From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 170 Close the door, release Asakura!

Chapter 170 Close the door, release Asakura!
Just for a moment.

The flames released from Uranus' body engulfed everything in front of him like a sea of ​​fire.

Whether it's Kamen Rider Boxing Locust or Kamen Rider Kicking Locust, or Serpentine Ophelia.

At this moment, it is swallowed by flames that instantly become hot without any resistance.

Sparks shot out from all over his body crazily.


Just for a moment.

The three of them were completely killed in seconds.

He fell to the ground without any resistance.

Transformation status is instantly released.

Absolute crushing is perfectly displayed in the sight of God Age Sword at this moment.

It seems that his loss is not the worst!

Just now, the three hell brothers looked like they were going to drag Uranus into hell.

And the result is instant kill.

Even Su Chen just stood there.

Supporting his waist lazily with one hand, he glanced sideways and disdainfully at the three people in front of him.

This is the true power of Uranus.

As long as he thinks, the world of Jiadou is except for that time-stopping bug.

He can instantly kill others!

The gap in strength has already widened.

And this scene, in the eyes of Tiandao.

Can't help but be surprised.

"Is Su Chen already so powerful?"

I was overwhelmed by all aspects before and didn't have much sense.

However, the horrifying scene at this moment made him completely experience the absolute gap between himself and Su Chen.

The power possessed by the other party can instantly kill the three hell brothers.

And he can't do that at all!
If you have such power
Will he be able to protect Xiaoxu?

Director Tiandao couldn't help but think so at the moment!

And the front.

The three hell brothers, at this moment, looked at the fiery red figure in front of them in disbelief.

I just feel that the idea of ​​dragging Uranus into hell they just thought is too ridiculous.

It is the power to instantly kill them.
Pull your head into hell? !

"Are you kidding! How could Uranus be so strong!" Yacar thought it was unbelievable, and was about to swear.

Even close combat.

It would not be so if he defeated the three of them in hundreds of rounds.

However, the other party just stood there, and they had already released a force that made them absolutely irresistible!
This kind of power of opening and hanging is truly shocking.

So much so that Yache thought that the hell he had experienced before was just a joke!

Kaitang Naoya kept patting the flames on his body.

Even though he has lifted the transformation state, Orfienuo is not a Kamen Rider.

After the transformation was lifted, the whole body was still burning with flames.

"It's hot! It's hot! It's hot!"

"Brother Haitang!" Yingshan looked at this scene for a moment.

He hurriedly tried to help him extinguish the flames on his body.

But the panic at the moment made him unable to think of a good solution.

He could only watch Kaitang Naoya rolling back and forth on the ground.

In the end, the whole body was in a mess, and many places were scorched before the flames were extinguished!
"Hey, Yacar, if Uranus is so strong, let's take revenge, let's run!"

"That's right, Yache-san, save Aoyama to do it!"

Kageyama Shun is also very direct.

So he and Kaitang Naoya didn't give Yacar a chance to think.

One person dragged him by one arm and ran away.

An unwilling voice came from afar.

"Uranus, this battle is not over yet! We will definitely let you reach the power of hell first!"

They really come and go in a hurry.

A sudden appearance, but also a very sudden departure.

Only some charred pieces of clothing remained.

In short, look at the three people who went away.

Su Chen's expression revealed a trace of helplessness.

It's a pity, Yache thinks he's really a talented guy.

It's just that it's still completely crooked after all. If it grows crooked, forget it.

The Hell Brothers are the Hell Brothers, their museum is not so short of people now.

In short, he just regarded the appearance of the three of them as a joke, after Su Chen lifted his transformation, he looked at the Director of Heavenly Dao indifferently.

"Oh, by the way, there is something I forgot to tell you."

"If you want to get Xiaoxu back, you can go to Masato Mishima, he has the power to bring Xiaoxu back."

In fact, Su Chen's memory of this plot is not very deep.

Just roughly remember.

Xiaoxu seems to have disappeared because of Haipa, and is currently in a different world.

So the Director of Heavenly Dao couldn't find him at all.

Only Haipa's power can make him find Xiaoxu again.

Therefore, Su Chen could only give Director Tiandao such a little direction.

I hope the other party can get the power of Haipa again.

At that time, he will be able to properly analyze that power.

In short, after telling the Tiandao Director General all this.

His business is also done.

Then turn around and leave.

Only the head of Tiandao and Shendaijian were left with blank faces.

They were still immersed in the terrifying power shown by Uranus just now.

