The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 466 Ryoma VS Huadi

Chapter 466 Ryoma VS Huadi
"Cut! Still can't beat them!"

Shishido Ryo straightened his waist, put one hand on his waist, and Seigaku's golden combination was indeed difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, Shishido-senpai. We will definitely run into them again, and we will definitely win them back next time."

The warm man Chotaro saw that Shishido Ryo seemed to be in a bad mood and hurried forward to comfort him.

"Don't worry Chotaro, I'm fine."

Shishido Ryo naturally knew what Chotaro was worried about. In fact, he was just a little bit emotional, and not too frustrated.

"I'll definitely want you to look good next time! Oishi, Kikumaru!"

Then Shindo Ryo and Chotaro came to the net, and they had already known each other so many times.

"Hmph! Dashi and I are going to be the first doubles team in the country. You can't beat us!"

Kikumaru shook his head proudly, this is his and Oishi's goal this year.

"How dare you say it, Kikumaru!"

Shindo Ryo smiled noncommittally, he had to admit that Kikumaru and Oishi were indeed qualified to say this.

"I didn't expect Qingxue to win two doubles matches in a row."

Seeing Shindo Ryo, Kikumaru and others leaving the stage, Yoshihira Tachibana chuckled. Before that, he thought that the doubles match between Hyotei and Aokai was 1:1.

This is also the score guessed by most of the people present, but now there is a little accident.

"Now the Ice Empress is cornered."

Akira Kamio smiled happily, he still hates Hyotei more than Aigaku, mainly because of Atobe.

The two doubles victories undoubtedly tilted the balance of victory to Aigaku's side, Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsuhito on Aigaku's side.

The two of the Big Three haven't made a move yet. On the other hand, there is only one trace left on Ice Emperor's side.

"Just watch the next singles match."

Ibu Fukasa said lightly.

In singles three, if Qingxue wins, Bingdi will be over.

"The finals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition will begin soon. The singles match between Youth Academy and Hyotei Academy No. [-] will be played by Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma against Hyotei Academy Kawaji Takahiro. Players from both sides are invited to play."

"What?! Qingxue actually gave such an important position as the third in singles to a kid in the first grade?"

"Are you kidding me! Is Qingxue so entrusted to me?"

"Heh! First grade? It seems that Ice Emperor will definitely win this singles match."

After seeing that Qing Xue was a short freshman, the audience lost interest in the game.In their view, Qingxue had arranged for this first-year student to run into a wall, to train his own juniors.

Ryoma and Takahiro Huadi stood apart from each other, just looking at their height and body shape, these two people seemed to be on a par with each other.

"Please advise!"

Ryoma habitually stretched out his small hand towards Huadi, and he didn't think about how Huadi could shake hands with him at such a height.

Huadi looked at Ryoma dully, without the slightest intention to shake hands with Ryoma.


Ryoma, with his hot face on his cold butt, knew he was bored, so he withdrew his hand.

"The match begins! A one-set match, Echizen Ryoma's serve from Youth Gakuen!"

Ryoma stood behind the end line on the right, patted the tennis ball in his hand gently.

"little guy"

After winning, Kikumaru still had the fierceness of the previous fierce battle on his face, but at the moment he was full of worries.He really didn't know why Tezuka had the guts to arrange for Ryoma to confront the freak Huadi.

"Don't worry Eiji, trust our juniors."

Oishi seemed to have sensed Kikumaru's heart, and gently patted Kikumaru's shoulder and said.


Kikumaru nodded and turned his gaze to the field.

"It was an outspin serve with the right hand. It seems that the kid is in a very good state today."

Taocheng's eyes brightened, and Longma's right-handed outspin serve has become more and more proficient.

After landing, the tennis ball rolled violently on the ground under the pressure of Ryoma's violent and complicated rotation, then bounced up suddenly, rubbing against Huadi's face and soaring into the sky.

The ball that flew close in front of him did not move Huadi's face in the slightest, Ryoma was slightly taken aback when he saw it.

"Does this guy really have expressions?"

Although this was not the first time seeing Kawachi, Ryoma's impression of this big man was still that of Atobe's follower.

"It's an outspin serve again!"

The three little ones from Qingxue exclaimed, they watched Longma's race with great enthusiasm.

"In this round, Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma scored, and the score was 1:0."

"What a first grader! He can actually hit such a serve!"

"It's really a youth school that has won the national championship for two consecutive years. Their first graders are so good!"

"It seems that the Youth Society's decision to let the first grade play in this game was not arranged randomly."

Longma's performance in the first game made those who had been pessimistic about him put away their contempt for Longma, and the audience began to look forward to Longma's performance.

"Hmph! These people really underestimate Huadi!"

Xiang Hiyake seemed a little annoyed when he heard people around him start to praise Qinggaku's first grader, Huadi just didn't make a move yet.

"It's okay Yueren, Huadi will shut them up right away!"

Ninja Yushi said lightly, he has come out of the shadow of defeat, and now he is a quiet spectator.

"Get rid of him, Huadi!"

Atobe chuckled from the sidelines.


Huadi in the arena responded dully, and then his motionless body started to move as if it had been wound up.

The tennis ball was thrown from the palm of Huadi, and then Huadi's wide toes jumped up lightly, swinging the racket with his right hand and quickly swiping over his head from behind.

"Oops! It's the little one's outspin serve!"

Kikumaru's eyes widened instantly, the monster Huadi came again!A parody of the heart of a child.


This familiar ball caused Ryoma to lose his mind for a moment, and then he suddenly felt something was wrong.

A gust of wind surged up in front of his eyes, and the white baseball cap on his head was instantly carried away by a golden light and shadow.If Ryoma hadn't turned his head slightly at the last moment, he would have been disfigured if he didn't keep it straight.

"This is my outspin serve?!"

Ryoma's heart sank. Is this the imitation of the heart of a child that the seniors said?

"It's okay, little one!"

Due to the distance, Kikumaru and others only saw the ball bouncing close to Ryoma, so everyone was a little worried whether Ryoma was injured.But seeing that Ryoma picked up his hat without the slightest delay and put it on, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 30:0."

Compared with Ryoma's outspin serve, the outspin serve played by Huadi's terrifying power is superior in speed and strength, and even has a larger bounce angle.

(End of this chapter)

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