The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 519 Winning streak

Chapter 519 Winning streak
The offense and defense switched, and it was Shiraishi's turn to serve.

Shiraishi's right hand was raised high, and the mustard yellow ball slowly climbed up.

Shiraishi swung the racket with his bandaged left hand and crashed down. His movements were full of simple beauty without losing strength.

"This guy serves so fast!"

Omohiko Matsudaira was startled, and immediately rushed towards the point where the tennis ball fell.

It's not a problem to catch the ball at his speed.

The bouncing tennis ball hit the racket in Matsudaira's hand, and the sudden heavy force caused Matsudaira's wrist to sink.

Shiraishi's serve is not only fast, but also powerful.

"Go back to me!"

Gritting his teeth, Matsudaira threw the ball, but saw the figure of Mushou jumping high from the net.

"big Bang!"

The flames splashed everywhere, and the golden light beams shot out from the pitch-black smoke were particularly conspicuous.

"Game, wooden hands, Shiraishi team, 15:0."

"In this game, the wooden hand and the white stone team scored, and the score was 3:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

Although they have never played doubles together before, Yi Mushou and Shiraishi's strengths have quickly been adjusted.

The combination of Kansai and the current overlord of Kyushu will naturally make it difficult for the high school students in Court No. [-] to walk around.

"So strong! Completely suppressed Matsudaira and Tonin!"

"These middle school students are a little too strong, right?"

"No wonder the coaches specially select these junior high school students to join the camp! They really have this ability!"

The high school students were discussing on the sidelines, apparently very surprised by the strength displayed by Shiraishi and Mushou.

"What is the origin of these two people! They are so strong! Even my Hundred Blossoms can't do anything to them!!!"

The weakness of Matsudaira Omohiko's weak mental strength began to be magnified, and at this moment he could no longer keep calm.

"Calm down, we haven't lost yet!"

All endured dissuasion.

"We are about to lose now! How can I calm down!"

Kisahiko Matsudaira shouted anxiously.

Seeing this, Du Ren stepped forward and grabbed the yellow hair on Songping's head.

"Now! Can you calm down for me?!"

"Yes Yes."

As if being choked by the throat of fate, Matsudaira Kiyohiko calmed down all of a sudden.

"The combination of these two people is quite interesting!"

After seeing this scene, Bu Er chuckled lightly.

"Matsudaira will become a little impetuous when he is in adversity, so he is arranged to be a partner with a guy who has always been calm."

Oni Jujiro said lightly.

Irie's ability to see people's hearts is very strong, so his ability to choose teammates is naturally impeccable.

"It's a pity that the more calm you are, the more you can feel the opponent's invulnerability. This will become the last straw that crushes them."

Buer shook his head and said.

Sometimes, some things cannot be solved by calmness.

"At the end of the game, the wooden hand on the fifth court, the Baishi team won, and the score was 6:0."

Another crushing game, the singles, three doubles, two doubles, a bright [-]-[-], chilled the hearts of the high school students watching.

These junior high school students came aggressively, and even the higher ranked high school students couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

The performance of these junior high school students reminded many people of the one who broke through the entire dormitory two years ago.

At that time, Buer was also so menacing and imposing.

"What a mistake! I didn't expect them to be so capable!"

After losing two games in a row, Rujiang still had a smile on his face, and he didn't see any worry or frustration at all.

But yes, the No. [-] court is just a toy field for Irie, so he naturally doesn't care too much.

On the contrary, the performance of the middle school students made Irie feel even more happy.

These are all his lovely juniors.

"Oh! Is it my turn? I have no chance of winning against Tezuka!"

"It's really embarrassing! He used to help me pick up the ball. It's a pity, but I couldn't get Fuji to help me pick up the ball."

Yamato scratched his head a little nervously and smiled.

"You really dare to say it, Yamato."

Irie said with a smile.

Let Buer pick up the ball?
What a guts!
"Long time no see, Tezuka! You've matured a lot!"

Yamato Yu laughed and walked to the net and stood face to face with Tezuka.

"Yamato-senpai is safe too!"

Tezuka was slightly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect his opponent to be Yamato-senpai.

It seems that Yamato-senpai is also having a good time in the dormitory!
Court Three!

"Tezuka! Congratulations to the Seigaku Tennis Team for winning the Kanto Tournament for the third time in a row! You must work hard at the National Tournament too!"

Yamato put one hand in his pocket and the other held a pat and said with a smile.

"Yes! I believe that our Qingxue tennis team will win three consecutive national championships!"

Tezuka bowed slightly.

"Three consecutive national championships?!"

The faces of the other junior high school students present sank.

These days in the co-camp gave them the illusion that they were partners with everyone, and they almost forgot that they were still opponents in the national competition in the near future.

And Qingxue is still a big mountain on top of their heads.

If Qingxue achieves an unprecedented three consecutive national championships, then these people will undoubtedly become the background board on Qingxue's legendary road.

This is absolutely unacceptable!

They don't allow this to happen.

"Oh! It's terrible! Surrounded by wolves, Tezuka!"

Yamato also sensed the terrifying aura coming from the surrounding junior high school students, it seems that his words resonated with these junior high school students.

"It's okay, Yamato-senpai! Our Seigaku's three consecutive national championships are unstoppable!"

Tezuka said in a low voice.

"Let's not talk about this! I remember Tezuka, you seem to have said that you want to become a professional gamer? How are you preparing?"

Yamato stroked his forehead and said.

"I will do my best! Yamato-senpai!"

Tezuka's answer was full of firmness.

He has never given up on planning his tennis career, and becoming a professional player is the most important part of his plan.

"Then let me see how deep your awareness is! Tezuka!"

Yamato's eyes were gentle and watery. From the first time he saw Tezuka, he believed that Tezuka would definitely become the pillar of Aigaku in the future.

Even if Fuji appeared later, Yamato did not erase Tezuka from the consideration of Seigaku's pillar.

Both of them are equally good in Yamato's eyes.

It can be said that he was the luckiest thing in his life to meet Fuji and Tezuka in the final stage of his junior high school career.

Under the leadership of Fuji and Tezuka, Qinggaku has obviously become the number one school in the country.

Speaking of which, his senior really didn't help the two juniors much.

"The match begins! A set is decided, Tezuka Kunimitsu's serve!"

After a few pleasantries, the game officially began.

(End of this chapter)

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