From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 137 Ultimate Trigger, Uranus Ultimate Form!

Chapter 137 Ultimate Trigger, Uranus Ultimate Form!
When the weather and the two high-level Gaia memories of the Fengshen pterosaur are fused together, the power displayed has far exceeded the power of Sonosaki Ryubei at that time.

In fact, if you really want to say it, the fear memory is not particularly powerful in the entire Gaia memory system.

After all, all beings are equal before the Eternal God of Civil War.

In front of Utopia, all the power of memory will be turned into his nourishment.

Compared with clay dolls, it also lacks foundation.After all, the latter has the potential to become the Miko of God!
Compared with the previous completely abnormal forms, fear is still understandable to human beings.

But unfortunately, the weather at this moment Fengshen pterosaur has gone beyond normal understanding.

The limit of w can analyze the opponent's weakness, but unfortunately, the guy in front of him has no weakness!
After all, Fengshen Pterosaur was chosen to make up for the shortcomings of the weather. With Isaka Shenhonglang's attainments in memory, it is natural to understand that this memory is the most suitable!
So even though the two of W and Ryu Terui tried their best, they still failed to turn the situation around.

After defeating them easily, Isaka Shenhonglang laughed wildly, unscrupulously:
"It's this power, it's really powerful and satisfying! But it's not enough, I can devour more memory and become stronger!"

With the absorption of more and more Gaia memory, Isaka Shenhongrou's body has actually been severely eroded by toxins!
Usually he is calm enough so he doesn't show it.

But because the terrifying power of the Fengshen pterosaur made him emotional, the defense line of his mind was empty, so the toxin invaded, making him a little crazy.

He just wants to kill the three people in front of him, and even more wants to swallow all their memories!

Those cloudy eyes looked at w ferociously, he was particularly concerned about the other party's blue and white flying eagle, it was not easy!
If it can be swallowed, it should make him stronger!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a strong desire, and driven by this desire, he walked towards Kamen Rider W.

Those eyes full of desire suddenly made Zuo Shoutaro's heart tremble, and he had a kind of bad feeling.

No matter how many times you look at that look, it will be scary!

And at this moment, Jingsaka Shenhonglang also directly said coldly and bloodthirstyly: "Come on, let me devour your strength, Kamen Rider!!"

After the sound fell, he suddenly raised his arm, and then above W's head, there was a burst of thunder.


In the next second, all of the extremely violent attacks fell suddenly, as if they were going to swallow everything completely!
Zuo Shotaro felt something was wrong, but he had been severely injured in the fight just now, and his body's reaction also declined with the decline of physical strength.

After finally dodging the attack, when he looked up, he found that the weather doper was standing in front of him, and those eyes full of bloodthirsty were facing him.

Suddenly, his heart felt cold, his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, Zuo Shotaro shouted angrily: "Are you kidding me, I don't want to be swallowed by men!"

If it's a pretty girl, then there's nothing I can do!

You are an old uncle, swallow a piece of wool, hello!

But I'm sorry, Isaka Shenhonglang made up his mind, greedily looked at the opponent's strength, and he even approached and sniffed extremely disgustingly.

This scene immediately made Zuo Shotaro's hairs stand up, and he felt bad all over!

This person is definitely a naked pervert!

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? I'm coming now, isn't it a bit inappropriate!"

With a flying eagle on his shoulder, Su Chen said with a playful smile.

Sure enough, Isaka Shenhonglang is a lunatic and a pervert who actually did such a terrible thing to a man in public!

"It's you, Su Chen!"

Seeing him, Naruhime Akiko showed a surprised expression, and then saw the familiar flying eagle on his shoulder, and immediately scored twice!

"That's not!!"

Before she finished speaking, Jingsaka Shenhonglang frowned slightly, and then directly shook off W who was under his control, and then his eyes became sharp: "Young master of the Sonosaki family, no, you should be called Kamen Rider Ula North is more suitable, why are you here?!"

"What else can we do! Of course, we need to deal with someone who stole something important from our family~" Su Chen chuckled lightly.

The deep eyes are also looking up and down the new shape of Isaka Shenhongrou, although compared with before, it is only a pair of huge wings.

But the change in momentum cannot be concealed, and the opponent's momentum at this moment cannot be underestimated at all.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Isaka Shenhonglang was startled for a moment, then showed a hint of disdain and sneered: "Do you think I'm the same as before? Now I'm not my opponent even if Sonosaki Ryubei is resurrected!"

"But you seem to have forgotten. I personally defeated the old man!" Su Chen smiled.

Hearing this, it's true, Isaka Shenhongrou almost forgot.

"Hmph, then there's no need to say too much, let's talk about the facts, you defeated Sonosaki Ryuhei and became the new king of the museum and even Fudu, so if I defeat you here, the king's position will belong to me! "

"Heh~" Su Chen sneered, "If you can do it!"

Before he finished speaking, he inserted the Uranus into the driver.


[An eagle in the sky, Light wings flow, overlooking the vast sky. 】(The Eagle of Nagiyu standing in the sky, with its wings of light flowing, overlooking the vastness)!
[Ride to heaven] (Royal Sky Rider)!
As the light dissipated, the slender figure of Uranus emerged.

