From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 120 The Spicy Snakeskin Monster Has Rough Skin and Thick Flesh!

Chapter 120 The Spicy Snakeskin Monster Has Rough Skin and Thick Flesh!

"Are you talking about me?"

The thunder moved slightly, and the familiar voice suddenly rang in Isaka Shenhonglang's ears, so that the latter's whole body was instantly shattered.

In the next second, a hurricane surged all over his body, and he disappeared from Su Chen's side in the blink of an eye.

And the thunderclouds in the sky also quietly dissipated, because the air turbulent by the hurricane slowly returned to calm, and the cold wind blew through for a while, and the hospital fell into an undeserved tranquility.

Su Chen: "."

Satoshi Taro: "."

Looking blankly at the location of Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who couldn't even see a shadow, Su Chen, who had even taken out his knife, fell into deep thought.

I got all the fucking knives out?You tell me this!
Is he so scary?

Is it really appropriate to run away without letting go of a harsh word?

But forget it, since Jingsaka Shenhonglang is gone, let's deal with the other guy first, Su Chen slowly walked towards the Ice Century over there.

He came here because there was news from the museum that one of their hospitals had been attacked, so he came here.

As we all know, the wind is the back garden of the Sonosaki family, like a playground, many hospitals and so on are invested and built by the Sonosaki family.

There are even some things that even Su Chen doesn't know belong to his own family. It can only be said that under the management of Sonosaki Ryuhei and Sonosaki Saeko, it gives him a feeling that he is his own home wherever he goes~
Not to mention, it's nice to be rich, this is the real nobleman, right, Sword of Gods~
Cough cough, back to the original question, Su Chen came here after receiving the news that the hospital was attacked. Although it was unexpected to meet Jingsaka Shen Honglang, since the other party has run away, let's clean up the other one first. Bar.

Coincidentally, at this time, the ice world finally broke free from the control of Isaka Shenhongrou by its own strength.

In other words, the Ice Age in front of me can be regarded as the strength to explain what is called food. It is not memory, but people!
It is a bit embarrassing to say that it is so eminently named as Ice Age, but it is frozen by Isaka Shenhonglang's ability in the weather!

Obviously it is a very good memory, but it is a pity that good memory can meet too few suitable owners, but so far it is good, it has saved him a lot of effort~
At the moment when the ice century broke through the freeze, he tapped the driver super fast, and then saw a ray of light converge.

"The memory is not for you to play like this, just lie down for a while~"

The majestic blue halo, through the driver, was transmitted into the wings of the dawn, and it was extremely bright immediately, the dazzling brilliance frantically converged, and the shocking energy began to take shape, turning into a dark blue light arrow!

When the arrow left the bow and arrow, it suddenly transformed into the posture of a blue eagle, with its wings wide open, majestic!
So, when the blue light in front of him shone in front of Ice Century, he raised his head subconsciously, and then
With the deafening explosion, the whole person was completely engulfed in an instant.

The battle is over.

When the blue halo dissipated, only a young man with a distraught and pale complexion fell to the ground. On the ground was the shattered Gaia memory.

"Get the job done~"

Putting down the Wings of Daybreak in his hand, Su Chen was about to leave.

But at this moment, Sato Shotaro, who was full of doubts behind him, finally couldn't help it, and forced himself to get up from the ground.

"Ahem! Wait for Uranus!"


Pausing his footsteps, Su Chen looked sideways, his compound eyes were flat: "Is there something wrong?"

"Who the hell are you? Why do you want to save me?! Since you are part of the organization, you should be our enemy. What are you planning!" Zuo Shotaro questioned.

Since the last analysis with Philip, he has always felt very uncomfortable. Not only did this awkward feeling of being calculated by others not have time to dissipate, but it became more and more intense!
If he doesn't figure it out, he will only become more and more disturbed.

Hearing this, Su Chen didn't expect him to ask this, tapped his finger lightly on the metal covering his cheek, and he lazily replied: "Heh~ Then why do you think that as an enemy, I will tell you What are you and I planning! It really is a half-baked guy!"

Yin Luo, without waiting for Zuo Xiangtaro to say anything, Su Chen glanced at Ryu Terujing and left directly.


Unwillingly, Sato Shotaro chopped his foot hard.

But Zhao Jinglong who was not far away from him was even more unwilling. He finally found that enemy, but he didn't have the ability to take revenge. How could he accept it!
He hammered the ground furiously, and even attracted Zuo Shotaro's eyes, making half-baked people wonder why the man in front of him completely lost his mind just now, as if he had an unknown relationship with that powerful adulterant.

However, there is no doubt that there are two poor people today~
On the way to the company, Su Chen was still on the phone with his Aunt Wenyin.

In addition to the t2 Gaia memory, the content discussed this time is the matter of Terui Ryu.

"According to my investigation, this rising star of the police seems to have something to do with you, Aunt Wenyin!"

"Ryu Terui?!"

At the mention of this name, there was a guilty expression on the face of Sonosaki Fumone, who was still in the research institute. Doping body!
Sighing slightly, she continued: "I didn't expect you to even investigate those things, you are really well informed, but has he returned to Fengdu?"

