From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 143 Eternity comes, and the wind is in chaos!

Chapter 143 Eternity comes, and the wind is in chaos!
Although, Shotaro Sato and Philip accepted commissions that were not considered commissions.

About going to find Jiatou Shun.

But in fact, they did not find any useful clues.

So far, the location of Jiatou Shun has not been found.

And on Su Chen's side, it's impossible to wait forever.

In addition, the little princess also got reliable power, so she didn't need his personal protection.

So on the Sonozaki's side, it's as if nothing happened.

As usual, it was very quiet.

As a result, the whole wind seems to have spent many days in such a peaceful manner.

until one day.

On the outskirts of Fengdu, in a secret base.

Dressed in a white coat with a logo, Jia Tou Shun had his hands behind his back.

The surrounding subordinates were silent.

In the recent period of time, I have become more and more aware of the changes in my boss.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a normal consortium's x-style coldness.

More like a simple corpse, a corpse that can talk.

Let Jiatou Shun, who was originally repulsed by people thousands of miles away, recently few people dare to talk to him.

But Jiatou Shun himself didn't care much about this kind of thing.

Still calm and go my own way.

And now, before coming to the laboratory door.

After entering the fingerprint and iris comparison.

The heavy mechanical door opened slowly.

"Master Jiatou Shun!"

As Katou Shun entered, his loyal subordinate Tian Bata rushed up to meet him.

Guided Jiatou Shun all the way to the center of the laboratory,

The researchers in the laboratory are also gathering together at this moment.

Dressed in white, but not the uniform with the x logo of the consortium.

"Master Jiatou Shun, here are the 26 T2 Gaia memories that have just been completed. Thanks to the previous discussion with Shroud, we completed it as quickly as possible!"

"Also, this is a T2 Utopia specially made for you!"

Following the direction that Tabata pointed, a group of memories slowly came into Kato Jun's sight.

It is the 26 Gaia memories from the initials AZ, but there is an extra Utopia in the middle, placed on the other side.

The completely different shape is also very different from the pure memory.

Jia Tou Shun's gaze swept over them one by one, as if he was inspecting them normally, without any change.

Until, he saw the pure white memory with a capital E engraved on it.

His eyes couldn't help being slightly startled, and he suddenly recalled some bad memories.

But such changes were only fleeting.

not noticed by others.

Restoring the calmness of the past, Jia Tou Shun said to the researchers who were anxious at the moment:

"Thanks for your hard work."

"I will report your achievements to the headquarters and apply for the bonuses and subsidies you deserve!"

If the head is smooth, the R&D personnel will immediately look happy.

If it wasn't for Jia Tou Shun who was still here, everyone would have jumped up happily.

"Okay, let's go out first."

"I still have something to say to Master Jiatou."

At this moment, Tian Bata spoke suddenly, dismissing a group of researchers.

In Nuo Da's laboratory, there were only Jia Tou Shun and Tian Duan left.

"Master Jia Tou Shun, there is already news about the new owner of the museum, Su Chen, whom you want me to investigate."

As he spoke, he handed the stack of materials placed beside him to Jia Tou Shun.

Hearing the name "Su Chen", Jia Tou Shun's eyes obviously changed slightly.

Then he took the information and studied it carefully.

After a while, his eyes became serious.

In the original world view, Consortium X is the arms dealer of the new decade.

And in this mixed world, it's the arms dealer of... All Knights!

In Tokyo, they were also involved.

And in the report, it was written about Su Chen's general actions in Tokyo.

It's not very careful, but compared to an organization like Zecter, which has a poor understanding of Uranus, it is already amazing.

"Uranus, the god of the sky?"

"Using bird memory?"

"On Christmas Day, the Sonozaki House broke out in a war, and soon after, it was announced that Sonozaki Ryubei died, so that day should be the revolution of the museum!"

"He is a genius, good at developing various supernatural creations. According to intelligence, it can be considered that his driver and the bird on the driver are made by himself."

"It is very likely that the bird's memory is in that bird, but it is not clear why it has high intelligence."


A stack of information, very detailed.

He even wished to record when Su Chen was born and how much he weighed.

There is quite a sense of the image of the dragon and me introducing myself.

