Chapter 462
"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 3:4."

"Both sides change game!"

The situation of this round was beyond everyone's expectations. Ninja, who had opened up the limit of his brilliance, failed to win this round, and was suppressed by Qingxue in turn.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Tachibana Jiping is also a little confused, he is very clear about the effect of the limit of brilliance, and the current situation is obviously that the brilliance of Renzu has failed.

Or maybe it was blinded by something.

The same is true for the eighth inning that started later. No matter how careful you are, the image and reality in your mind will always deviate from the last ball, and your opponent will score.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 4:4."

The score was tied by Qian Zhenzhi and Haitang Xun. Now everyone can be sure that the limit of Renzu's talent has been broken by the duo of Qingxue.

"Good job, Gan."

Tezuka looked at Gan Sadaharu and praised silently in his heart.

I am afraid that he is the only one who knows what happened. In fact, Qian Zhenzhi had already expected that he would face Renzu when he faced the ice emperor.So in order to be able to win Ninjazu, he specially found Tezuka as a sparring partner, and developed a brand new ability based on Tezuka's talent.

Unlike Liu Rener, Gan Sadaharu believed in the power of data tennis from the beginning to the end. For him, data tennis is the technology, the only technology, that he can stand on a higher stage.

Today, Gan Sadaharu's accomplishments in data tennis have already surpassed Liu Renji and become the well-deserved No.1 in junior high school.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

Sadaharu Sadaharu, who had mastered the right to serve, was fully fired. Even if Xiang Hiyake joined the confrontation, he could not change the reality of being scored.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 5:4."

"The match point game of the Youth Academy, the two sides change the game!"

"Qingxue won the match point!"

Ryo Shishido's face was serious. If facing Qinggaku, if he could not win the doubles, the consequences would be very serious.

"The problem should be with Qian Zhenzhi, but I don't know exactly what happened."

Atobe sighed, now he can only pin his hopes on Ninzuzu.

"Renzu, your brilliance is useless."

Facing the end, Ninazu Sakakitaro said lightly.

"Yes, I understand!"

Renzu is naturally very clear about this, although he doesn't know how the other party did it.

"The next step is to return to the most primitive confrontation, but I believe that with your strength, you can definitely win even if you don't rely on your talent."

Hearing this, Shinobu and Xianghi bowed deeply to Sakaki Taro, and they will fight to the death.

Xiang Riyueren clenched his racket and swung it forward heavily, igniting the fire that started the decisive battle.

There was a flash of brilliance on Qian Zhenzhi's thick glasses, no matter what the opponent was, he believed that his data would definitely help him score.

"Don't be too happy too soon! Qingxue!"

The voice of Renzu came faintly, Haitang's heart sank, and she jumped up in front of him with Renzu lightly tapping the ground, and the racket in her hand brought out a touch of brilliance.

The tennis ball whistling across the net turned around Haitang's side with a complicated spin, and finally hit the sideline.

"Appeared! Ninjazu's S·S·A·S!"

Shishido Ryo exclaimed, how long has it been since Ninzu made this move.

"Is it a short snake ball?"

Taocheng asked suspiciously after seeing the ball, and had to say that the trajectory of this ball was indeed similar to Haitang's short snake ball.

"No! That's Ninzu's S·S·A·S, Ninzu's genius known as the Ice Emperor, possessing all kinds of unique skills."

Tezuka shook his head, they had already seen Ninzuzu's various stunts in the first year.But as Shinobu embarked on the road of selflessness, he hadn't used his various stunts for a long time, and now Ninja, who was forced to a desperate situation, was about to start to show his own power.

"This time it's F.D!"

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 30:0."

"In this game, Ice Emperor Academy scored, the score is 5:5."

With Shinobu breaking out to tie the score, the game was pulled into a longer competition.

"Damn it! What the hell is Haitang doing!"

Takeshi Momoshiro hammered the guardrail angrily. He was just a spectator in this match, so he actually accumulated a lot of depression in his heart.After seeing that Haitang has not hit the snake ball to help Qian Zhenzhi score, Taocheng obviously became a little impatient.

"Senior A Tao, you are very noisy!"

Long Ma pulled the brim of his hat and complained.

"What! How dare you call me noisy!"

The voice of Momojo from above was a little higher again, and then Tezuka's cold gaze from the sidelines swept over, Momojo's neck suddenly went cold, and Momojo withered suddenly when he turned his head to meet Tezuka's gaze.

He was most afraid of Tezuka.

"In this game, Ice Emperor Academy scored, the score is 6:5."

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 6:6."

"Tie-break tie-breaker! Youth Gakuen Sadaharu's serve!"

As the game was dragged into the tiebreaker, everyone at the scene fell silent.Before the game, few people thought that this game would be dragged into a tie-break.


The condition of Ninzuzu is very bad. Maintaining the state of no-self for a long time will greatly consume Ninzu's physical strength. The state of no-self is a double-edged sword.

"Damn it! Eyelids are so heavy!"

Renzu's heart sank, and he could hardly hold on anymore.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

As if grasping the moment when Ninzuzu lost his mind, Gan Sadaharu jumped straight into the air, and the soaring water column brought by the waterfall directly hit Ninzuzu's feet.

The flash of coolness dispelled the tiredness in Ren Zuo's heart, but he couldn't react to this ball after all.

"I didn't expect the game to enter the final game, and the power of Sadaharu Sadaharu's serve from Aigaku has not diminished at all!"

Akira Kamio said with a shocked face, you must know that the game has already reached the final tiebreaker.

"No, the power of his serve has weakened, it's just that Ice Emperor's forbearance can no longer support him."

Tachibana Jiping shook his head, feeling a little regretful.Out of yearning for Chitose, he actually hoped that Ninzu could win, but it's a pity.
"The game is over, and the Youth Academy Sadaharu Sadaharu and Haitang Kaoru team won, with a score of 7:6."

In the end, Ninja, who was exhausted, was still no match for Gan Sadaharu's data tennis, and this game also exceeded everyone's expectations.

It was terrible to lose to Qingxue unexpectedly when Bingdi overwhelmed his second leader.

(End of this chapter)

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