From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 145 The form of the memory kid, awesome, old awesome!

Chapter 145 The form of the memory kid, awesome, old awesome!


When the undead white demon came here.

At present, the only one who can continue to fight is Su Chen who has just adapted to the T2 Gaia memory.

The Wing of Daybreak in his hand swung violently, and hot and sacred flames rolled up on the blade.

Along with Daodao Katsuki brandishing the dagger.

The two sharp weapons collided instantly.

In an instant, sparks flew out.

Da Dao Keji attacked swiftly, and after the dagger was blocked, he swung his elbow like a sharp weapon.

But Su Chen was already prepared, he raised his arm to block the opponent's elbow.

Dao Dao Keji didn't hesitate at all when the blow failed, he retracted the dagger, and then swung it out abruptly.

A weapon like a dagger is very dangerous in close combat.

An inch is short, an inch is dangerous!

At this moment, when the two were close, the Eternal Dagger exuded a breathtaking coldness.

Dangerously, it slashed directly one centimeter in front of Su Chen's throat.

But Dao Keji saw it.

The opponent took a step back with ease in an instant, thus just dodging his attack.

Next move.

The two weapons collided again.

And the Daoist self-denial, as if from hell, suddenly sounded with a languid voice.

"Ah~ I remembered, Kamen Rider Uranus, the current leader of the museum, I remember his name is Su Chen, right?"

He slowly remembered the details about Fengdu given by his mother, Daodao Miki.

It seems that Uranus is specifically marked.

It seems that, not long ago, he had fought against that paralyzed face, and he still had the upper hand.

Nice opponent.

Da Dao Keji slowly made a classification for Su Chen.

So, he suddenly kicked hard on the ground with his foot, and after using his strength to float up, he suddenly kicked towards Su Chen hard.

Looking at the menacing kick, Uranus reacted very quickly and turned slightly sideways,
Then the Wings of Daybreak in his hand swung out!

Caught off guard, Da Dao Keji's chest was cut by a sharp knife, and sparks shot out eye-catchingly.

His body also staggered and fell to one side.


The latter took two steps, eternally stabilized his body, and then slightly raised his golden compound eyes.

"What a good fighter, come and enjoy the feast of hell with me!"

With a sneer, Dao Dao's state of self-denial and madness became more and more serious at the moment.

Waving the dagger in his hand, he rushed forward again with a stride.

But Su Chen sneered indifferently: "For things like enjoying the fun of hell, please go to brother hell!"

The sound fell, and the Wing of Daybreak that he was holding in his backhand pulled away.

He is not eternal.

The Wing of Dawn is a bow and arrow in the standard sense, and the blades on both sides are just to prevent the sudden outbreak of melee combat!

To be honest, the Wing of Daybreak was not used for melee combat.

It's just that it's not a year or two for archers to love melee combat.

Of course, there is one more sentence.

Since ancient times, most archers hang on the wall.


In an instant, scorching flames surged from the light blades on both sides of the Wing of Daybreak.

In the fiery red compound eyes, Da Dao's self-denial and agile steps are reflected.

He also knows that Eternity lacks weapons for long-range combat, so he has to get close!
The speed is extremely fast, but the moment the charged arrow is released.

The holy Fengming recalled it again.

The surging flames turned into the posture of a phoenix, as if punished by the gods, they rushed towards the avenue with a bang.


Originally, Dao Keji, who only regarded it as a normal attack, suddenly had a flash of surprise in his eyes!
Hastily raised the dagger in his hand, raised his arms to block the attack.

boom! ! !
Accompanied by a deafening sound, the phoenix formed by the condensed scorching flames directly blasted Dao Keji away.

Sparks flew all over his body, and his eternal body staggered to the ground like a kite with a broken thread.

But as an undead, as long as he is not knocked down by the ultimate drive.

He will not die, nor will he feel any pain!

"What a powerful force!"

"Uranus? Is your power memory!"

Da Dao Keji laughed and stood up, looking curiously at the figure of the knight in front of him.

"That's the bird memory, the power developed with the bird memory as the core, I'm not wrong!"

Suddenly, a figure emerged.

It is Jiatou Shun.

