Wow! Big brother, you are really amazing! Come again!"

Kintaro, who was scored by Shiraishi, did not mean to be depressed at all, on the contrary, he was very happy.It has been a long time since Kintaro has encountered an opponent who can shoot with all his strength.

"That's it!"

Under the shade of a tree in the distance, Osamu Watanabe walked slowly with a toothpick in his mouth.

"What? Don't continue?"

Kintaro said with an unhappy face, the innocent and lovely Xiao Jin wrote all his thoughts on his face.

"What's your name?"

Osamu Watanabe walked to Kintaro's side and asked.

"My name is Kintaro Toyama, and I want to become the number one tennis player in neon!"

Kintaro pointed to himself excitedly.

"Kintaro, would you like to join our Shitenbaoji Tennis Club? After our Shitenbaoji Tennis Club enters the whole country, there will be countless masters as high as mountains waiting for you to challenge!"

Osamu Watanabe bent down and said to Kintaro, he looked like a strange sorghum who coaxed children.

"Really? Master? Will he be stronger than him?"

Kintaro pointed to Shiraishi, who was already the strongest player he had ever met.

"Of course!"

Watanabe nodded his head.

"Great! Then I'm going to join! I'm going to be the number one tennis player in Neon! I'm going to knock them all down!"

Kintaro danced and cheered on the spot, he was never afraid of masters as tall as a mountain, he only worried that the masters were not high enough, not enough.

"Chitose, would you like to join our Shitianbaoji Tennis Club? Don't you want to play against Tezuka again? With you joining, I believe that this year our Sitianbaoji has a good chance to overthrow Qing Xue."

Osamu Watanabe turned his head and stared at Chitose Chisato who was sitting on the high chair. To defeat Qing Xue in the last year, he must supplement the strength of Shitianbao Temple to an unprecedented height.

Originally, Osamu Watanabe had given up the idea of ​​defeating Qingxue, but there was no way, Qingxue's strength on paper was too strong.But the appearance of Kintaro and Chitose Chisato gave Watanabe Osamu a ray of hope. With these two people joining them, Shitianbaoji may not have the opportunity to meet Qingxue.


Having not heard Tezuka's name for a long time, Chitose Chisato was slightly taken aback, and the power of selflessness in her body began to boil.

"Oh! Brother, you are also a very powerful guy! Come and fight with me!"

Kintaro's animal-like intuition keenly sensed the change in Chitose Chisato's aura, and the sense of oppression was no less than the feeling Shiraishi gave him.

Kintaro was very happy, he didn't expect to be so lucky today, he met two masters in this place at once.

"Chitose, although I don't know what made you not want to play tennis for the time being, but I think your body and your heart will never forget the joy of playing tennis! And our Sitianbao Temple, let alone, the team The atmosphere is definitely very happy, join us Chitose!"

Shiraishi said with a smile.

"Yes, Chitose, why not give it a try!"

"That's right, Chitose!"

Other people from Sitianbao Temple also extended olive branches to Chitose Qianli.


Qiantose Qianli sighed helplessly.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. But I'm ugly, I may quit the tennis club at any time!"

"Great Chitose!"

"With you joining, I can beat a hundred people, Chitose!"


All the people in Sitianbao Temple are happy. They know that from this moment, their Sitianbao Temple has been completely reorganized, and they will once again start to fight for the national championship that Qingxue has occupied for two full years in August of this year. shock.

"Since everyone is so happy today, why not let me treat everyone to a big meal!"

Watanabe Osamu said with a smile.

"Yeah! Big meal! Takoyaki! Takoyaki!"

When he heard that there was a big meal, Kintaro was overjoyed and cheered for joy.

"Little Gold."

Shiraishi and the others had wry smiles on their faces, the feast that Osamu Watanabe said was always
Flowing plain noodles!

In the evening, Fuji led Mamoru Inoue to Echizen's house, which was a very ordinary house hidden in the market.

Fuji lightly pressed the doorbell.

"Hello, who is it?"

A very gentle female voice sounded young from the doorbell.

"Hello, my name is Fuji Shusuke, and I'm Ryoma's president. This time, I'm here to visit Senior Nanjiro. I'm here with Senior Inoue from Professional Tennis Monthly."

"please wait a while."

Not long after, Nanako Echizen came and opened the door for them.

"Uncle, he's already waiting for you inside."

Echizen Nanako squinted her eyes and smiled, the smile was very healing, even the old man Inoue Mamoru was a little bit trapped.

"Cough cough!"

Fuji lightly coughed and tugged at Mamoru Inoue's sleeve, and Mamoru Inoue immediately realized that he was being rude, so he patted his head in embarrassment.

Fuji shook his head, Mamoru Inoue really did.

The two came to the small courtyard inside the house. At this time, Echizen Nanjiro was lying there leisurely enjoying the latest issue of Intimate Paradise.

After hearing the footsteps of Fuji and Mamoru Inoue, Echizen Nanjiro quickly closed the book and threw it into a secret corner aside.

"Little ghost, what are you doing here today?"

The kid that Echizen Minamijiro said naturally refers to Fuji.

"I heard that senior Nanjiro has returned to China, so I came here to visit you."

Bu Er smiled slightly.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Echizen Minamijiro!"

It was the first time to have such close contact with his idol, even the elderly Mamoru Inoue couldn't contain his excitement.

"Who is this guy?"

Echizen Nanjiro sat up from the ground and asked Fuji with a puzzled expression.

"I'm Inoue from Professional Tennis Monthly, and this is my business card! I'm your senior fan!"

Mamoru Inoue handed over his business card with an excited expression on his face. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"I'm here today to ask you a lot of things, Mr. Nanjiro!"

Mamoru Inoue looked at the unshaven uncle in front of him, and he could vaguely see the shadow of the man who was famous in the world of tennis back then.

"I never accept interviews, please go back."

Echizen Nanjiro said lightly.

As he said, it can be said that he has never been interviewed by the media since his debut, before, now, and in the future.

Echizen Nanjiro looked at Fuer with a resentful expression on his face, this brat is really real, why does everyone come to him.

"But as a tennis player, I have a bunch of questions I want to ask you."

With his idol right in front of him, how could Mamoru Inoue just give up like this.

"It's nerve-wracking, I've already said I'm not going to be interviewed."

Echizen Nanjiro clasped his ears and blew.

"Then can you answer one question for me, just one!"

Mamoru Inoue pleaded.

"Ask, and I'll see if I can answer you."

Echizen Nanjiro sighed, how could this guy be as clingy as a brown candy.

"Why did you quit world tennis?"

Mamoru Inoue asked a question that has puzzled him for many years. You must know that Nanjiro won all 37 games in the world, and he was only short of the last game to become the number one in the world at that time.

"How can there be so many reasons? Life is not so simple."

(End of this chapter)

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