Chapter 711
When Tanejima and Irie looked up, they seemed to be able to see the blue galaxy in the sky completely enveloping the two of them.

Even if you are in the different dimension space of entering the river, you can't escape.

Another golden starlight hung down, and Irie and Taneshima sighed in their hearts.

They can't catch up with this ball!

"In this game, Berti and Schneider of the German team scored, and the score was 4:5."

"Both sides change game!"

"It's a different dimension!"

Irie was very sure.

The only ones who can create such visions in their own different-dimensional space are the manifestations of the same different dimensions.

"It's really a difficult guy. Can data tennis also open up another dimension?"

Taneshima scratched his head helplessly.

You must know that even Irie's different dimension is not purely data tennis, but more a combination of vision and mental power.

"Looks like we're doomed!"

Irie said with a "wry smile" on his face.

"Yes, what a pity!"

Tanejima also had the same expression as Irie.

"This is terrible. Irie and Taneshima's data has been collected by their opponents."

After hearing Irie and Taneshima's words, Kimishima and the others couldn't sit still.

They still have some understanding of data tennis, after all, there are many such players in the Neon team.

For data tennis players, mastering the opponent's data is tantamount to holding the opponent's lifeblood.

The only way for Irie and Tanejima to win now is to invalidate and collapse the data model that Berti has built in his mind.

"Tanejima-senpai, I remember you said that you have a total of five kinds of nudes, right?"

Fuji said lightly behind Taneshima.

"Hey, you found it!"

Tanejima turned his head and grimaced, he didn't look that bad.

"Tanejima, you guys also have a bad relationship with Irie, right?"

Kimishima Yuto and the others were stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted.

Tanejima and Irie are playing themselves on purpose.

They are not at all as desperate as they say they are.

"Qantuo, it's time for us to play!"

Tanejima chuckled, and his seemingly confident appearance made Kimishima and the others feel at ease.

"Let's be honest, do you know what the fifth Wu of Tanejima is?"

Kimishima and the others looked at the backs of Taneshima and Irie and asked.

"There are five kinds of appearances that can not be seen. One is non-birth, the other is non-existence, the third is mutual non-existence, the fourth is non-existence, and the fifth is ultimate non-existence."

"This is a famous saying in the Buddhist scriptures, and Mr. Taneshima's Wuyi Dao was inspired by it."

Bu Er said lightly.

"Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed, nothing is mutual, there will be nothing, after all there is nothing"

Jundao and the others muttered lightly, and there was only one left among them, after all, the speciesless island hadn't been shown yet.

"I'm going, Kanata!"

This round will be Tanejima's moment to prove himself, so he looks extra excited.

When the Neon team lost two years ago, Zhong Dao made up his mind that next time he must win a victory for the Neon team.

And now is the time for him to complete the agreement.

This ball carried everything about Tanejima, and the large rebound after landing made the audience exclaim.

"Bouncing serve? Are you trying to break the game with a strange move? It's useless!"

Bismarck chuckled, no one can escape Berti's calculation.

At least in his opinion, Shuji Tanejima and Kanata Irie of the Neon team couldn't do it.

Sure enough, the ball was still easily intercepted by Berti.

With a volley volley, Berti once again took the rhythm of the game into his own hands.

As before, no matter where Irie and Taneshima hit the ball, Berti and Schneider are always able to settle first.

The frightening thing about data tennis lies in its almost omnipotent magic.

Schneider slammed a dunk, and his tall and burly body was able to hit a powerful smash even without taking off.

In the past three years, Tanejima has been in the training camp with everyone in his mind, and he will not let everyone down this time.

Wu's aura kept rising in his face, and at this moment he looked sharp.


Berti and Schneider keenly sensed something was wrong, and there seemed to be a slight change in the opponent's momentum.

For players of their level, the change in momentum is bound to bring about a chain reaction.

So Berti and Schneider secretly raised their vigilance.

Taneshima swung his racket fiercely, and the racket swung out in front of him.

After a crisp sound, the ball suddenly disappeared in front of Tanejima.

"Is it a blindfold?!"

Even Bismarck was a little surprised, even he didn't find any trace of the ball.

Polk did not speak, standing at the forefront of the line, he watched everything silently.

on the field.

Where Berti and Schneider could not take care of, a mustard yellow ball appeared out of thin air and landed and popped out of the field.

"Game, Neon team, 15:0."

Although the referee was still a little surprised, he still reported the score of the ball.

Berti and Schneider glanced at Taneshima in surprise. The ball just now not only deceived their perception, but even broke through Berti's AI-like interdimensional network.

You must know that even in the professional arena, they have never encountered a player who can completely break through Berti's data model, even Polk and Tezuka.

"It looks like we've met our opponent, Schneider!"

Berti's voice became a bit cold, these two guys in the Neon team were really not simple.

Berti knew very well that the goal just now was definitely not an accident, it was the opponent turning everything into nothingness.

Then, the same scene happened again.

After several fights, Tanejima suddenly touched the racket, and the tennis ball once again disappeared from everyone's sight.

Berti and Schneider looked around but couldn't find the real tennis ball.

"Game, Neon team, 30:0."

In this crucial final game, Tanejima and Irie scored another point.

"It's amazing! Is this the last kind of Wu of Tanejima!"

"Even if the opponent is a professional player, they can't react correctly!"

Everyone in the Neon team began to get excited, and the fifth kind of Wu that Zhongdao had hidden for a long time gave them hope of winning this game.

7 minute later.

"The second set ended. The Neon team played more games, and Osamu Taneshima won the second set, with a score of 6:4."

Irie and Tanejima finally won the second set without any risk, and smoothly dragged the game into the final decider.

And this is also a surprise to many people, after all, no one would think that Irie and Taneshima could win a set from the two professional players with such a big gap in the score in the first set.

