Chapter 451
"By the way, Gan, who is our next opponent?"

On the way back to school, Kikumaru asked curiously.

He knew that Gan had just left for a short while to copy the schedule, which Gan Sadaharu had been doing since two years ago.

"Uh, it's Yinhua Middle School."

After hesitating for a while, Qian Zhenzhi told everyone about their opponents in the next game.


Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

If they remember correctly, the Yinhua in their impression seems to come from a school with big belly, right?
Long Ma pulled the brim of her hat, Yinhua?Isn't it the school he picked on with senior Yajiujin that day?

"Although I am also very surprised, I have to admit that their luck this year is very good."

Qian Zhenzhi was also a little dumbfounded. Who would have thought that Yinhua's luck would be so good that he would directly get a spot in the Kanto Competition.


Everyone in Qingxue is also a little speechless, are they so lucky?

Knowing that the next opponent is Yinhua Houqingxue, the people suddenly became a lot more relaxed, and there was a lot of laughter in the bus.

"No matter who the opponent is, we can't be careless. Don't forget that we promised Bu Er that we will definitely win the championship of the competition."

Tezuka saw that the crowd seemed to be a little drifting, and coughed lightly to suppress everyone's ecstasy.

After Tezuka spoke, the others naturally didn't dare to laugh anymore, they put away their faces and looked out the window with a serious look at the constantly receding scenery.

"Cut! Buer this guy!"

Ajiujin's thoughts turned, and he didn't know what this guy Fuji was doing now.

This week's event has come to an end, and the semi-finals and finals of this Tokyo Metropolitan Competition will be held on the weekend of the next week.

The contestants from the only four remaining schools in the capital competition spent the five-day buffer time with a tense atmosphere, and the time soon came to the weekend.

Today is the day when the semi-finals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition begin.

Even if the opponent was Yinhua Tezuka, he didn't despise him at all. He led the team with a word of stability.

"set off!"

After everyone arrived, Tezuka waved his hand, and took everyone on the bus arranged by the school and slowly drove towards the competition venue.

"Senior Inoue, what is Qingxue's opponent, Yinhua, saying?"

Saori Shiba wiped her precious camera and asked Mamoru Inoue. She didn't have any impression of Yinhua Middle School.

"Yinhua? Their luck is very good."

Inoue Shou thought for a while and gave an affirmative answer.

"Good luck?"

There are a few black lines floating on Shibasaori's forehead, what the hell is good luck?

"Here we come! It's Qingxue who's here!"

Suddenly the people around became excited, Qing Xue's blue and white team uniform was very conspicuous, and the leaders Tezuka and Akutsu were even more impressive.

"Let's hurry over too, Senior Inoue!"

Seeing the protagonist appearing on the stage, Saori Shiba also hurriedly urged Mamoru Inoue to leave, this time she must find a good position.


Mamoru Inoue opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't express the guess in his heart.According to his understanding of Yinhua, this is a very peculiar school, and there is a high probability that this school will choose to abstain from the match against Qingxue today.

When Shiba Saori dragged Inoue Shoufeng to the Qing Xue competition venue in a hurry, people from Yinhua Middle School and Youth Academy had already saluted each other in front of the net.Afterwards, Mamoru Inoue saw people from Yinhua Middle School negotiating with the staff at the side from a long distance away, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Could it be that he really guessed it? !

Sure enough, after several confirmations from the staff, Yinhua Middle School still did not intend to compete with Qingxue and chose to abstain.

It is very strange not to mention the reason for abstention.In the end, Qing Xuebing won the semi-final without bloodshed and advanced to the final.

"What the hell? How could Yinhua Middle School abstain?!"

Zhi Saori was speechless after hearing the news. This is the final of the Metropolitan Competition. How could she choose to abstain from such an important and official Open?

Facing Yinhua's abstaining from Qingxue, the people couldn't laugh or cry. They didn't know why the people from Bank Middle School were so afraid of their Qingxue, and even described them as devils.

Of course, Akutsu and Ryoma are clear about this matter, but neither of them has any intention of explaining, in short, it's good to win.

Then Tezuka brought everyone from Seigaku to the venue for the match between Ice Emperor and Fudo Peak, and their arrival naturally caused an uproar.

"Then isn't that from Qingxue?"

"Don't they also have a game? Is it already over? Isn't this too fast?"

Although I know that Qingxue's opponent in the semi-finals is an unknown school, but the doubles match here has just started, and the Qingxue side's match is over soon?

"Oh! Qingxue."

Atobe leaned on the sidelines and glanced at the people at Qingxue. Although he didn't know why Qingxue ended so quickly, he already regarded Qingxue as their opponent in the final in his heart.

"It's Sakurai and Ishida facing up to Kamiji and Kamiji?"

Oishi was a little surprised. It seemed that Ice Emperor was determined to win the first doubles No. [-], so he actually sent a combination of Shinozu and Huachi.

"The chance of Ice Empress winning this game is 100%."

Gan Sadaharu pushed his glasses, and Renzu's strength as the second person of the ice emperor is naturally beyond doubt, and the opponent has already walked a long way on the road of selflessness.As for Kawaji Takahiro, with the ability to imitate the heart of a child and his own strong physique, he is also a character like a monster.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

Huadi Takahiro's dull voice sounded, and a crimson light flashed in his eyes, which was a raging flame.

The movement of the same move from Takahiro Kawaji's hand was much stronger than that of Ishida Tetsu, and the beam of light that seemed to crush everything smashed towards the field of Fudo Peak with a destructive aura.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone in Fudo Peak, the bodies of Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masaya flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ishida! Sakurai!"

Kamio Akira shouted worriedly, this guy from Ice Empress is simply a monster.

"Cough cough."

Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masa also struggled to get up from the ground. The terrifying force of that ball just now made Ishida Tetsu think of his elder brother.The fluctuating ball that the other party learned from him - Burst Broken, I am afraid that only his elder brother can easily catch it.

Although the situation of the scene has been overwhelmingly favored by Ice Emperor, Ishida and Sakurai will not give up just yet.Even if he loses, he can't lose the face of Fudofeng and Captain Ju.

"Hmph! Useless struggle! Get rid of them, Huadi!"

Atobe sneered, the other party still had the idea of ​​struggling?

Huadi Takahiro responded dully, then straddled his feet heavily and stomped on the ground, and stomped on the hearts of everyone in Fudo Peak.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

The cannon was ejected and burst into flames.

A burst of anger rolled in, and Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masa only had time to put on a stance before they were taken away and fell to the ground again.

"Referee! We forfeit this game."

Seeing this, Tachibana Yoshihei sighed, and finally made a decision for Ishida and Sakurai.

"Captain! We can fight again."

Ishida Tetsu was a little anxious, they hadn't lost yet.

"You guys can't win. It's better to give up this game than get injured here. There is still a Kanto competition waiting for us!"

Tachibana Yoshihei persuaded that he really didn't want Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masa to suffer too serious injuries here.

Ice Emperor's ninjutsu didn't make any moves, Huadi alone had already suppressed Ishida and Sakurai, and it would probably be futile to fight any further.

The doubles [-] match ended hastily, and Shinzuzu didn't even hit a few shots. Huadi's performance alone was enough to win this round.

(End of this chapter)

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