He stood not far from the battle between the two, looking at them calmly.

"Oh? Consortium X is also getting involved~"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and a faint smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Jia Tou Shun snorted coldly, then turned his gaze to Eternity over there.

"It's Kamen Rider again, the way of self-denial, Kamen Rider is eternal!"

"Ah! I didn't expect to meet you here, Jiatou Shun, no, Utopia is right!"

Da Dao Keji let out an evil laugh, and suddenly his tone became mocking:

"But I remember you should have been kicked to death by me, is it possible?"

"Thanks to you, I have become an undead!"

Jia Tou Shun didn't care at all about his becoming a dead person, and said it frankly.


Hearing this, Dao Tech laughed maniacally as if it had heard something very interesting.

"It turns out that we are the consortium X that is the experimental product, and it turns itself into an undead. It's ridiculous hahaha!"

Facing his ridicule, Jia Tou Shun remained calm.

The face was paralyzed, without a trace of waves.

However, the memory in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, which also showed that his mood at the moment was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Although the man named Jiatou Shun has facial paralysis.

But if you encounter surprise or other emotional things, the objects in your hand will often fall to the ground!
For example just now!
Picking up the memory with a calm face, Jia Tou Shun said slowly:

"I didn't expect you to come to Fengdu and take away our memory!"

"If that's the case, then it can't be done!"

He said so.

As soon as the words fell, white abnormal fingers pressed the button on the memory.

[utopia! ] (Utopia)!


Symbolizing the legendary Utopia, the utopia mixed body shows its true appearance under a burst of blue flames!

"Sorry~ I don't have time to waste time with you right now."

"I, I came here. But to become hell in this city!"

Da Dao Keji paused every word, and as soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand.

And the subordinates behind him suddenly understood what he meant, and then rushed forward together.

As Da Dao's self-reliant team members, there is no doubt about their cooperation and tacit understanding.
Seeing this, Jia Tou Shun was not angry.

Now that you are blocked, just defeat the enemy in front of you!

But in fact, it's not as simple as he thought!
The power called Utopia symbolizes the spirit of hope, which can absorb the emotions of others and transform them into one's own power.

Unfortunately, the undead have no emotions!
To be precise, their emotions cannot be absorbed by Utopia!

Therefore, Jia Tou Shun could not gain the strength of the undead squads in front of him!

Instead, they were entangled by their tacit cooperation, and did not have an advantage for a while.

Seeing Jia Tou Shun being entangled, Da Dao Keji slowly put his eyes on Su Chen.

As he said just now, what he needs to do is to defeat Uranus in front of him, and then capture Philip to carry out his plan—a crazy plan to turn everyone in Fengdu into undead!

That's right, at this moment, the crazy Dao Keji wanted to turn everyone else into the same undead as himself.

I don't know if the villains in Fengdu are all carved out of the same mold.

Every now and then, he would turn a person from Fengdu into some kind of monster!

Poor Fengdu, it is obviously a good city for health preservation.

The key to the plan is to take advantage of Philip's super-fast processing of information.

In other words, Philip was unlucky enough.

Whether it's Daichi Katsumi or Sonosaki Ryubei, Philip is not the core of their plans!
They are all against him!

"Come be a monster like me, and enjoy this hell on earth with me! Hahaha!"

Dao Keji, who was interrupted just now, attacked again frantically brandishing a dagger.

"What a headache, I have said many times that I am not interested in falling into hell with you, why can't I understand?!"

Su Chen curled his lips and slowly pulled back the Wing of Daybreak in his hand again.


With the surge of flames on both sides, the arrows condense again!

Once the power is charged, you can guess the damage!
And with the lesson just now, Da Dao Keji didn't have the idea of ​​waiting for his power to be fully charged.

The dagger in his hand was instantly treated as a dart and he threw it with all his strength.


The sharp dagger slashed across the sky, making a sound like breaking through the air as it rubbed against the air.


Just like that, he quickly walked towards Su Chen.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled.

Immediately, he gave up the charged arrow in his hand, and then slightly waved the Wing of Daybreak in his hand, chopping off the attacking dagger.

