The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 486 Huadi's talent shines

Chapter 486 Huadi's talent shines


Kirihara's face was full of anger, he knew that if he went on like this, he would be finished.

"What serve, watch me hit it back!"

Kirihara became more and more angry with Huadi's dull eyes. Kirihara's pupils began to flash with dark green light, and then he stepped steadily to stand behind the left end line.

Huadi's tall body was firmly nailed to the bottom line, and he raised his shoulders to watch the tennis ball being thrown away.

"One shot into the soul!"

Compared with Feng Chotaro's heavy artillery serve, Huadi is stronger in strength, but the ball speed is not as good as Feng Chotaro's original heavy artillery serve.

"I saw!"

Kirihara Chiya showed a presumptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and that sharp and piercing laughter made many people present frown.

Kirihara Chi also rushed to the landing point of the ball very quickly, and swung the ball head-on with a powerful backhand.


Chiya Kirihara's pupils shrank, and the huge impact from his hand made him involuntarily let go of his grip on the racket immediately.

With a plop, Kirihara's seemingly thin body was directly overturned by Huadi's huge force, and he fell to the ground.

"In this round, Takahiro Kawaji of Hyotei Gakuen scored, the score is 5:3."

"The match point game of Takahiro Kawaji of Ice Emperor Academy!"

The referee's voice resounded throughout the audience, and Takahiro Kawaji's body standing resolutely on the baseline formed a stark contrast with Kirihara Akaya's figure prostrate on the ground.

Victory and defeat!

This is what most viewers are thinking at the moment. Just looking at the current situation on the field, a discerning eye can see that Takahiro Kawaji of the Ice Empress has clearly taken advantage.

"Jie Jie!"

Just when everyone was already looking forward to the next singles duel, Kirihara on the ground suddenly climbed up with one hand on the ground, and the piercing laughter made many people frown.

"That's not it!"

Kikumaru was at a loss for words, looking at Kirihara Akaya's current state and pointing at Akutsu for a long time, unable to speak.

At this moment, Kirihara has white hair soaring to the sky, red skin and green eyes full of terror, like a demon walking out of hell.Indeed, this state is exactly the same as Akutsu's demonization, but Akutsu hasn't been in that state for a long time.

"Chi Ye."

Everyone on Li Haida's side was not too surprised, they already knew that Kirihara had the same ability as Akutsu.Liu Lian'er looked at Qieyuan who had become demonized with some concern, he really didn't know whether this state was good or bad for Qieyuan.But there is no way, the current Rikkai needs Kirihara to stand up, and he believes that with the help of himself and Yukimura Sanada, sooner or later he can find a solution to Kirihara's problem.

"I want! Break you!"

The demonized Kirihara licked his lips with a slur, his dark green pupils were full of bloodthirsty eyes.

Kirihara Chi also raised his left hand, and the knuckles of his fingers were pressed tightly against the fluff layer on the surface of the tennis ball.

"Knuckle serve!"

The demonized Kirihara directly used his most powerful chasing serve, and he didn't even know where the ball would bounce.

Takahiro Takahiro Takahiro Takahiro Takahiro Takahiro Takahiro's abdomen was hit hard, and the bouncing tennis ball hit his stomach mercilessly.

"Damn! This guy!"

Shishido Ryo had an angry look on his face, he knew very well that Kirihara was going directly at Huadi's body.

"Huadi, is he okay?"

The warm man Chotaro was more worried about Huadi's body. The power of that ball just now seemed extraordinary. Is it really okay for Huadi to take a solid hit?

After scoring a goal, Kirihara obviously became a little excited.After switching to the left service line, swing the racket again, this time still serve with the knuckles.

The tennis ball bouncing off the ground hit Huadi's abdomen again impartially, and this time it was obvious that there was a look of pain in Huadi's eyes.

"In this game, Akiya Kirihara scored from the High School Affiliated to Lihai University, and the score was 4:5."

"Both sides switch sides!"

The referee glanced at Kirihara with some horror, he didn't understand why this player suddenly turned into such a ghost.

"Huadi hurts too much!"

Kawaji, who was walking in front of Sakakitaro, suddenly spoke in a dull voice.

Atobe's eyes were fixed, even his elegance was unavoidably a little angry at this time.Even Huadi couldn't help crying out in pain, which meant that the few balls just now did cause a lot of damage to Huadi.

"Huadi, get rid of him!"

Atobe stroked his forehead lightly, and gave Huachi a look that only he could understand.


After hearing Atobe's signal, Huachi seemed to forget the pain on his body, and a deep light appeared in his eyes again.

After the two sides switched courts, the offense and defense switched, and the game came to Huadi's round.

A burst of milky white aura suddenly appeared on Huadi's body. This aura slowly climbed from his body to the top of his head, and finally formed a cloud of colorful light shining behind his head.

"The realm of selflessness? No, this is the limit of brilliance!"

Liu Lianer immediately judged Huadi's current state. Not long ago, Ninzu defeated the combination of Marui and Jack with this move. Is the plot going to repeat itself now?

"Hmph! You're full of energy!"

Sanada snorted coldly, this disgusting aura of selflessness reminded him of Tezuka.

Yukimura was also a little surprised, and things seemed to start to develop beyond his expectations.He didn't expect that Bingdi, a player named Takahiro Huadi, could even imitate the brilliance of one of Wuwo's ​​three gates.Yukimura once asked Nioh about this matter, even if Nioh wants to phantom his talents, it is not so easy, and it is still thanks to Liu Renji's teaching Nioh in data tennis.

And the current Ice Emperor Takahiro Kawaji doesn't look like a person who is good at data tennis.

"I want! Break you!"

Kirihara Akiya had already lost his consciousness at this moment, he was not surprised by Huadi's brilliance, his goal was to defeat the opponent in front of him.

"Seven balls!"

Huadi's big mouth opened, and the muffled sound shocked many people.

Are you coming?Takahiro Kawaji's talent shines!

The cannonball-like flat serve cut off many people's assumptions. This kind of serve seems to be common, and it is simply a combination of strength and speed.

"Watch me crush you!"

Kirihara's eyes shone with a dark green light, and his five dimensions, which had become demonized, had been significantly improved.

One ball, two balls.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Kirihara's mouth, and he jumped up in the midfield and buckled down the racket in his hand.

Kirihara didn't try to hide his behavior at all, this ball was aimed directly at Huadi's body.

Huadi's burly body was slightly turned to one side, and then the arm holding the beat was lowered.

"This is! Climb the Moon Intercept?"

Kikumaru exclaimed, he was very familiar with this posture!

Dashi had mixed feelings in his heart at the moment, and he felt a little weird seeing that his unique skill was about to emerge from other people's hands.

A new moon rises from the ground, leaps over the net under everyone's shocked eyes, and then hits the bottom line with precision.

And this decisive goal was the seventh goal, and Takahiro Kawaji's brilliance really took effect.

(End of this chapter)

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