After reading it, more than an hour has passed.

Jia Tou Shun slowly put down the materials.

Then he casually picked up a T2 bird memory placed next to him.

"Bird memory, does it have that kind of power?"

He is a little suspicious of life.

No matter how you look at it, the kind of power that can suppress his utopia is not like what Bird Memory has!

But the data explained it in detail, and after marking various guesses, the maximum result was obtained.

The essence of the power used by the Kamen Rider named Uranus is the bird memory!
In short, although he is not willing to believe it.

But now I can only keep my doubts deep in my heart.

"Okay, the information is very detailed, and you did a good job."

He praised this subordinate who had followed him for a long time.

"Master Jia Tou Shun is overrated, but it's all what I should do." Tian Duan grinned.

Then he said: "About these memories, the headquarters let us transport them, so."

"I already know, keep Utopia, and send the other memories back to the headquarters." Jia Tou Shun nodded slightly.

"I see."

So, Tabata began to organize the memory.

Ready to embark on the road back to the head office.

After a trip, he might consider retiring and going home.

After working in consortium X for so long, I have earned all the money I should have earned.

It seems that it is time for him to consider marrying a wife and having children, and live a "normal" life.

Thinking so, Tian Bata left.

And Jiatou Shun, looking at the back of his loyal subordinates leaving.

I suddenly felt a bad feeling in my heart.

But it was just a flash.

And it's not obvious, it's just a little itchy all of a sudden.

Scratch it lightly, and forget it.

At this moment, this kind of emotion is also normal.

He didn't think about it, so he put it aside, and began to think seriously about how to deal with Uranus.

Gaia Shock.

No matter what, Sonosaki Wakana is still needed.

Therefore, he must find a way to capture the other party.

But when I remembered that the data clearly stated that "the speed is extremely fast, far beyond the speed that the human eye can capture".

He couldn't help but recall the feeling when he faced that man, was attacked suddenly, and then had no power to fight back.

Is it super fast?

It is indeed a troublesome ability.

However, if it's Gaia's memory, then next time he can seize the opportunity to completely absorb the opponent's power.

Regardless of whether the thing is a bird memory or not, in short, as long as it is a memory.

He can absorb the opponent's strength.

This is the perversion of Utopia!
Fengdu, on the other side.

A large, pitch-black fighter plane quietly landed in Fengdu without knowing when.

Moreover, at the moment is hiding in a mountain forest.

In a certain room inside, several people in black tights were doing their own things to each other.

Just then, a middle-aged woman in a white coat walked in.

Looking at Dao Keji who is the leader among the few!

The latter, at the moment, was polishing the dagger so that it was shiny and shone with a breathtaking coldness.

"Kenji, I eavesdropped on the communication line of the consortium x."

"Tomorrow they will airlift a batch of T2 Gaia memory to the headquarters."

"There may be something you want in it!"

"Is it?"

Hearing this, Dao Keji's emotionless eyes flickered slightly.

Then he smiled lightly and played with the dagger in his hand.

"My dear eternity, where will you be?"

"No, I might feel that you must be here~"

He subconsciously touched his heart, and a strong flame suddenly appeared in those icy eyes.

That is not the fire that brings hope to mankind, but the flame of hell that destroys everything.

Fengdu, under his control, become hell!
The next day, early in the morning.

Following the consortium x's helicopter, carrying Tian Bata, it slowly took off and headed towards the headquarters of the consortium x.

Tabata, who embraced the 26 Gaia memories, suddenly felt palpitations and felt a very bad feeling.


Just at this moment, a strong roar of the engine brought Tian Bata back to his senses.

With his seasoned experience, he guessed the source of the sound almost instantly - a large fighter plane!
Before he had time to think carefully, a figure flashed past.

The entire helicopter suddenly tilted and shook.

Thanks to the highly skilled pilot who was manipulating the helicopter, he pulled the joystick back to the center of the helicopter.

"what happened!"

While Tabata was thinking vigilantly, the door of the cabin was suddenly pulled open.

Appearing in Tian Bata's line of sight was a man in black.

That icy look, that cold demeanor.

For Tabata, it is all too familiar!