However, Dao Dao restrained himself and made a lunge with a lot of experience. He kicked the ground hard and jumped high, holding the dagger that flew out.

Then kicked in the air and blasted towards Su Chen!


Having been prepared for a long time, Su Chen turned sideways to dodge the attack.


But at this moment, Dao Keji's offensive remained undiminished, and he kept waving the sharp dagger in his hand.

Su Chen refused to give an inch, but the Wing of Daybreak held tightly.

Suddenly, the sound of the collision of blades and daggers continued to resound!
The roar of the sound rang in the ears of several people!

Dao Dao's self-denial does not have the slightest advantage, even in the eyes of others.

It can be easily seen that Uranus is more than capable!

There was another fierce collision, and Su Chen, who was holding the Wing of Daybreak with one hand, easily blocked Da Dao Keji's attack.

"Da Dao is self-denying, if you only have this kind of strength, this battle can be over!"

The reason why he has been fighting with each other at close range.

Just because he was testing the performance of the T2 Gaia memory.

To know the actual data, we still need to go back to the laboratory for a little testing.

But there is no doubt that T2 absolutely exceeded the initial expectations.

To be inaccurate, it should be the limit plus T2, and the upgrade of the carrier.

The superposition of the power of these three parties has achieved a qualitative change in a certain sense, making Su Chen feel that the power should be higher than the 20t expected at the beginning.

Although it didn't get any special ability enhancement!

But now he values ​​the basic data more!

Breaking through everything!
For other special abilities, Su Chen can supplement them by making special equipment.

But the basic data, this thing is completely linked to the memory, and he can't change it if he wants to!

Now, the basic data testing has basically been completed.

The rest will be handed over to the laboratory to obtain specific and accurate data.

Therefore, it is time for this battle, which should have ended long ago, to draw its curtain.

Dao Keji is a man who should have died very early, and it is time to announce his retirement at this moment!

However, the hysterical white demon at the moment has no last wish to just leave the stage!

The only response to Su Chen was his crazy blow.

Even if he was blocked again, Da Dao Keji still had no intention of giving up!
So Su Chen understood.

Only by beating him down, really beating him down!

The other party will stop the madness at this moment.

Therefore, he did not suppress his strength at all.

Suddenly waving the Wings of Daybreak, the blade made a rustling sound across the air.

When Dao Keji raised his dagger to block.

The momentary collision of power completely presents a crushing posture!
In an instant, the dagger in Keji's hand flew out!
Before he could react, Uranus raised his right leg high, and kicked him hard in the abdomen with a violent blow.

There was no pain, but the impact still sent him flying.

The whole person was like a missile, directly hitting the body of the moon god doping body.

"it hurts!"

"Hey, little Keji?!"

"No way, aren't you that guy's opponent?"

His subordinate, a somewhat enchanting man, was surprised to see Dao Keji on his body and said.

Beside him, the other subordinates couldn't help showing surprised expressions.

"You still hide so much power?!"

Da Dao Keji himself was also surprised, obviously just now he was barely evenly matched.

Suddenly the situation changed!
and that power
As a dead person, he couldn't feel any pain, but just by looking at the distance, he could guess how powerful that kick was!

And this is just an ordinary kick!
"After all, I'm just feeling this power, because of the power of T2 Gaia memory~"

"It's really good. Compared with T1, the values ​​of all aspects have increased too much."

"I have to thank you, fighting with you has allowed me to completely master this power!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth slowly curled into a smile.

Hearing this, Da Dao Keji suddenly burst out laughing in surprise.


"I really want to turn you into my kind more and more!"

"You are so interesting. If that's the case, then I have the power to let you see the feast of hell!"

As soon as the words fell, a special memory appeared in Dao Keji's hands.

Its name is zone (space)!

【Zong! 】

When the spatial memory was pressed by him, it was inserted into the memory slot at his waist.

[zone! maximum-drive!】

In an instant, the T2 Gaia memories collected by them all appeared around him.

Therefore, after Habara Lei and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, they took out the memory in their body without any hesitation.

"Self-restraint, let's go!"

"Xiao Keji, come on!"

"let's go!"


As subordinates, they give the captain the greatest trust!

(End of this chapter)

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