The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 52 Emperor VS Emperor

Chapter 52 Emperor VS Emperor
Hearing Atobe's arrogant words, the audience finally understood.

The world of ice?See through blind spots?

"No matter how hard humans struggle! They can't respond to the blind spots! Correctly aim at those blind spots and attack, making the opponent as if frozen, this is the world of ice!"

Atobe pressed his left hand around his eye socket, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Game, Atobe, 1:3."

After successfully evolving his eyesight to the Ice World, Keigo Atobe's strength also increased instantly, and he successfully ranked among the top national players.

Even Emperor Sanada has no countermeasures against Atobe's blind attack!

The originally one-sided situation was instantly brought back by Atobe.

"Atobe! Atobe!"

"Ice Emperor! Must win! Ice Emperor! Must win!"

The ice emperor's cheerleading team suddenly revived as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and the cheers from the huge cheerleading team instantly turned the entire stadium into the ice emperor's home field.


Atobe pointed to the sky with one hand and snapped his fingers.

"The winner is my uncle!"

In an instant, no one made a sound in the huge stadium.

Only Atobe's arrogant and triumphant laughter was left. At this moment, Atobe was finally ashamed!

"It's amazing! Fuji, isn't Atobe's Ice World trick invincible?!"

The pen in Qian Zhenzhi's hand didn't know when it stopped, because no matter how much information he collected, if he couldn't make up for his own blind spots, then the information would be meaningless when facing Atobe.

"Of course not, there is no such thing as an invincible trick in this world."

Bu Er said lightly.

"Although no matter how people improve themselves, there will always be blind spots, and they cannot respond to dead spots. There are actually many ways to crack the world of ice."

"One is to apply a lot of spin to the tennis ball, like Tezuka Terino, to get the ball out of the corner."

"Secondly, his own strength is much higher than Atobe's, so he can't see through his blind spots with his eyesight."

"Or hit the ball hard enough that Atobe can't stand it and knocks his racket into the air."

Bu Er's words made the corners of Qingxue's mouths twitch uncontrollably.

Applying spin to a tennis ball?If you want to beat Atobe in spin, who else can do it except Tezuka.

Improve your own strength?They also want to, but reality does not allow it!
Among them, who dare to say that their strength is stable at the top of the track, except for Fuji and Tezuka.

As for the racket that hit the trace department, everyone suddenly remembered Kawamura who was still in the hospital, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Another point is that Atobe's Ice World is a precise attack aimed at blind spots. Ordinary people have no way to deal with blind spots. This is the same even for Sanada."

As Fuji continued to speak, the other people present nodded. Sanada on the field really had no way to resist Atobe's ice world.

Everyone couldn't help being startled by Atobe's insight, and even Sanada couldn't help it, so if they went up, it might just be a piece of cake.

"In addition to the methods mentioned above, there is another method."

Fuji paused, and said again: "In Atobe's Ice World, when the tennis ball bounces and hits the dead corner, people can't react at this moment, but before the tennis ball hits the ground and bounces, if you hit it halfway with absolute speed A volley can be counterattacked."

Everyone was stunned, absolute speed?How could this be possible with Atobu's return speed?

After the tennis ball lands and bounces, you have to feel the trajectory of the ball immediately. What a terrifying reaction and speed it requires.

But Buer knows that someone can do it.

For example, Yushiro Kite, who is far away in the Higa country in the Okinawa area, has a chance to do it with his perfect all-round shrinking method.

Another example is Sanada on the field.

One of the two great mysteries following Fenglin Volcano is the movement like thunder, the perfect combination of leg skills and strength, the speed is as fast as thunder, and it can move to the destination in an instant, and at the same time, it can also play an unpredictable trajectory like lightning, and has The terrifying power enough to pierce the racket.

I just don't know if Sanada, who is only in the first grade now, has developed this magic skill.

This move was originally self-sealed by Sanada to deal with Tezuka, because the fiasco before entering junior high school brought Sanada an indelible knot in his heart.

When did Sanada develop "Yin" and "Thunder", Fuji actually doesn't know.

But seeing that the first-year Atobe can comprehend the world of ice, then Sanada will not be too surprised if he has already learned "Yin" and "Thunder".

These extremely talented players often only need some external stimulation to produce terrifying evolution.

Bu Er narrowed his eyes again, quietly watching the match in front of him, which can be said to be the most peak match in the middle school tennis world so far.

"Game, Atobe, 2:3."

The situation on the field was overwhelmingly against Atobe. After evolving into the ice world, Atobe was out of control, and with an absolute advantage, he scored another point and kept his serve.

Sanada's face was as gloomy as water, and the atmosphere around him became a little dignified.

"Sanada... hasn't found a way to counter the world of ice?"

Marui said with some concern.

"Could it be that Sanada is about to lose?!"

Jack Sangyuan couldn't believe it. As Sanada's teammate, he couldn't be more clear about Sanada's strength.

But now, the arrogant minister of Bingdi suppressed such a powerful Sanada, which made it difficult for Jack Sangyuan and even other members of Lihai University to accept.

Liu Lianer also frowned, he didn't expect Atobe's information to evolve, and now Atobe can crush him.

In the face of absolute dead ends, data is useless.

Only Yukimura still had that spring-like smile on his face, and he wasn't worried about Sanada at all.

"Don't worry, Sanada, he is not someone who will be defeated so easily! Before meeting that person, Sanada will not allow himself to fail."

"Atobe is indeed very strong, but he is not Sanada's target at all, nor is he Sanada's opponent."

Yukimura said with a smile.

"Game, Atobe. 3:3."

Although Yukimura said so, seeing Atobe leveling the score step by step, everyone in Rikai University was still a little uneasy.

From Sanada's suppression of Atobe, winning three cities in a row, to Atobe's reversal of the situation and equalizing the score, it was only a few minutes.

In just a few short minutes, while the reversal shocked everyone, it was also a little embarrassing.

Sanada's right hand kept exerting force, the racket was gripped tightly, and the whine of the racket could be heard vaguely.

Just when Atobe came to the bottom line and was about to serve, Sanada, who was standing opposite, suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura, and a burst of bright light emanated from Sanada's body.

"This...this is?!"

Everyone in Qingxue couldn't help looking at Tezuka. This scene seemed familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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