The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 494 The Evolved Tannhauser

Chapter 494 The Evolved Tannhauser

"What are you going to do! Atobe!"

Yukimura looked at Atobe, his mirage mirror had made his style of play perfect, without any dead ends.Atobe's eyesight would be useless if he couldn't capture his mirage mirror.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and Yukimura suddenly felt a coolness coming from behind, and the sweat-soaked clothes became a little cool at this moment.

"Oh! Is this what it feels like to fight the king?"

Yukimura smiled slightly, he hadn't sweated so much for a long time.

Atobe on the other side is also thinking about countermeasures. He didn't expect that Yukimura's mirage mirror would block his play style of seeing through blind spots, and the outcome of a frontal breakthrough is really unpredictable.

"Atobe! Don't waver!"

Sakakitaro's voice suddenly rang in Atobe's ear.


Atobe raised his head, meeting Kamisakaki Taro's expectant eyes.

"Practice your own style of play, only in this way can you beat your opponent!"

Sakaki Taro saw that Atobe seemed to be confused, but now was not the time to be confused.

Back then, coaching the Ice Tei Tennis Club was purely out of hobby, but when he saw Ochi and his group working so hard to lead the Ice Tei to the top of the country, he found that he had already begun to like the job of being a consultant to the Ice Tei Tennis Club. .

In his eyes, Atobe is even better than Ochi Moonlight, and more suitable to be the head of the Hyotei Tennis Club.He hopes that Atobe can go further in the future, although as the opponent, it may not be possible to continue on the road of tennis in the future.

"Yes, I understand!"

Atobe nodded, wiped the sweat off his face again and stood up, his eyes regained his determination.

After the break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

After switching courts, it was Atobe's turn.

Atobe patted the tennis ball lightly, rekindling his heart that was temporarily silent due to the rest.

Atobe raised his arm, and the mustard yellow ball flew out of his hand.Then Atobu made a large backward bow, and turned his right hand inward to lead the racket to the back of his shoulder.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

With a thunderous bang, the tennis ball flew out under the impetus of Atobe's strong wrist. The powerful force and complex rotation made the sound of the tennis ball flying through the air particularly harsh.

Yukimura's eyes were slightly concentrated, and he was ready to chase the ball when Atobe just dropped the tennis ball from his hand.

"found it!"

Yukimura sprang out like a cheetah, and while running, the racket in his hand dipped into the bottom to try to pick up the ball.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 15:0."

However, he still failed. Although Yukimura caught the moment to hit Tannhauser's serve, his body did not catch up in time.

"In that case!"

The light in Yukimura's eyes began to dissipate, and the pupils became dim in the next second, and a terrifying aura swept from his body in all directions.

"Here it is! Yukimura's zero sense state!"

Liu Lian'er took a deep breath, no matter how you looked at Yukimura in this state, he was so scary.


Sanada looked solemn, it seemed that Atobe was really strong, and Yukimura was forced to use this trick.

"what is that?"

After seeing Yukimura's dead silent eyes, Ryoma's heart skipped a beat, it looked so scary!

"That's Yukimura's zero-sense tennis! You should already know his five-sense elimination. Zero-sense tennis means that Yukimura actively strips off his five senses, and only improves the sense necessary for playing tennis to the extreme state. Yukimura used to use This move counters Tezuka's seamlessness."

Qian Zhenzhi explained after seeing Ryoma's doubts.

"Giving up your five senses voluntarily!!!"

Long Ma was startled, can this kind of thing be done?In addition, what kind of courage and courage is required to take the initiative to deprive oneself of the five senses!


Long Ma pulled the brim of his hat, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth covered by the shadow of the brim.

It feels so good to be back at Nihong, there are so many masters with different styles of play and extremely strong strength.Although he is not their opponent yet, Ryoma believes that he will soon catch up and surpass them.

On the field.

As Yukimura's opponent at the moment, Atobe is naturally the one who feels the most deeply, and the powerful momentum that hits his face makes Atobe's heart ring loudly.

"Zero sense tennis! Come on, Yukimura!"

Atobe's eyes were deep, and the aura on his body was constantly confronting Yukimura.

A ball was thrown, and Atobe's strong core strength supported him to lean back even more.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

The force of this ball is heavier and the rotation is more violent.

Yukimura stepped forward, the racket hanging low on the ground firmly blocked the tennis ball trying to pass by his feet.

The tennis ball rubbed violently on the racket surface, and the spiral impact kept pushing Yukimura.

Yukimura lifted the racket upwards, and a golden stream of light rolled back.

A gust of wind passed by Atobe's side, leaving a drop of cold sweat on Atobe's forehead.

"Game, Seiichi Yukimura, 15:15"

The referee's voice sounded at the right time, and a mark was clearly visible not far behind Atobe.

"Tanhuaise of Atobe's serve was hit back!"

Xiang Hiyueren's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that Atobe's Tanhuaiser would be hit back on the second serve.

"Seiichi Yukimura!"

Take a deep breath with patience, is this the strength of Rikkai Daiyukimura Seichi? !

"He hit back before Tannhauser's serve changed. This countermeasure is perfect."

Marui Fumta said lightly.

The rest of Li Haida also nodded. Yukimura's ability to see through the essence of moves is undoubtedly the strongest among them, and his decision-making naturally has no problem at all.

"The principle is slightly different from Tezuka's Zero Type, but it's basically the same!"

Yukimura smiled slightly, Atobe's Tannhauser's serve has been broken by him!


Atobe snorted coldly, but said nothing.

"Come on, go on!"

Seeing this, Yukimura didn't say any more, after all, the game wasn't over yet.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

Although Tannhauser's serve has been broken by Yukimura, Atobe also has his own persistence.

Yukimura took a step forward, and swung a half-volley in an instant.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 30:15."

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 40:15."

"What the hell is this guy Atobe doing! Tannhauser's serve is useless! Why is he still insisting?"

Ryo Shishido didn't understand what Atobe was thinking. Obviously, Tanhuaiser's serve had already been cracked by the opponent. Why did Atobe insist on playing Tanhuaiser's serve? The sharp lowering of the waist became a weapon for Atobe to be scored by the opponent. up.

"Don't worry, Atobe has his reasons for doing so!"

Ninja Yuuji said lightly.

Although he doesn't know what Atobe is thinking, he is not a reckless guy, and he believes that Atobe's persistence must have his own plans.

On the field.


Atobe suddenly began to stretch his upper body, which made many people frown slightly. They knew that although Atobe loves to show off, he has never been a person who likes to show off.

"Are you ready to accept the move! Yukimura!"

After loosening his muscles and bones, Atobe suddenly laughed loudly.

"Come here, Atobe!"

Although Yukimura seemed calm on the surface, he was also vigilant in secret.

Atobe threw the ball again, and his body fell down.

"Is Tannhauser still serving?"

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses and said.

The waist and abdomen of the trace part suddenly contracted, and the forward-leaning body drove the arms to be buckled down heavily, and a spiral of energy spurted out, pushing the tennis ball to fly rapidly.

Just when Yukimura was about to take his own steps, a strong wind and snow suddenly appeared around him, and the biting cold made his body stiff in place.


In Yukimura's eyes, Atobe's Tanhuaiser actually split into two tennis balls after passing the net, one left and the other right towards him.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 30:40."

(End of this chapter)

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