The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 468 Questions

Chapter 468 Questions
"I really didn't expect that this match would turn into a duel without me?!"

Tachibana Jiping was very surprised that the first grade of Qingxue had already stepped into the realm of selflessness. The most important thing was that he wanted to know whether the second grade of Bingdi entered the realm of selflessness by himself or purely by imitation .

If it's the latter, then Tachibana Jiping's assessment of the ability of this second grade will obviously be improved to a higher level.

"The realm without me!"

Akira Kamio looked at the field, and it turned out that the power that the kid Echizen Ryoma finally erupted at that time was the realm of selflessness.

Kamio Akira doesn't know much about the realm of selflessness, and only heard about it from Tachibana Yoshihei, but judging from the cautious appearance of his minister, it is undoubtedly a very powerful force.

"Renzu, who do you think will win this duel without me?"

Xiang Riyue suddenly became curious, so he found Renzu who also had the power of selflessness.

"That's needless to say! Of course it's Huadi, and selflessness is not a god. This kind of thing can only give a certain increase on its original basis. Of course, whoever is stronger will become stronger."

Renzu pushed his glasses and said lightly.

Ryoma raised his hand high, and the brilliance of selflessness poured into the tennis ball with the hand smashed down.

"It's not an outspin serve?"

Xiang Riyue was slightly surprised. Ryoma's serve was just an ordinary topspin serve, but with the blessing of Wuwu, the strength and speed of this serve became a bit astonishing.

"This serve poses no threat to Huadi at all."

After seeing Huadi hit the ball back easily, he sneered, the freshman in Qingxue might have lost his head.

"That's it! Captain Tachibana's ball-popping flurry!"

Akira Kamio exclaimed after seeing Ryoma jumping up with one foot after the run-up, with the racket in his hand sideways protecting his chest, he was too familiar with this movement.

The frame of the racket in Ryoma's hand shone with selfless brilliance and slashed at the tennis ball, and the rewinding tennis ball split into shadows all over the sky in an instant after crossing the net.

Huadi's innocent little head couldn't tell which one was the real tennis ball in an instant.

Whoosh whoosh!
The shadow of the ball flew past Huadi's body, and then a crisp sound sounded from behind Huadi.

"Game, Echizen Ryoma, 15:0."

"This time it's Atobe's waltz towards destruction!"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone in Bingdi, Longma's thin body jumped up, landed and jumped up again, and the second smash directly pierced Huadi's half.

"Game, Echizen Ryoma, 30:0."

"In this round, Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma scored, and the score was 3:2."

"Both sides switch sides!"

The brilliance of selflessness on Ryoma's body shines. From the previous confrontation with Atobe to comprehend the power of selflessness, Ryoma has been able to independently control the power of selflessness in such a short period of time. I have to say that he is worthy of being the son of Echizen Nanjiro. On the path of selflessness, Ryoma's talent can be described as extremely high.


Tezuka watched the field silently, until now he hadn't seen any bright spots on Ryoma's body.Although Ryoma's current strength is not weak, but in terms of strength alone, Ryoma's current Ryoma is not as good as himself and Fuji when he was in the first grade.And there is still a big problem with Ryoma now, that is, his tennis always carries the shadow of his father.

If these things are not resolved, Tezuka will not agree to give Ryoma the position of Aigaku's Future Pillar.

In a trance, Tezuka suddenly remembered Fuji, and didn't know how Fuji's days in foreign expeditions are going now.

"Vice President Tezuka, it's great to be able to come to Seigaku!"

After Ryoma came to sit beside Tezuka, his eyes under the brim of his hat were full of excitement.


Tezuka, who was pulled back to the court by Ryoma's voice, was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the light in Ryoma's eyes.

"Echizen, concentrate on it!"

Tezuka didn't say much, but Ryoma's eyes were great, he liked it very much.

"Yes, Vice President Tezuka!"

Long Mara pulled his hat, and walked back to the field with firm steps.

"It's another dry waterfall!"

15: 0.

"This time it's Sanada's aggression!"

30: 0.

"Will this match turn into a tug-of-war?!"

Haitang couldn't help but blurt out after seeing Ryoma lose to Huadi's serve again. In this situation where no one can do anything, the game will undoubtedly be dragged into a tiebreaker.

"It looks like it should be."

Dashi looked worriedly at Ryoma who got up from the ground again. Is his junior all right?

"The power of Huadi, this brat has no way to fight against it."

Shishido Ryo on Ice Emperor's side said lightly.

"That's right, but the freshman from Qingxue was very clever in using his speed to deal with Huadi in his serve, and Huadi couldn't help him for a while."

Shinozu nodded. In fact, the two sides still have their own serve so far.

"In this round, Takahiro Kawaji of Hyotei Gakuen scored, the score is 3:3."

"In this round, Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma scored, and the score was 4:3."

"In this round, Takahiro Kawaji of Hyotei Gakuen scored, the score is 4:4."

"In this round, Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma scored, and the score was 5:4."

"The match point game of Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma, the two sides switched!"

"Okay! The little one won the match point."

Kikumaru shouted excitedly.

"But it's useless, Huadi's next round will be Huadi's serve."

Taocheng's words made everyone's originally happy mood suddenly drop, yes, Ryoma has not broken the opponent's serve so far.

Tezuka glanced at Ryoma who returned to his side and nodded secretly in his heart. In fact, he had already discovered Ryoma's plan.It seems that Longma not only has a good talent, but also has a first-class golf quotient, so he can come up with such a way.

Such a method is not too shameful when his body is not dominant, after all, Ryoma is only a first-year student.

"Cut! I don't know what the people in Qingxue are happy about."

Seeing Kikumaru's happy look, Shishido Ryo curled his lips in disdain.

"That is to say, Huadi's strength hasn't declined at all!"

Xiang Riyue said with a chuckle.

Hearing this, a thought suddenly flashed in Atobe's mind.

No, not right!

Although the number of rounds in each round is very short, the game so far does not seem to have passed too long, but except for the first year of Huadi and the freshman of Qinggaku, they have always maintained selflessness state, and the state of no-self is very exhausting.

Huadi's physical strength should have been consumed a lot. Correspondingly, Huadi's strength should have begun to decline, and it is impossible to maintain the original level.

Thinking of this, Atobe stared at the field with deep eyes, and he really found a clue.

At this time, Huadi had already thrown the tennis ball, and jumped up from the ground again with difficulty.

This time it was Shanbuki Qianshi's tiger cannon!
"Huadi! Be careful! That brat will hit back with this ball! Your strength has weakened!"

When Atobe's voice came, Huadi's eyes flashed with agility.

(End of this chapter)

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