Chapter 510 U-17
"So far, in this Kanto Contest, the representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy defeated Kanagawa County's representative Li Hai University Affiliated High School with a record of 3:0 and won the championship!"

"Let's congratulate them!"

The host's loud voice resounded throughout the audience, indicating that Qingxue won the championship of the Kanto Contest for three consecutive years!

It became the second school after Lihai University to achieve three consecutive championships in Kanto!

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

All the members of Qingxue cheered, for them, this is the time for carnival.

"It seems that there is no chance to fight this time, Yukimura!"

Fuji turned to look at Michi Yukimura.

"See you at the national competition!"

Yukimura took a deep breath, although he really wanted to compete with Fuji, but there was nothing he could do right now.

It's a pity that the big gift he specially prepared for Bu Er can only be saved for the national competition.

Yukimura firmly believes that he will have a chance to fight Fuji in the national competition.

Soon, the other two teams that entered the top four of the Kanto Competition were also led by the staff to the court, and the award ceremony will be held next.

Qingxue, Lihaida, Bingdi, Fudofeng.

These four schools will represent the Kanto region in the national competition this year!
After the game, the news that Qingxue won the Kanto Competition again spread throughout the country like mushrooms after rain.

This year's Qingxue once again sits on the throne, waiting for everyone to challenge.

After the Kanto competition, the Kansai competition, the Kyushu regional competition and other regional competitions also came to an end.

a few days later.

It was foggy.

A bus slowly passed through the mountains and forests.

In the car, Qingxue was seriously overloaded with the number of people this time, not only the eight regular team members, but also Taocheng and Haitang were brought here by Buer.

No way, who told him to be the best!
In addition, Qingxue is the winner of the national competition for two consecutive years, and the winner of the three consecutive Kanto competitions. Naturally, all members are eligible to be selected.

Everyone in the car seemed a little excited. After learning that they could enter the U-17 elite training camp, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night.

After driving for a while, the bus stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the group of people arrived at a gate as tall as a city gate after walking for a while.

Neon U-17 training camp has arrived.


The door slowly opened towards both sides, revealing the true face inside.

There is no difference between the inside and the outside, except that there is a small road among a large group of bushes.

"Is this the selection training camp for the U-17 representative team?"

Ryoma looked around curiously, it didn't look like a training camp no matter what.

"Is there no problem? We are only junior high school students and we are called to this kind of place!"

Dashi hesitated for a moment, is it really okay to compete with high school students?

"The odds are infinitely close to zero!"

Qian Zhenzhi opened his own information book, and he has started to collect information about this training camp since he knew that he was going to this U-17 training camp.

"From the beginning of the establishment of this training camp to last year, there was only one case of recruiting junior high school students, and that was the only one!"

Qian Zhenzhi's lenses were glowing with white light, and they naturally knew the news.

"The reason why I summoned us this time is that there is a 100% chance of a hidden secret!"

Gan Zhenzhi closed his own information book.

Although Fuji had told them that someone would invite them to the U-17 selection training camp, he did not tell them the reason for the precedent.

"Look, look, it's a surveillance camera!"

Everyone looked up and was taken aback for a moment, and Kikumaru had already climbed up to a surveillance camera set up high and was posing.

"Eiji! Stop messing around!"

Oishi hurriedly called Kikumaru down, it was too rude.

"I've said it several times, you are not allowed to walk in front of me!"

"Listen to me clearly, so you don't block my way!"

The voices of Taocheng and Haitang resounded, attracting everyone's attention.

No wonder they felt a little quiet from the beginning, it turned out that Taocheng and Haitang were left behind.

"You bastard! Do you want to fight?"

"Fight, fight, whoever is afraid!"

Taocheng and Haitang pushed each other, neither of them would let the other go ahead of them.

"You two! Hurry up and stop! The purpose of coming here is not to fight!"

Dashi shouted loudly.

It's really a wave of ups and downs, and these uneasy guys really broke Dashi's heart.


Only then did Taocheng and Haitang stop their hands, turning their heads away in disdain.


Fuji smiled and shook his head, walked to the surveillance camera and waved his hand.

He knew that Kurobe and the others must be watching their every move in the small black room at this moment.

Everyone from Qingxue followed behind Fuji, and a group of people crossed many courts and came to a building.

This is the main building of the U-17 training camp, and the courts on both sides also train players with relatively high rankings.

"These are the latest devices, aren't they?"

Qian Zhenzhi looked around and exclaimed.

"The purpose of this U-17 representative team selection training camp is to cultivate elite players who are qualified to compete on the world stage!"

"The content of the training is extremely harsh, and more than half of the players who are initially selected here will be eliminated within a week. There are many examples of those players who used to be geniuses in their own school.

"Since I'm here, I hope everyone can persevere until the end! I mean everyone!"

Buer looked at the crowd indifferently and said.


Everyone in Qingxue agreed in unison.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from above the heads of everyone in Qingxue. When they looked up, a tall man with a trumpet in his hand suddenly walked to the edge of the balcony.

"Nice to meet you! I am the strategy coach temporarily entrusted to guide this training camp during the absence of the head coach. My name is Yukio Kurobe."

Kurobe first introduced himself, then looked down and nodded slightly to Fuji.

"Everyone, it's just as you've heard. This time, we've added a total of 246 specially selected junior high school students to the 54 junior high school students."

"From now on, both junior high school students and high school students have to work together, and everything is aimed at improving the strength of the U-17 team."

Kurobe spoke loudly with a loudspeaker.


Everyone in Qingxue was surprised, that is to say, besides them, there are other middle school students?
"However, the head coach asked me to tell everyone that 300 people are too many!"

Before the words were finished, a plane flew over the court, and large pieces of tennis balls were scattered.

"Right now, 250 balls are airdropped on the court, and the ones who don't get the ball pack up and leave this training camp immediately, that's it!"

Kurobe said lightly.

"What a joke!"


"Stop talking, the ball is coming! Hurry up and grab it!"

There was a commotion among the high school students, and they rushed toward the falling tennis balls.

"Everyone, concentrate on it!"

Tezuka took the lead, followed by everyone from Seigaku.

If you don't get the ball, it's game over!
Whoosh whoosh!
A thin body rolled and jumped out of the air, and then figures rushed out from other places.

The called junior high school students are here!

The colorful team uniforms are particularly conspicuous in the uniform uniforms of all high school students.

(End of this chapter)

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