Chapter 470
Europe on the other side.

After finishing the first round of the expedition, everyone in the Neon team began to return.

After winning a big victory, they harvested a lot of points, and at the same time, other teams in the world recalled the dark horse that could not be blacked out in the French U-17 World Cup Open.

"Hey, it's all a group of miscellaneous fish!"

This time, Tohno Atsukyo had a great time, and while sitting on the return flight, he still couldn't forget the feeling of wantonly playing with his opponents.

"Forgive me, I don't want to go out again."

Daqu Ryuji sighed slightly, he is a guy who likes to be quiet but not to move.

"Ha ha!"

Bu Er smiled slightly, these seniors really have their own characteristics.

In a trance, Bu Er remembered the warm-up match with Polk in Rome.

"Sure enough, there is still a gap between myself and the world's top players."

Fuji sighed slightly, although he was just warming up, he had already clearly noticed the gap between himself and Polk.

The return charter plane landed directly at Tokyo International Airport, and then the group boarded the bus that had been waiting for a long time and headed towards the mountain where the co-studio was located.

"It feels so good to be back!"

As soon as they stepped into the gate of Hesu, everyone felt a sense of relief.

Overseas is different from co-studios. Although there is competition in co-studios, there is also a degree. Overseas will not tell you any martial arts.If there is a chance to do something wrong, those other teams who are staring at you will not let you go, so the risk factor overseas is undoubtedly several times or even dozens of times that of Hesu.

"Welcome everyone back in victory!"

Saitozhi led a group of coaching staff members who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"It's coming again, please forgive me!"

As soon as Daqu Ryuji saw this scene, he knew that these coaches were giving himself and his people another job.

"Please send everyone."

Anyway, this is not the first time, and Saitozhi believes that these people in the First Army are no longer unfamiliar with the process.

Then everyone in the first army followed the members of the coaching staff and left the gate one by one, leaving only one person behind.

"What? Didn't you arrange an opponent for me this time?"

Bu Er smiled slightly.

"Don't be joking, but those people from the Second Army can't be your opponents."

Saitozhi shook his head with a smile, and Kurobe beside him also smiled and said nothing.

Although the Returnees Challenge is an opportunity for the young people of the Second Army, but knowing that the winning rate is zero and then arranging to be tortured, it is avoided.

"Come with me, the head coach is already waiting for you in the meeting room."

Saitozhi smiled slightly.

"Oh? The old man, the head coach, actually went down the mountain?"

It was a bit of a surprise for Bu Er to come down now. You must know that if nothing major happens, the three boats will not go down the mountain easily.

Did something big happen?

With no doubts in mind, he followed the two coaches to the largest main building in the dormitory.

Fuji, who pushed open the door of the conference room, was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that besides Mifune, the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple was also there.

"Head coach! Here comes the second."

Saito Zhizhi, who brought Fuji to the back, came to Mifune's side and said.

"Sit down, kid."

Mifune Irmichi withdrew his gaze from the window and motioned for Fuji to sit down beside Byodo-in Temple.

"Boy, I heard you did a good job this time."

Byodoin glanced at Fuji.

He was referring to the fact that Fuji led the expedition.

"I heard that senpai is also very active in the world."

Bu Er smiled slightly.

During the days when he was leading the overseas expedition, he heard the news that there was a pirate from the East that was raging all over Europe. It seemed that Byodoin was also living a thrilling life these days.

"Hmph! You brat!"

The corner of Byodoin's mouth twitched slightly, that was natural, he was the Phoenix of Byodoin!

"Okay, okay, shut up, both of you."

Mifune sat down on the chair and said.

"Now the documents of the guys from the World Tennis Association have been officially issued. This year's Australian U-17 World Cup Open has clearly required junior high school students to participate. So in order to achieve better results in this year's Australian U-17 World Cup Open I plan to start recruiting junior high school students to train in the dormitory in the near future to prepare for this year's Australian U-17 World Cup Open."

Mifune said lightly.

"Okay, I have no objection."

In fact, the Court of Equality has known this for a long time, so he naturally has no opinion.

"Then it's up to us to draw up the list of junior high school students to be invited."

Imito Mifune put a solid piece of information in front of everyone. These are the information collected by Kurobe and others about good seedlings in various schools in the middle school world.

"Hmph! Just let this kid do this kind of thing. He should know the situation in the middle school best."

Byodoin flipped through it casually and threw the pile of materials aside. His head grew big from reading too many words.

As the Court of Equality said, affairs in the middle school should naturally be handled by people in the middle school.He believes that with his unique character and courage, he will not do anything against the rules, not to mention that these guys selected from the country will be the best team in the future.

"That's right, kid, I'll leave the list to you, and give it to me tomorrow."

Mifune Irumichi stood up and left the meeting room, he had to deal with other things.The arrival of junior high school students will have a major impact on the co-students. He must discuss with Kurobe and others how to accommodate these junior high school students, and whether some high school students should be eliminated from the co-studio.


Fuji smiled wryly and shook his head, but he just got off the plane, so he couldn't rest for a moment.

Naturally, there is no need to read the information, and there are already plans for the candidates to be invited.Leaving the conference room, Bu Er took the opportunity to go to the stadium dedicated to the First Army. He had already heard that Ghost and Irie and others had been hanging out there recently.

"Black hole!"

When Fuji came here, Irie was playing against Tokugawa on the court.

"I didn't expect to be practiced by him!"

Fuji's approving voice caught the attention of Tanejima and Oni.

"No two! When did you come back?"

Oni Jujiro said with a smile on his fierce face.

"You kid, you want to scare seniors, don't you!"

With a smile on Taneshima's face, he hugged Buerdao.

"I just came back today. It seems that Tokugawa has grown very quickly under the guidance of the three of you."

Buer looked at the field and said with a smile.

"Tokugawa is a very talented guy, and he works hard, just..."

Taneshima didn't finish his sentence, but Fuji knew what he was going to say.

Just Tokugawa's opponent, too strong!
NO.17 of Neon Team U-1, Byodoin Phoenix!

(End of this chapter)

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