The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 491 King VS Son of God

Chapter 491 King VS Son of God

"Atobe, wouldn't he be defeated by the opponent without scoring a single point?"

Xiang Riyue looked at the field with a serious face.

If this is the case, it will be a very heavy blow to the morale of their Ice Empress.

"Atobe! Get moving!"

Shishido Ryo clung to the side of the court and shouted loudly towards the court.

Although he knew that Atobe might not be able to hear his shout at this moment, but this was his insistence.

"Atobe! Is this what you mean by being above the whole country? Aren't you going to prove it to me! Get moving!"

Ninjazu also joined the shouting team, they would never allow Atobe to fall into the abyss of defeat like this.

"The Department of Traces!"

"The Department of Traces!"

Everyone in Ice Empress began to call Atobe's name, trying to pull Atobe back from the abyss of insensibility.

"It seems that everyone in Ice Empress trusts their minister."

Bu Er said lightly.

"Perhaps this is the charm of the king!"

Qian Zhenzhi sighed slightly.

It's not the case for their Qingxue.

"Oh! It's useless! No matter how much you shout, it's impossible to wake him up from the state of insensibility!"

Yukimura's gaze was fixed, and the tennis ball in his hand was thrown away with a flick of his wrist.If his extermination of the five senses is so easy to break free, then he is not qualified to challenge Budu. It is impossible for external factors to make the person who has taken away the five senses regain his five senses.


Yukimura frowned, Atobe actually broke free from his five senses?

Amid the cheers of everyone in Ice Emperor, the racket in Atobe's hand firmly blocked the bouncing tennis ball, and there was a wanton smile on the corner of his mouth.

Atobe flicked his arm, and after a crisp sound, an astonishing golden light rolled back.

Yukimura's serve was hit back by Atobe!
"Oh! That's how it is! It really is not an opponent that can be easily defeated!"

Yukimura smiled slightly, stepped forward, and swept the ball with a powerful backhand diagonally.

The electric light that shot out from Yukimura's hand shattered into little particles of light, and the moment it disappeared, it had already reached Atobe's half.

Yukimura's half-volley is not as good as others, and his technique of using strength is even more extreme.

Although Atobe's pupils were still dull, his movements caught up with Yukimura's half-volley that was as fast as a thunderbolt.

It was also a backhand shot, and Atobe used his strong strength and wrist strength to forcefully suppress the strength and rotation of Yukimura's ball.

"Even in a coma, don't you forget your original intention to rule the world? It's really you, Atobe!"

Bu Er chuckled lightly.

He naturally also discovered Atobe's current state. Although Atobe did not break free from Yukimura's five senses of extinction, he can drive his body actions with his subconscious obsession with victory, which is really amazing.

"It's impossible to defeat me just relying on the state of instinct to fight back! Atobe, in this state, you have no way to attack my five senses!"

Yukimura yelled loudly, and then jumped forward to catch the racket and dunk it heavily.

A light string stirs the golden streamer to cut through the sky. Although Yukimura's tennis ball is not gorgeous enough, it is very ornamental.

At this moment, Atobe was in the dark space, and he knew very well that he was caught in Yukimura's five senses of extinction.But since Tezuka can decipher Yukimura's five senses, so how can he be inferior to others.

It is not his style to be unable to decipher moves that others can decipher.

In an instant, the dim space burst like a mirror, and Atobe managed to break free from Yukimura's five senses.

Atobe, who had regained his five senses, sprinted forward, leaping up with one foot.

Under Atobe's strong ball control, the mustard yellow ball precisely hit Yukimura's hand holding the racket.


Under the pain, even Yukimura couldn't help letting go of his right hand holding the racket.

"Don't be intoxicated by my master's wonderful skills!"

Towards the waltz of destruction!

The second smash made Yukimura defenseless, and Atobe's smash was extremely lethal while having a gorgeous appearance.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 15:40."

The referee's voice sounded, waking up many people who were still immersed in Atobe's waltz towards destruction just now.

"Got a score?!"

Xiang Riyue stammered.


Chotaro was finally able to let go of his hanging heart, and the Atobe they were familiar with finally returned.

Yukimura bent down to pick up his racket, and then looked across from him.

"I see! Even if you are deprived of your five senses, you can still sense the opponent's existence and break through the status quo, isn't that right Atobe?!"

Yukimura said lightly.

"Oh! Let the horse come here, Yukimura!"

After regaining the five senses, Atobe regained his confident appearance again. As the head of the ice emperor tennis department with a long history, he has the qualification to look at Yukimura at the same level.

Afterwards, Yukimura served the ball again. Neither side used any special tricks or skills, but relied on their respective foundations to continue to confront each other. The last ball of the first round was extremely intense.


Yukimura jumped up, and under the sunlight, his whole body was as dazzling as a god.

"In this game, Yukimura Seiichi from Lihai University Affiliated High School scored, and the score was 1:0."

"As expected of you, Atobe!"

Yukimura chuckled, and the match with Atobe made him feel the long-lost enthusiasm.

"It's only one game, don't be too happy! Yukimura!"

Atobe raised his head and said with a laugh.

"You're welcome, just come!"

Yukimura spread his arms and smiled.

"The body has already warmed up, and the good show is about to begin now!"

Atobe rested his left hand on his nose, and looked at Yukimura deeply.

After all, Yukimura doesn't actually have too many gorgeous skills. If the spiritual weapons such as the five senses are taken away from him, Yukimura is more inclined to players like Shiraishi.Although Atobe's foundation is also very strong, in the face of Yukimura, it is still a short game after all.

In the entire country, the only people who can compete with Yukimura on a basic basis are Tezuka and Shiraishi who took off the gold wristband.

Although Atobe didn't want to admit it, he also realized that if he didn't rely on his eyesight, he would lose the fight with Yukimura sooner or later.

After understanding this point, the Ministry decided not to try again, and it was his turn to attack in the next round.

After the two sides switched courts, it was Atobe's turn to serve.

The tennis ball was thrown high by Atobe, and then Atobe kicked off the ground and jumped up, swinging the racket heavily over his head.

Atobe's extremely strong wrist pressed down, and the tennis ball on the racket was instantly squeezed out.The extremely powerful topspin serve condensed into a spiral and spurted out, but it reached Yukimura's feet in just a few breaths.

This ball track department showed its own strength to the fullest, and everyone was shocked by Atobe's serve.

(End of this chapter)

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