It was directly exposed to Shotaro Sato, Philip's eyes.

The two who had just stood up were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Nani! Kamen Rider Uranus is actually him!"

"It turns out that Uranus is him, I finally know!"

Philip secretly crossed out one of the things he didn't know about in the little book in his heart, a little happy.

Then the only thing left is who he is, where he comes from, and whether he has a family!
When several people were surprised, Su Chen had already confronted Jingsaka Shenhonglang.

"Hmph, you can't beat me in this form!" said Isaka Shenhongrou very proudly.

The implication is to let Su Chen use the fang form, after all, that is the power that defeated Ryubei Sonosaki.

If he can defeat that form head-on, it means that he has defeated Ryubei Sonosaki!

After all, that man was the one who brought him a huge impact ten years ago. Even if he had already been knocked down by others, the imprint in his heart would always make him want to compare subconsciously!

"No, since you survived Teru Jinglong, I think I can let you experience my new power~" Su Chen smiled.

He is still clear that the tusk trigger is not as powerful as the opponent.

[xtreme-on] (extreme start)!
[Gaia's -power! xtreme -sublimation] (The power of Gaia, extreme sublimation)!

What appeared in Su Chen's hand was a trigger, almost the same shape as the tusk trigger.

As he said before, the fang trigger is far weaker than the danger trigger and black hole trigger in terms of power, and the real effect it can play is burst out through compressed power in a short time.

But Su Chen is a fastidious person, if the equipment he made is only this level, it's better to explode at once.

So when he got the Gaia processor, he came up with the idea of ​​making the ultimate trigger.

The function is also very simple, sublimate the power of the memory, enter the ultimate form similar to w, and can connect to the earth library to find the opponent's weakness.

In addition, it is the most fundamental memory sublimation.

At the beginning, Philip's blast memory was sublimated by the limit, and its power far exceeded the normal t1 Gaia memory.

Naturally, Su Chen's Uranus power has obviously been greatly sublimated.

And as the trigger was placed on the special interface of the driver, a majestic force burst out in an instant.

Just like the mysterious beam of light that soared into the sky in its ultimate form before, at this moment, the dazzling beam of light from Su Chen and Uranus' body went straight to the sky!

The radiance of ten thousand feet shone down, and the body of Uranus was bathed in it!

"This power!" Sato Shotaro suddenly widened his eyes, and then looked down at the blue and white flying eagle on the driver.

"Huh? Isn't that the power of the ultimate memory?" With the help of the connection to the earth's wireless database, Philip saw through the essence of Su Chen's power at a glance.

Then he showed an expression similar to Shotaro Sato.

"It's indeed the limit, but... isn't that memory on our drive!" Zuo Shotaro looked confused.

"Maybe it's because of the memory and other things." Philip was relatively calm, but he always felt weird.

It was probably hacked by someone else.

At this moment, Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who was facing Su Chen directly, changed his face slightly, he already felt the pressure.

The beam of light that soared into the sky was too dazzling, and it reopened all the dark clouds that came with the appearance of the Fengshen pterosaur before, and the clouds and mists were cleared to see the sun for a while!
"Isn't this power from Kamen Rider W!"

"That's right, but the ultimate power is not exclusive to W!" Under the light curtain, Su Chen's voice slowly came out.

At this time, the extremely bright data brilliance has been completely integrated into the driver and the trigger, completing the second stage of the sublimation of Uranus!

When all the rays of light were gone, Uranus appeared in the ultimate form!
In terms of shape, it has not changed much from before. The main color of the body is still blue, supplemented by white lines.

But there was an extra prismatic crystal beam of light in the original armor on the chest!
So it looks extremely dazzling and full of mysterious brilliance.

"Is this your hole card!" Jingsaka Shenhongrou showed an ugly expression.

"Probably." Su Chen slightly nodded.

Although there is a difference, it is not a problem to say that it is a hole card.

"Is that power called the limit?! It's really mouth-watering!" Isaka Shenhonglang's tone suddenly changed, and he developed in an outrageous direction.

There was also a greedy expression in his ferocious eyes.

It was such a bright power that made him yearn to be part of that power!
No, to be precise, it should be the weather and the power of the Fengshen pterosaur yearning for it.

Those two memories seem to be longing for the power called ultimate.

His body, mind, and soul are all yearning for it!
Greed, this is the nature of Isaka Kuroko.

After getting the Fengshen Pterosaur, he will yearn for other powerful powers, and what he has locked up now is the ultimate power!
So, driven by a strong desire, he didn't hide it at all, and suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly a strong storm swept over.

As the storm passed by, the ear-piercing madness swept away, whistling.

For a moment, the ferocious storm moved towards Su Chen's direction.

Facing the menacing attack, Su Chen did not panic.

This kind of momentum looks terrifying, but if it can't be hit, what's the use of it!
Before the other party got close, Su Chen disappeared in place in an instant, and then the speed crazily increased by the power of the ultimate memory burst out.

In the blink of an eye, he directly bypassed Jingsaka Shenhonglang's attack, and then appeared beside him with a punch!
For the abnormal speed of Uranus, Isaka Shenhongrou had expected it for a long time, and the huge wings on the back shrank instantly.

