The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 445 Ryoma's Selflessness

Chapter 445 Ryoma's Selflessness

"Is that all you can do?"

Atobe was a little disappointed, he didn't expect that the first grade of Aigaku was only at such a level.

"You haven't won yet!"

Ryoma would not just admit defeat like this, crouching in the backcourt and staring at Atobe with burning eyes.

"It looks good!"

Atobe nodded, Ryoma's eyes reminded Atobe of his junior Hiyoshi.

Atobe's arm tapped lightly, and the dust and smoke splashed everywhere.

"So fast to serve!"

Akira Kamio's face was solemn, and his perception of speed was very keen.

The dragon horse tapped the ground with its toes, and then threw its arms out with it.

"Good weight!"

Ryoma's arms began to tremble from the heavy weight coming from his hand.

Ryoma clenched his teeth and pushed the ball out. Before he had time to breathe, a golden streamer had already rolled back.


The racket in Ryoma's hand fell with the sound, and it circled and slid on the ground for a while.

Another golden flash fell vertically, and Ryoma, who had nothing in his hands, could only watch the ball fly out of the field.

"Waltz Towards Destruction!"

Taocheng said word by word.

Atobe's magnificent yet powerful trick, Taocheng, has of course seen it before, but he never thought that Atobe would be so serious.

"Good... so strong!"

Akira Kamio was shocked, Echizen Ryoma of Aigaku had no power to resist!

You know that he was defeated miserably by Echizen Ryoma, doesn't that mean that he is not Atobe's opponent?
Keigo Atobe, the head of the Ice Emperor, really lived up to his reputation.

Ryoma shook his numb wrist, then picked up his racket from the ground and returned to the baseline.

"Little ghost, the gap between you and me is immeasurable!"

Atobe sneered, no matter how high Ryoma's fighting spirit is, it is impossible to bridge the gap with him.

"Hurry up and serve!"

Naturally, this kind of persuasion cannot affect Ryoma's heart, no matter how strong his opponent is, Ryoma will not be afraid.

"It seems that you still haven't figured out the gap between us!"

Atobe chuckled, and the mustard yellow ball slowly climbed up.

In Ryoma's eyes, Atobu's body suddenly leaned back, and then the huge force brought by the rebound of the waist and abdomen hit the tennis ball heavily.

After a sharp whistle, the tennis ball that flew straight seemed to be moving slightly from side to side, and Ryoma knew that it was due to the extremely violent spin contained in the ball.

Crouching in the backcourt, Ryoma's heart rang, and he knew that this goal might be extraordinary.


Under Longma's horrified eyes, the ball didn't bounce after it landed, and it moved restlessly on the ground, leaving a deep imprint.

You know, this is a concrete floor!

"What kind of serve is this!"

Both Kamio Akira and Ibu Fukasa were shocked, it was the first time they saw such a serve!


Ju Xing looked displeased, why does such an annoying person have such strength.

"Don't be intoxicated by my master's wonderful skills!"

Atobe's left hand gently pressed on his nose, what he likes most is the shocking look of others intoxicated by his wonderful golf skills.

"Go ahead!"

Ryoma suppressed the shock in his heart, the game is still going on.

Deng Deng Deng!
Atobe's eyes flashed with colorful light again, which was a wonderful collision produced by the surge of spiritual power.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

The tennis ball, which was forcibly pressed down by the violent rotation, fought against the bouncing force and kept falling and falling, flying out of the court from Ryoma's feet.

Facing Atobe's Tannhauser serving Ryoma, there was nothing he could do.

2: 0.

"Little ghost, you are still far from fighting me!"

Atobe attacked Ryoma mercilessly, and the waltz towards the goal knocked down the racket in Ryoma's hand again, followed by the straight curve of the second smash.

"Echizen Ryoma of Youth Academy is no match at all! He really deserves to be King Atobe Keigo who leads more than 200 members of Hyotei Academy! I don't know if Captain Tachibana can beat him!"

Akira Kamio's face was gloomy, this guy actually has this kind of strength, so he can't help Xiaoxing get back in the game.

"It's really strong! Echizen is still too reckless."

Taocheng has not seen Atobe play for a long time, and he has long expected that Ryoma will be brutally abused by Atobe.

After all, the opponent is someone who is on the same level as the three giants of his own family.

"Dragon Horse."

Katsuro and Katsuo tightly gripped the shoulder straps of the tennis bag in their hands, they were very worried about Ryoma's situation.

Facing Atobe's relentless and powerful offensive, Ryoma lost three consecutive rounds in just a few minutes.

Constantly being attacked by Atobe's waltz towards destruction, Ryoma's arms had already started to tremble.His slender arms couldn't compete with Atobe's strength.

"Let me see you on your way, brat!"

In the last round, Atobe was a little tired of playing, and it was almost time to end this meaningless game.

Atobe's racket was heavily buckled on the thrown tennis ball, and the strength of the battle-hardened muscle groups was amazing.

A wave of air rolled over, and Longma stood motionless in place.His eyelids were too heavy, and Ryoma had to concentrate all his attention to see the shadow of the ball in order to keep up with Atobe's batting.The duel with Atobe is not only physically exhausting, but more mentally exhausting.

"So fast! His serve has become faster!"

Akira Kamio exclaimed, he didn't expect that the serve at the end of the match would actually become faster.

There was only one last ball left before Ryoma's defeat.

"Let's go, kid!"

Atobe waved the racket mercilessly, and after a crisp sound, a golden streamer shot out from the top of his head.

After the serve, Atobe turned around and left without even looking at it. Just as Atobe stopped the shot and was about to leave, the sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground sounded from his court.


Atobe turned his head, the milky white aura surrounding Ryoma's body opposite him, but his pupils seemed to lose focus.

"That is! The realm of no-self?"

"Could it be because of the pressure I put on him that this brat broke through!"

Atobu frowned, feeling as if he had done something stupid.

"Let's go here first for this game!"

Thinking of the decision to end the game, he didn't want to make life difficult for his younger generation because of his superiority.

Ryoma seemed to turn a deaf ear to his words, and still faced him as if facing a formidable enemy.

Just when Atobe was about to speak again to reprimand this little brat who didn't know how to advance or retreat, the aura of selflessness in Ryoma's body suddenly dissipated, and the whole person suddenly collapsed on the ground.


"Dragon Horse!"

Momoshiro, Horio and the others immediately stepped forward to check.

"Hmph! Let's go, Huadi!"

Being disturbed by Ryoma like this, Atobe also lost the mood of dating Tachibana, Mr. Atobe is so casual.


As Atobe's loyal follower, Huadi quickly took Atobe's racket and put it back in the tennis bag on his body. His burly body followed Atobe like a bodyguard and left here step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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