"Da Dao. Self-denial!"

It was the white god of death who left a deep impression on him not long ago on a small island in Southeast Asia!

Dao Keji, who took off his goggles, also greeted with a wicked smile.

It's just that, but it made Tian Duan's heart palpitate, fear and uneasiness flashed across his face instantly.


Fortunately, there were well-trained guards by his side, who responded immediately.

With a yell, he drew out a long-legged pistol.

boom! boom! boom!
Several shots in a row were shot precisely at Dao Keji's body.

The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet repelled Dao Keji's body, causing him to almost fall directly from the plane.

Naturally, that's all.

Turning around, Dao Keji had a hint of disdain and arrogance on his cold face, and he even had time to comment teasingly.

"Good marksmanship! Hit the heart precisely."

"Unfortunately, I'm a dead man!"

Then, with the surprised expression on the guard's face, he punched suddenly.

"Boom bang bang-"

With the sound of punching to the flesh, the whole helicopter swayed accordingly.

Within a few breaths, the well-trained guard was knocked down to the ground.

Tian Duan, who was beside him, was also knocked unconscious by several punches.

Opening the silver-white suitcase casually, the first thing that Daedao Keji saw was the pure white memory with a capital E engraved on it.

"You finally returned to my hands!"

"Eternal, Eternal!"

While speaking, the Lost Driver stayed on his waist.

The hand holding the memory is also pressing the button of the memory.

【eternal! 】

With the intense white light, it filled the entire helicopter cabin in an instant.

The white demon named Eternal descends on Fengdu at this moment!


Tian Bata, who had fainted for a while, was awakened by the dazzling white light.

As a result, the appearance of eternity was discovered.

Immediately there was a sense of desolation in my heart.

After working in Consortium X for so long, he certainly knows the price of failing his mission.

Compared with it, it would be better to die here.

At least, his family can still get subsidies!

Thinking of this, Tabata no longer hesitated, and suddenly took out the switch in his pocket and pressed it.

The bomb hidden in the suitcase was activated suddenly.


The helicopter wobbled in the mid-air of Fengdu, but in the end it still failed to escape.

Along with the explosion, colorful rain named T2 Gaia memory suddenly fell in the sky.

The white knight, also dragging his black cloak behind him, landed on the roof of a certain building.

Three men and one woman, the four companions slowly approached, waiting for the order of Dao Keji.

With a sudden wave of his big hand, he raised the cloak on his back and swayed with the wind.

Then the right hand, which seemed to be wrapped in blue flames, pointed the thumb upside down.

"Go, in this city, look for your destined Gaia memory!"

"Then... turn this city into a purgatory on earth!"

The golden compound eyes looked at Fengdu.

This wonderful city.

Undoubtedly, what happened in the sky cannot be hidden from Su Chen.

When the eldest lady sent the news.

He just completed the integration of T2 bird memory.

The current Uranus carrying device already has T2 bird memory inside!
During this period of time, he and this brand new memory have re-tuned.

But just now, with the help of the researcher, he was preparing to test the effect on the spot.

The eldest lady hurried over, and showed Su Chen the video of the rainbow rain.

"This is."

Su Chen's expression froze slightly.

No matter how you look at it, this time things are very similar to what Dao Keji did!

Although there is no eternal figure in the video.

But, he just felt that way.

After utopia comes, eternity will follow!

It's like a fateful duel.

One is to plunder the power of other memories for their own use.

The other is the power to seal other memories.

Also has the title of memory king, in the case of the same T2 stage, it is difficult to say who will be stronger.

After all, Eternity cannot invalidate T2 memory.

However, he still has the memory kid form.

With all 26 memories in hand, it is really hard to say who will win.

Of course, this does not affect what Su Chen wants to do.

"Really, one after another, do you all want to destroy Fengdu?"

"Obviously I can be considered a half-villain~"

Behind her, the fiery red skirt swayed slightly.

The knight named Uranus walked outside.

 The explosive update is over, let's update it later depending on the situation.

  In other words, I just found out that the original starting point still has a reward.

  Let's do this, reward more than 1000 plus one update.

  Or take the time to add more occasionally.

(End of this chapter)

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