"Ah, and it seems that I also met Jingsaka Shenhonglang." Su Chen said with a slight smile.

"Has he met already?" Sonosaki Wenyin, with mixed feelings in her heart, finally made up her mind: "Su Chen, I think there is something I should give to him."


Su Chen didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either!
Even if there is an extra "very good" Kamen Rider in Fengdu, it will not affect the development of their museum, so he has no idea of ​​refusing, and even the reason why he took the initiative to tell Sonosaki Fumin is because he hopes she will do so .

If Teru Jinglong keeps adding trouble to Jingsaka Shenhonglang, the little mouse who clings every day should not be able to hold on for long~
A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Su Chen entered the company.

He took over as the president, and the eldest lady was the vice president. Of course, she was mainly in charge of the internal affairs of the company.

When Su Chen arrived, she had already made coffee, and she was sitting on the sofa waiting tenderly like a good wife and loving mother, completely different from the appearance of the Bingshan female president in the eyes of others.

"Has the hospital dealt with it?" Seeing Su Chen coming, the eldest lady asked slowly.

"Well, let's disable that memory, and leave the rest to the police." Sitting on the sofa leisurely, Su Chen glanced at the information that the eldest lady put on the table.

This is some information he asked the eldest lady to collect a few days ago, information about the Kamen Riders in this world.

Collecting intelligence is not particularly difficult. After all, some things are difficult to hide, and some information will always be revealed.

Sensing his gaze, the eldest lady tasted the coffee gracefully, and said by the way: "This is the information you want."

So with a trace of curiosity, Su Chen opened the information and looked it up. First of all, there was news about magicians. There was a legend about magicians in Bird Wells, not far from Tokyo. Is it the leveling state?Or is it already done? !
Turning to the back, it is a place called Amanokawa Academy. It is said that there are rumors of Kamen Rider nearby, but it is still unclear what it looks like and who it is.

Seeing this, the corners of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching. With the style of that airplane head, he was able to hide his identity. How blind are the students of Tianzhichuan!

The next one is about Zeya City, which is almost exactly the same as what Su Chen knew. Zeya City is completely controlled by the World Tree, a multinational consortium. Rumors of the Knight of the Face.

So, the mouse project hasn't started yet, has it?
Su Chen thoughtfully continued flipping through the somewhat heavy documents.

The next thing is about Tokyo, I don't see much here, after all, he still understands the chaotic situation there.

After that, Su Chen suddenly froze.

I saw that Kyoto was marked on the document. After the opening of Pandora's box ten years ago, Kyoto was divided into three, and the power was ruled by three parties. Currently, they call themselves the Northern Capital, the Eastern Capital, and the Western Capital.

Looking at the ruler of Dongdu, it turns out that the surname is Himuro!
As a result, the corners of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

What kind of situation is this? The build has changed from a three-point country to a three-point city. In the future, honest people will say that they sacrificed for the righteousness of the city, right?
Tucao to Tucao, he really cares about the situation in Kyoto.

After all, who would have thought that the build world view would be integrated in this way. Could it be that Pandora's Box is so stretched in this world, that the formed sky wall can only divide a city into three? !
He couldn't understand the truth, so Su Chen had no choice but to continue reading.

The content of Kyoto is not much, mainly because after ten years ago, Kyoto has entered a state of closure, and there are very few exchanges with other cities, and it seems to be separated from this country.

Therefore, there is very little information. The only thing that is roughly clear is that not long ago, the demon scientist Katsuragi Takashi was assassinated by the boxer Banjo Ryuga.

"So that's the case. If you put it this way, there is no need to worry too much in Kyoto for the time being. It is still very early before the plot begins."

"By the way, do you want to get rid of President E now?"

Such a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind, but Su Chen wanted to act a little bit. After all, the black hole e has already reached the ceiling of a normal boss, so the black hole's ability is outrageous!
How about sneaking a sap while Boss E is still playing with snakes?

Although the idea was good, Su Chen gave up resolutely. The snakeskin monster has rough skin and thick flesh. In his current state, he can defeat him at most. It is basically hopeless to beat Boss E to death.

Moreover, the perverted ability of the blood race to survive with a little bit of genes is too troublesome!
"Tsk~ Another troublesome guy!"

Touching his forehead helplessly, he couldn't help sighing deeply, and looked at the young lady beside him with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong?"

Saying that, the eldest lady straightened up slightly and glanced at what Su Chen was watching, then put down the coffee in astonishment: "Is there any problem with the capital?"

"Well, there is a very troublesome guy." Shrugging helplessly, Su Chen immediately smiled comfortingly: "Don't worry, it's just a little troublesome."

"Okay." The eldest lady lowered her head thoughtfully, and said nothing more.

He sighed secretly in his heart, although he said so, in fact, it was quite a headache for E boss Su Chen, it was too difficult for a villain who knew how to calculate, had output, and had outrageous ability to kill him!
Didn't you see that in the original plot, even the snake skin monster can leave the earth happily?
The whole thing is like a vacation!
"I have to speed up the speed of becoming stronger, the ultimate strength?" The deep eyes flickered slightly, and Su Chen also had a sense of urgency.