A punch hit the opponent's wing, Su Chen hadn't started to attack the next step, but Jingsaka Shenhonglang had already counterattacked.


With a loud shout, scarlet thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and then that burst of crackling attacks fell crazily.

For a moment, Jingsaka Shenhonglang's whole body turned into a restricted area for Thunder.

But as I said before, this kind of attack looks ferocious, but it's meaningless if you miss it!
The figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared tens of meters away. Su Chen rubbed his fists.

It looks like a huge fleshy wing, but in fact it is as hard as steel after the collision, and it is also the kind of thick steel that is against the sky.

The rebound of power made Su Chen's fists tremble unconsciously!

Although his own attack didn't work, it didn't affect Isaka Shenhonglang's satisfaction and madness at the moment.

"How, this kind of power, how powerful is the power chosen by me!"

"It's really strong!" A gleam flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

I have to say that Isaka Shenhongrou has a really good vision.

Fengshen pterosaur has strong physical strength, and weather has the craziest long-range output ability on the surface.

These two memories are stacked together, which is really a best-match!

If you use the limit, you can't find the other party's weakness just like Philip.

Of course, this statement is also aimed at the following grams and above.

If you are not strong enough, you will naturally need to find your weaknesses, but if you are strong enough, just crush them head-on!

After receiving Su Chen's answer, Jingsaka Shenhonglang laughed proudly, and slowly raised his arms again.

But this time, the entire top of the Mt. Mist was instantly filled with dark clouds, and endless scarlet arcs emerged from the dark clouds that were filled to celebrate Fengshen Pterosaur!
At this moment, it was like a punishment from God.

A terrifying attack is brewing, and once it falls, the entire Mt. Mist will be completely shrouded.

In this way, the extreme speed cannot be avoided!

Just like Woz Galaxy's blast form that kills the survivors in a flash!
Those eyes with undiminished greed stared coldly at Su Chen, Zuo Xiangtaro and the others.

"Then, from now on, the Kamen Rider can disappear from the wind, you all become my nourishment!!"

He, Jingsaka Shenhonglang is going to become the new king of Fengdu, and even the new king of the world! ! !
With the blessing of Fengshen Pterosaur, the power of the weather memory has also been raised to a higher level!
Looking up at the terrifying thunder, Shotaro Sato couldn't help swallowing: "Hey! If that kind of attack falls, we are all finished!"

Philip heard the words and said thoughtfully: "Use the Radiant Holy Shield, maybe you can carry it down."

The w limit has two weapons, a prism holy sword and a shining holy shield.

"Okay!" Zuo Shotaro didn't dare to hesitate too much, and quickly looked at Ryu Terui over there.

"Terui, come here!"

Terui Ryuu was stunned for a moment, then chose to trust the two of them, and directly led Narumi Yakiko to the back of w.

So, looking at the blue figure facing the thunder, Zuo Shoutaro couldn't help but think to himself.

What would he do?

Facing this circumstances!

The two were in the same heart, and Philip naturally noticed Shotaro Sato's thoughts.

"What should Uranus do? Although he is an enemy, he should be regarded as having the same opponent as us this time!"

"Eh? But he is a member of the organization, do we want to save him too?!" Zuo Shotaro twitched his mouth, always feeling very strange.

"I can't help it, not to mention why he saved us all the time, but we really owe a favor. And the strength of Isaka Shenhongrou has far exceeded what we can handle, and we need Uranus' help! "Philip said sensibly.

He can't be counted on half-heartedly. At this time, he can only make the best judgment.

"I understand!" Hearing this, Zuo Shotaro gritted his teeth and nodded, resisting his awkwardness and facing the shocking Thunder figure:
"Uranus, come to us!"

The sound came into his ears, Su Chen just looked sideways at the two people who were inserting the memory into the Shining Light Shield, then turned his head with a slight smile.

Since the visitor has the ability to protect himself, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Will you lead me into that final realm.

The ultimate sublimation, does it mean that the power of the door is about to fall into my hands!

Gazing at the crazily brewing thunder, Su Chen murmured in his heart!

さぁ, 実験を初めようか (Sa, let’s start the experiment)!
As a result, the thunder that was enough to cover the entire Wind Blowing Mountain suddenly fell, and the berserk attack was fully displayed, and Uranus' body was also covered in it.

Originally wanting to question what Uranus was thinking, Shotaro Sato didn't care about the others, and quickly raised the Radiant Holy Shield.

[cyclone! maximum-drive!】

[heat! maximum-drive】

[luna! maximum-drive】

【joker! maximum-drive]

【Yaoguang Final Fantasy! 】

The Holy Shield of Glory opened up, forming an illusory shield gathered above the head to resist the sudden attack.

Accompanied by that appalling offensive, the entire Mt. Wubuki was engulfed by the thunder!

Driven by the Fengshen Pterosaur's memory, Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who had entered the peak state, completely revealed the power of the weather.

It was like a divine punishment, a force that human beings seemed to be unable to resist completely swallowed Su Chen, Zuo Xiangtaro and others!
Boom! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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