Chapter 425 Polk


Polk, who had officially taken over the position of the head of the German team last year, is looking into the distance in the main building of the German U-17 training camp.

With the opening of the Australian U-17 World Cup Expedition, Polk will inevitably feel a little complicated, even more complicated than when he participated in the professional league.

This year's Deutschland is still on the road of creating legendary history, and their winning streak continues. Polk will never allow the glory of Deutschland to end in his hands.


QP pushed open the door of the meeting room, and came from outside in a hurry.

"What is QP?"

Polk looked at QP with some doubts. Under normal circumstances, QP would not come to him so early.

"There is news about the Neon team. They are now in Rome, Italy, preparing for an expedition against the Italian team and the South African team."

As the chief staff officer of Germany, QP will naturally be responsible for the intelligence of the German team.And just now he received news from the intelligence department that the Neon team had arrived in Europe, and the location was Rome, Italy.

"Team Neon"

Suddenly, Polke thought of the boy named Fuji Shusuke.

"Who is the leader of the Neon team this time?"

asked Polk.

Generally speaking, the expedition teams of various countries will not send all the main forces, because a few people must be left to prevent the expedition team from being challenged by teams from other countries when they go out on an expedition.

Therefore, whether it is Germany or other teams, generally speaking, only one general-level team leader will be sent, and all members will not be overwhelmed.

"It's Fujisuke!"

QP said lightly.

"It's him!"

Polk calculated silently in his heart. In the past two years, he had never heard any news about Fuji Zhousuke in the world. It seemed that the other party was not as active in the world tennis world as he and Amadeus.

If he hadn't heard the news about Fuji Shusuke from QP today, he would have even thought that this former world's number one junior high school student had disappeared.

I just don't know what the strength of Fujisuke is now after two years have passed.

"Will they have a game in a few days?"

Polk looked at QP. If he remembers correctly, this year's Expedition will be an open tournament.


"Then let's go and have a look."

As the main general of Germany, knowing yourself and the enemy can make you victorious in all battles.Last year's sudden emergence of the dark horse Neon team is undoubtedly one of the biggest obstacles to Germany's defending title this year, and most of the main players of the Neon team last year were high school freshmen, and there was even a junior high school student named Fu Erzhou.

Two years have passed, and the strength of the Neon team must become even stronger.

Moreover, Polk has heard that a pirate from the East has recently made waves in tennis circles all over the world.

Pirates of the East!
It is undoubtedly Byodoin Phoenix, the main player of the Neon team.

Two days after the Neon team arrived in Italy, Kurobe held a temporary combat meeting for this expedition in the hotel.

"This time our opponents are the Italian team and the South African team. Their strength is also ranked relatively high in the world, so we must not be careless."

Kurobe distributed the information of the two teams and said.

"The most important point is that we will face the South African team and the Italian team consecutively in the next two days."

Although the current ranking of the Neon team is only No.13 in overall score, everyone knows that their strength is far more than that.Therefore, in order to cause some troubles for the Neon team, the World Tennis Association arranged the Neon team's schedule between the Italian team and the South African team, which means that the Neon team will continue to face the Italian team after facing the South African team. , This is a very test of the state of the players of the Neon team.

"Don't worry, coach, I will use my punishment law to teach them a good lesson!"

A bloodthirsty look flashed in Tono Atsukyo's eyes, he has endured it for too long!
Although there are competitions in the joint camp, they are all their own people after all, and it is not easy for Tohno Atsukyo to kill him.But it's different now, he can finally let go of his hands and feet and do it with all his strength.

"Forgive me, do you want to compete for two days in a row?"

Daqu Ryuji raised his beard and collapsed on the chair.

"South Africa and Italy?"

Fuji smiled slightly, he hadn't seriously confronted anyone for a long time.

"No, I'm counting on you this time."

Kurobe looked at Fuji.

"Well, leave it to me."

The main-level confrontation naturally requires the main general to play, but the main general of the Italian team and the main general of the South African team are not enough to see in front of Bu Er.

The next day.

The Rome Tennis Masters Tennis Court, which was built in the period of Mussolini, is the venue for the Expedition Open between the Neon Team and the South African Team today.

"Well, the environment is not bad!"

When Fuji and his party arrived at the tennis court, Kimishima Yuto looked at the surrounding environment and nodded with some satisfaction.

In order to be able to collect more tickets, the Italian Tennis Association deliberately placed this match in the largest tennis court in Rome.

A large number of red and white roses and pine trees are planted in the tennis court of the Rome Tennis Masters. The green trees are dancing on the hills outside the court, and the environment is very beautiful.

The central court is lower than the ground, and above the ground is covered with a circle of sculptures, which is an Italian feature and very beautiful.

After the members of the Neon team arrived, the players of the South African team also came out from the opposite passageway, led by their old acquaintance Xiaboka Goerpei.

"He has become stronger!"

In the stands above the stadium, Polk stared at Fuji's figure closely. He could feel that Fuji had become stronger.Different from the sharp-edged two years ago, now Fuji has restrained all his strength to the extreme, and looks like an ordinary player.

"The Neon team is all elites this time, and most of them are players who have withstood the world test two years ago."

QP glanced at the group of high school seniors behind Bu Er, many of whom he had seen before.

"This year's Neon team will be our biggest opponent."

Polk's intuition told him that this year's Neon team will become the biggest obstacle in defending their German title.

Bu Er, who was preparing for the player area beside the court, suddenly noticed something, raised his head to look at the player seat above his head, and saw a shiny bald head at a glance.

"Oh! Polk?!"

Although the distance was a bit far away, Fuji still found Polke's figure.However, he was not surprised by this. After the World Tennis Association changed the Expedition Points Challenge to an open competition, it was destined to attract personnel from the intelligence departments of various teams.

Not only their match with the South African team, the Neon team also sent many intelligence personnel to collect information about other teams' matches around the world.

Therefore, how to hide one's own strength under the premise of ensuring victory has become the biggest problem in this expedition points challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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