From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 106 Humanoid Self-propelled Event Burst

Chapter 106 Humanoid Self-propelled Event Burst


Sonosaki's house, which started preparing for Christmas early, was carefully decorated as usual.

Christmas, for neon people, is a relatively important festival.

After all, when we left Asia and entered Europe, we were also serious. We were learning from the West in all aspects, and we were learning from the West in all aspects!

On such an important day, the eldest lady naturally came back to live again, and arranged for the servants to carefully arrange the Christmas decorations.

The gorgeous and huge Christmas tree over there is shining, and it is full of gift boxes.

While arranging the Christmas celebration work unhurriedly, the eldest lady raised her head by the way, looking at the sky, looking for something thoughtfully in her beautiful eyes.

"Saeko, you're finally back!"

At this time, a deep voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Father." Xiu hand stroked her hair, the eldest lady turned her head with a calm expression.

However, a complex look flashed under the beautiful eyes.

"Is something wrong? Father."

"It's nothing, I just feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. By the way, I invited a guest today, let the servant prepare an extra set of tableware." Sonosaki Ryubei slightly lowered his head, unable to see his specific expression, Only a thick voice could be heard.

"Guest?" Saeko Sonosaki was slightly taken aback.

Under the current situation, what is the reason for inviting guests to their Sonosaki house at this point in time?
The eldest lady who frowned slightly nodded respectfully as usual: "I understand father, I will make arrangements. But when will the guests you invite come?"

"It should be coming soon!"

While speaking, Sonosaki Ryuhei suddenly raised his head, and when he turned around slightly, he burst out laughing heartily.

"Hahaha! Looks like this year's Christmas will be very lively!"

Looking at her father's staggering back slowly going away, Sonosaki Saeko slowly revealed a complicated and determined expression, and said in a voice that only she could hear:

"Yeah, this year, it will be very lively!"

Turning around, she continued to arrange servants to prepare for Christmas the day after tomorrow.

After a while, the private mobile phone in his trouser pocket rang.


A message appeared on the brightly lit screen, and the young lady smiled, softly.

finally back~
Narumi Detective Agency.

Today is supposed to be the day to celebrate Christmas.

It's just that tough guys seem to have no rest time.

Anyway, they received another outrageous commission!
Call it outrageous because this incident actually involved supernatural powers!

The dead actually revived and said goodbye to the living!
When he heard about this, Shotaro Sato immediately became excited.

Finally, he didn't need to look for cats and dogs anymore. As a detective, he should deal with such bizarre and interesting things.

Well, definitely not because the client is a girl!

Of course, the rational Philip didn't think that the matter would have much to do with supernatural beings.

In the eyes of the runaway train of knowledge, any bizarre things are definitely so-called adulterants, without exception!

The only thing that attracts him is, what kind of Gaia memory can make the dead reborn and meet the living again!
In order to satisfy his curiosity, he simply supported Shotaro Sato to find the truth.

So half-heartedly set off to investigate this case.

But as a humanoid self-propelled event trigger, the probability of adulterated bodies appearing wherever he goes is definitely no less than the lethality of a elementary school student of the god of death!

I just received the case around noon, and in the evening, I met a dopant who claimed to be a god of death, and the appearance was indeed somewhat similar.

After all, holding a sickle in his hand, his body is floating in the air, and his body is covered with a gray and simple robe. The faintly visible cooking smoke all over his body sets off a mysterious feeling.

These days. Are cats and dogs really gods of death? !
That's what Shotaro Sato complained about in his heart.

Then he realized what is called tm's supernatural power!
"Since you don't believe it, I'll show you what the power of death is!"

After issuing such a declaration, the Grim Reaper floating in midair suddenly waved his hand.

Then a strange mist emerged, setting off the mysterious feeling and at the same time blocking the sight of w and the others.

The two-color knights were in the form of the trigger blast at the moment, they were attracted by the smoke, and they didn't notice the figure slowly appearing behind them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly, continuous gunshots.

Caught off guard, W's whole body was full of sparks, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"it hurts!"

Holding his back, Zuo Shotaro turned his head angrily, looking behind him with an angry expression.

Following a burst of continuous footsteps, a figure slowly came into view.

The clearer it became, the more shocked Sato Shotaro was. A familiar figure was reflected in the fiery red compound eyes, wearing a hat and holding a weapon very similar to a trigger gun.


Zuo Xiangtaro revealed the identity of the person in shock.

That's right, it was the Narumi Shokichi who had always taken good care of him, but died on the night of origin because of his mistake!
"Did I say it, a young kid doesn't deserve to wear a hat, Shotaro!"

Narumi Shokichi, who slowly appeared on the stage, stepped on a rhythmic pace and said slowly word by word.

The tone was calm, but he gave Zuo Shotaro a heavy blow!
"Uncle, is it really you!"

Stretching out his hand in disbelief, Shotaro Sato seems to grasp the life that once disappeared from his eyes!


The only response to him was a cold snort, and then Narumi Shokichi took out the Lost Driver from the four-dimensional pocket and put it on his waist and abdomen.

The belt binds, and a pure memory appears.

[skull!] (skull)!

As this tough guy in the wind city inserts the memory into the drive, he instantly transforms into a w, and Kamen Rider Skull appears!

Skull memory, a memory that can enhance the body's functions to the limit, and also has a special special feature like a dead man, that is, he can almost ignore mental attacks.

Born to be a memory that restrains Sono Sakiryubei!

After all, the old man is getting old and his physical skills have been greatly reduced. What is left is more of the power increase of the fear memory itself, as well as the rare and powerful mental attack!
Of course, both the belt and the driver were developed by Shroud. After she left the museum that year, she began to plan to take back her child, Sono Saki!
For this reason, she developed a Lost Drive and a pure memory, and chose her former friend Narumi Shoyoshi to become the Kamen Rider Skull!

All aspects of the skull in her hands exist to deal with the Emperor of Fear!

It can be said that if Narumi Shokichi hadn't died back then, perhaps he would have been Philip's partner!
At that time, Mr. Tough Guy, who is far more mature and powerful than Shotaro Sato, can quickly help Philip become stronger, and then take him to defeat Ryubei Sonosaki, fulfilling Shroud's long-cherished wish for many years!
Unfortunately, with Narumi Shokichi's sacrifice, everything was burned!
Shroud did not expect Narumi Shokichi's death back then.

And Shotaro Zuo became Philip's partner, something she never expected.

How could that kind of half-assed person become the partner of the visitor and help her eliminate Sonosaki Ryubei!
In any case, I can't believe that Shotaro Sato's shroud is extremely depressed!
If it weren't for the fact that there are no other candidates now, Shroud, who had already become ruthless, would definitely choose to kick the half-baked out!

(End of this chapter)

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