Originally, it was still wondering whether someone would need to be picked up in the future, but now it seems unnecessary, let Philip stay with Shotaro Sato, so that his potential can be truly stimulated, and at the same time, the ultimate power can be activated!
The Well of the Earth must also be used in a way, it is the source of memory!
It's his golden finger!

As a cheat for him to be in charge of the museum now, Su Chen is still very concerned about the progress.

Kamen Rider Chronicle.

Katsuragi clever.

Current inheritance progress: 90.00% nine.

Well, it's still close to that [-]%, and I don't know who the character behind it will be. I just hope that there will be a stronger one. After all, he feels that the world he lives in is simply a hell-level dungeon!
Other knights fought a boss, but he faced the entire Heisei!

Even the news about the knights who appeared later was just read briefly, then stood up and said to the eldest lady: "Sister Xizi, arrange some people to go to Kyoto, I need details about what happened there, starting ten years ago Don't let go of all the important information!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!" The eldest lady is not an idiot to manage the museum so well, she has already seen Su Chen's fear of the troublesome people over there, so she made arrangements seriously.

She might not be able to help much, but at least she shouldn't be dragged back!

After the eldest lady left, Su Chen sat on the sofa by himself, beside the steaming coffee, his slender fingers tapped lightly on the table.

"The third stage also has to speed up. The feeling last time is getting more and more obvious. The compatibility between me and the memory should have improved again~"

Since Sonosaki Ryubei became the new king of Fengdu a few days ago, his mentality has also undergone a huge change. Simply put, it seems that the tightness that has been restraining him has disappeared, so this change in the soul , which also seems to get a response from the bird memory.

The sky is high and birds fly, so naturally they need freedom!

With the improvement of compatibility again, Su Chen could even clearly feel that the power of the third stage of Uranus was responding to him!
The third stage is already close at hand. It's a pity that Su Chen hoped to use the battle to stimulate the third stage of the bird's memory at the beginning, but he found that the more he wanted to enter, the more he could not concentrate his will. It's also the reason why he didn't fight the head of Tiandao afterwards.

All in all, although there are troublesome enemies, the good news is that the direction of Su Chen's evolution is still many and very clear.

"Come on step by step."

Sipping coffee slowly, he thought so.


At the same time, in another hospital in Fengdu, a distressed figure slowly walked in, and staggered down on a chair in the dark corridor.

This private hospital is totally different from the previous general hospital, it is Jingsaka Shenhonglang's own hospital.

It was also the headquarters where he studied Gaia's memory, and he collapsed on the chair with a mental disorder, with a very complicated expression on his face.

Even he himself didn't expect that when facing Su Chen, he would run away directly, and he didn't even have the courage to fight.

"Uranus! Why is that guy so strong!"

To this day, Isaka Fukuro still remembers the scene of Ryubei Sonosaki being blown up.Even though at that moment he was just lying in the big pit and lost his fighting power, he clearly saw Ryubei Sonosaki, whom he had never dared to deal with, being easily suppressed and finally fell without any power to fight back!

It is true that Isaka Shenhonglang is a very pure evil, he likes destruction, likes powerful power!

Because strength can bring him a feeling of being alive, but it doesn't mean that he is a man with a strong heart.

To put it nicely, tell him to be self-aware.So he never took the initiative to provoke Ryubei Sonosaki, but to put it bluntly, he was afraid of being defeated by the opponent.

Fear of that feeling of failing and losing power.

So when it was clear that he couldn't beat Su Chen, he decisively ran away.Though it's embarrassing in hindsight.But after a while, he calmed down, and then slowly took out the Feathered Serpent memory from his pocket!
It was a completely different shape from the usual memory.

The general memory, whether it is the one used by the Sonosaki family or the pure memory style used by Su Chen, is like a USB flash drive.

But the Feathered Serpent Memory in his hand is a colossal monster compared to a USB flash drive!

In addition to the slightly hideous shape on the surface, there are two wings like meat wings at the tail, just like a small pterosaur!

This is the Gaia memory that he stole from Sonosaki Ryubei through untold hardships. It is the feathered snake god of the legendary Aztec civilization!
It is said to be the largest flying object in prehistoric times. It is very powerful, and it is also the ability that Isaka Shenhonglang thinks is the most suitable to supplement his weather memory defects.

Once he really got this powerful memory, even Uranus would not be able to stop him at that time!

Thinking of this, Jingsaka Shenhonglang couldn't help sticking out his slender tongue, his gloomy eyes exuded evil like snake pupils in the dark clinic, the light suddenly licked his lips, it made people shudder Feel.

"Let me find someone who can perfectly fit this memory!"

As long as the over-fit person fully stimulates this remembered power, he will be able to absorb it by himself, thus becoming a strong man with absolute dominance, and he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone anymore!


Amid the loud laughter, Jingsaka Shenhonglang's figure slowly disappeared, and a turmoil was about to begin in Fengdu!
 There is a reason for the integration of the build worldview. Later chapters will introduce what happened in Kyoto ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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