"You guys can really hide!"

Tohno Atsukyo laughed.

Tanejima's fifth kind of nonsense finally made him feel at ease.

"Isn't it originally intended to be used against us? That's why it's hidden so deep."

Daqu Ryuji blew on his mustache and said.

"Yeah! That's the trick I'm going to use against Byodoin."

Taneshima responded directly.

This fifth kind of nothing was originally prepared by him to deal with Byodoin, and he has never hidden his thoughts.

Zhongjima must compete with Byodoin for one last time before leaving the training camp.

It can be regarded as the end of my three years of junior high school and training camp career.

Everyone in the Neon team was taken aback, and then looked at Byodoin.

They would like to see what the Byodoin House looks like now.

Unfortunately, Byodoin did not respond to Zhongjima's words.

Because he already knew it, and before the start of this game, Tanejima had already made an agreement with him.

They will have a match at some point after the World Cup.

"The third set begins! Players from both sides are invited to play!"

Soon the host's voice sounded from the live broadcast, and the third set of the tiebreaker game began.

Berti looked a little dignified. After all, the trick shown by the opponent in the finale of the previous game really shocked him.

Berti settled down and then swung his arm fiercely, and after the afterimages fell, a loud bang suddenly sounded.

Strong oppression came, but how could Irie be suppressed so easily.

He had to create an opportunity for Tanejima to counterattack.


Irijiang let out a low shout, which was rare, and a wave of air exploded in front of him.


Berti sprinted forward without hesitation, then the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground and quickly suppressed his body.

Berti deliberately avoided the direction where Tanejima was standing, and he pushed the ball in the opposite direction of Taneshima.

However, Tanejima seemed to have expected Berti to do this long ago, and he jumped out of his back and directly intercepted the ball with an air volley.

Before Berti and Schneider could see clearly the golden light and shadow on the tennis ball on Taneshima's racket, it had suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes.

No matter how hard Berti and Schneider tried, the ball seemed to disappear without a trace.

"What a wonderful young man."

Nanjiro in the auditorium naturally wouldn't be stingy with his praise. Tanejima's fifth power can be said to be enough to rival the power of another dimension.

"Old man, his ball is somewhat similar to your impermanence?"

Long Ya smiled lightly.

"Something similar, but not exactly the same."

Nanjiro nodded.

Tanejima's after all non-existence and Nanjiro's impermanence are zero senses drawn from Buddhist scriptures, and they do have the same origin in Buddhism.

But after all, Taneshima's Wu is more of his own ability, while Nanjiro's impermanence is based on spiritual power.

There are still some differences between the two.

"In this game, the Neon team Shuji Taneshima and San Irie scored in multiple groups, and the score was 1:0."

"In this game, the Neon team Shuji Taneshima and San Irie scored in multiple groups, and the score was 2:0."

"In this game, the Neon team Shuji Taneshima and San Irie scored in multiple groups, and the score was 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Berti and Schneider still seemed a little weak at the beginning of this game, and they seemed completely incapable of contending against what Taneshima offered.

After all, there is no way to counterattack if there is no way to catch the ball.

Berti and Schneider returned to the sidelines silently, covered in sweat.

They must take advantage of this time to think carefully about how to break the situation next.

Seyfried and the others looked ugly. It was the first time they saw Berti and Schneider fall into such a predicament.

"It seems that I can only use that. Schneider!"

Berti breathed out lightly, he couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

unless you use that
Ability Resonates!

As a combination of Berti and Schneider in the professional arena, they naturally also have their cards.

That's the spoils they reaped from their professional losses.

"Yes! Master Berti!"

Schneider is absolutely obedient to Berti, not to mention he also feels a little aggrieved by the fight.

Soon the rest time was over, and the two sides returned to the court again.

Berti and Schneider, who were about to serve, showed a smile at the corners of their mouths.

Next, they want to let the two Neon players on the opposite side understand the price of angering the strongest doubles team in this World Cup.

Schneider's body swelled instantly, and in the blink of an eye he had turned into a giant with terrifying tonnage.

The two outer corners of the court can be occupied with a single step of feet, and the top of the head seems to protrude beyond the dome.

"This! What is this!"

Before everyone was surprised, a special fluctuation emerged from Berti and Schneider.

Satellite grid-like stripes suddenly appeared on the two of them, including their pupils.

The terrifying atmosphere swept across the four directions, and a strong sense of oppression came directly to Irie and Taneshima.

"what is this!"

Tanejima suppressed the throbbing in his heart, he wanted to see what the other party was doing.

The placement of this ball was very tricky, but it still couldn't escape Berti's counterattack.

Taneshima hurried towards the landing point of the tennis ball while watching Berti and Schneider's movements.

"If you have the ability, call back and have a look!"

After Taneshima whispered, he swung his racket violently.

Wu's breath instantly enveloped the ball and then sank into the void.

"it's here!"

Berti moved towards a fast movement with certainty, and then the racket in his hand swept forward with a clear light.

The real touch made Berti know that he had caught the ball.

"I was beaten back!"

Everyone in the Neon team froze, how could this be possible!

"This is the ability to resonate."

Bu Er said with some seriousness.

Sure enough, Berti and Schneider had already mastered the ability resonance.

"Ability resonance?!"

Everyone's eyes turned immediately.

"Schneider's Colossus and Berti's AI, the abilities of these two people resonate!"

"That's a satellite viewpoint that can perceive and share all dead spots!"

Bu Er explained.

This time the situation will not last a second.

After all, nothing can really turn tennis into nothingness, tennis is always real.

From the perspective of satellites, even Tanejima's nothingness seems to be invisible.

Hearing that everyone in the Neon team sank slightly, if Zhongjima and Irie lost, their World Cup trip would come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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