Chapter 430
"The match between the Neon team and the South African team's singles number [-] will begin soon. The Neon team will play against the South African team Chapoka Gore. Please play!"

Xia Boka's heart sank to the bottom when he heard that the Neon team's player turned out to be Bu Er Zhou Zhuo. Originally, he arranged himself in the singles three, except that he wanted to use Tian Ji's horse racing method to win a game for the South African team. , and there is also the thought of avoiding Fuji Zhouzhu.

He didn't want to face this monster.

However, after all the calculations, Xia Boka didn't count that the Neon team actually arranged the Fu Erzhou assistant on the third singles.

"Damn! Are you clearly trying to get rid of us in the first three games!"

Xia Boka quickly understood that the Neon team didn't take them seriously at all.The purpose of arranging Fuji Zhuo as number three in the singles is to put an end to this match.

"The match started. Two out of three sets won. In the first set, Fujisuke served."

Fuji raised his head and swept in Polk's direction.If Buer originally planned to play with Xia Boka, now Buer has no such intention.

He just wanted to get rid of Xia Boka quickly, and go back to review the "warm-up" with Polk just now.

A very penetrating hitting sound resounded throughout the court, and the next second the tennis ball had already reached the sky above the net, causing the net to rustle.

"So fast to serve!"

Xia Boka held his breath and concentrated, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

"This ball will disappear!"

Bu Er brushed aside the bangs on his forehead, his voice exploded in Xia Boka's ears like thunder.

"Will it disappear?"

The moment Xia Boka stared at the tennis ball tightly, the tennis ball actually disappeared from his eyes.


Shapoka looked left and right, and there was nothing on the empty court except him.

On the baseline not far from him, a mustard-colored tennis ball appeared out of thin air, exploded and bounced out of bounds.

"ACE! Shusuke Fuji, 15:0."


"Tennis is literally gone!"

"It was like a magic trick, how the hell did he do it."

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience, obviously interested in how Fuji made tennis disappear.

"Very good blindfold!"

Q.P's eyes are burning, and with his strength, he can naturally see through the truth of Buer's goal.

"It's not just blindfolds, there are other things in it."

Polk said indifferently, the unique wind is not only the cover of mental power, but also the power of the twin stars hidden outside the tennis ball.

"This game was scored by Fujisuke, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

There is no doubt that the serve is decisive, Xia Boka's brows are so frowned that he can hang the kettle, he can't break the unique serve at all.

In the second round, Xia Boka took a deep breath, his muscles instantly swelled a bit, and a strong momentum rose from his body.

He was going to fight for his life, he didn't want to win, he just wanted to win the next game.

"Sunshine Diamond!"

Xia Boka yelled loudly, leaning forward and putting all his weight on the ball, the violent tennis ball swept everything around, and hit Fuji with a shining golden light.

"Return to the ruins!"

Fuji gently swung the racket, and the invisible blade formed by the two spiritual forces cut off everything in front of him, forming a strange windless belt.

Wan Chuan returned to the sea, and the tennis ball that broke into the calm zone became docile instantly.

The unique racket is quickly lifted and passed, giving the tennis a new spin and strength while flying the ball out.

Drop the ball!
The softly falling tennis ball tugged at Xia Boka's heartstrings, and his trick was counterattacked in such an understatement.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Neon! Neon!"

"Fuer Zhou Zhu! Fuji Zhou Zhu!"

The audience cheered for a while, it is obvious that the strength of Peerless has completely conquered these European audiences.The audience could see that Xia Boka's shot just now was definitely not easy. He could hit such an imposing shot and was hit back with a short ball so easily by Fuji. The strength of the world's number one junior high school student is really extraordinary.

"Heh! As expected of Budu, he conquered this place so quickly."

Hearing the cheers for Fuji beside his ears, Kimishima Yuto smiled softly, and he was all too familiar with the feeling of being watched by everyone.At this moment, Buer, who has been silent for two years, once again shines his light in the world.

"Fuji Zhousuke won this game, the score is 2:0."

"Fuji Zhousuke won this game, the score is 3:0."

Although they are also the main players of the team, Xia Boka's strength obviously cannot be compared with Budu.

In fact, it's not just Xia Boka, the world is very cruel, and the ranking is based on absolute strength. The reason why BIG4's national team has been able to compete in the world tennis for so many years is because of their absolute strength.

The only team that has pulled down the BIG4 national team over the years is the Neon team two years ago. Besides, the No.5 US team cannot do it.

The strength of the Neon team cannot be judged by their current ranking, which Xia Boka now understands very clearly.

The Neon team definitely has the strength of the BIG4 national team.

"The game is over, and the Neon team won this set with the help of Fuji, with a score of 6:0."

"The neon team won the singles three match against the South African team with a record of 6:0, 6:0."

"So far, the Neon team has won the points match with a score of 3:0! Let us congratulate them!"

The sound of the ruling resounded through the loudspeakers, and the scene suddenly fell into a sea of ​​cheers.

European audiences have always admired the strong, so the German team has the most fans in Europe.And today they witnessed the rise of another strong team, that is the neon team from Dongyang.

"QP, increase the data collection of the Neon team when we go back."

Polk watched the Neon team enjoy their moment of glory.

"Yes, Commander!"

QP nodded and looked at the audience blankly.

Soon, the news of the Neon team's victory over the South African team was passed back through the spies sent by other countries on the scene, and all the top-ranked teams raised their vigilance against the menacing Neon team.

Among them, the Italian team is the most nervous, because tomorrow is the day of their points match with the Neon team.After seeing the Neon team's game today, they have completely given up hope of winning.

The dimensionality reduction attack of the Neon team is really too difficult for these teams ranked outside the top ten.

Here, Fuji led the team to enjoy the moment of victory in Rome, and the neon on the other side.

Echizen came to an abandoned court with his tennis bag on his back with a cold face.

"You're here, Echizen!"

Tezuka withdrew his thoughts and looked down at the thin boy at the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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