Compared with the three hell brothers, it was actually the two of them who were really shocked by that power.

One is the man who wants to wield the sword of punishment on behalf of the gods, and the other is the man who is in charge of everything.

As proud as they are, they are easily crushed at this moment.

Such an impact was extremely profound for both of them.

So he stood there somewhat confused.

But Su Chen didn't know about this because he had already returned to his company.

He has been in the research institute recently, but he has been a little negligent towards the company.

Fortunately, the company's affairs were well arranged by Sudo Kirihiko and did not require him to worry too much.

Everything is stable.

He, who had no interest in managing the company's affairs, heaved a sigh of relief.

And this moment.

In a prison somewhere in Tokyo.

A very manic figure was frantically hammering on the iron gate of the prison.

"So annoying!"

"It's really annoying!"

"This kind of place is really annoying!"

The man named Asakura Wei was hammering on the iron gate frantically at this moment.

And the prison guard next to him seemed to be used to his appearance.

Just glanced at him lightly.

Then he looked away.

After confirming that none of the prisoners in the prison were abnormal.

Especially leaving as usual.

But he didn't notice a figure passing by him at this moment.

Wearing a gray coat.

Obviously, he just passed by.

But completely invisible!

And the direction of that figure
It is the prison where Asakura Wei is in!
At this moment, Asakura Weizheng was hammering on the iron gate in a frenzied way.

Even though blood was pouring in and out of his arm, he still had no intention of stopping.

The eyebrows that were twisted together couldn't be stretched at all!
And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Are you irritable?"

"Is it very disturbing to all human beings, to this society, to this world?"

"Do you want to destroy all of this?"

With a sudden sound.

Qian Cangwei suddenly saw a figure, who unexpectedly stood beside him at some point.

"Who are you?!"

He froze, and then a destructive expression appeared on his face.

Even looking at Wei Asakura's very dangerous eyes at the moment.

Kanzaki Shiro wasn't worried at all.

Just asked lightly: "Who do you want to destroy?"

"Ah, for example, that lawyer just now!"

Wei Asakura answered very honestly.

That lawyer named Kitaoka Shuichi was unwilling to help him.

He should be beaten to death with an iron rod!
But as soon as the words fell, he said coldly: "But maybe I want to beat you to death in the next second!"


He who has never played cards according to common sense suddenly punched at this moment.

And the target is Kanzaki Shiro!
But the fist fell to the ground without any surprise.

Like a ghost, Kanzaki Shiro drifted directly to avoid the attack.

Then teleportation appeared behind him!


Asakura Wei thought he was wrong, subconsciously turned his head and punched again!
And the result is exactly the same as before.

The fist went straight to the ground!
"You bastard! It really annoys me!"

Wei Asakura said very coldly at the moment.

Hearing this, Kanzaki Shiro was not angry either.

That was the kind of guy he was looking for.

Kamen Rider's war progress is too slow.

He has no time to wait any longer.

You must find someone to advance the speed of the war!

And there is no doubt that Asakura Wei is the kind of person he is looking for!

So, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Show the purple card box in your hand.

"Participate in the war! A war that can make you no longer irritable, destroy everything, satisfy all your desires, and get the last unparalleled power!"

He said so.


Although some don't understand it, Asakura Wei thinks it looks very interesting.

At least it's much more interesting than staying in prison and pounding on the iron door irritably!
So he made a choice without a doubt.

Take the card box from Kanzaki Shiro's hand.

Then face the mirror next to it and start transforming!
Accompanied by a flash of dazzling light and shadow, Kamen Rider King Snake appears!
Just after completing the transformation, he punched the iron door open with a random punch.

"Oh? What a power! I feel good now!"

Then he started the jailbreak operation!

The inmates next to him saw this scene.

After a brief surprise, he quickly shouted.

"Quickly open the door and let us go out too!"

"That's right, that's right, open the door, we have to go out!"

"Let's go out together!"

"You can't escape with your strength alone, the best choice is to let us together!"

The group of ferocious lunatics in the prison made a request to Wei Qiang at this moment.

But obviously they chose the wrong object.

And so a massacre ensues.

Looking at the scene in front of him calmly, Kanzaki Shirou didn't feel strange at all.

Instead, his eyes were very calm.

But in the next second, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

That was the magnificent body of Uranus he had seen before!
"Kamen Rider Uranus!"

"Although I don't know how you entered the mirror world, your existence can also greatly promote the progress of the knight war!"

Kanzaki Shiro always knew that the Kamen Riders he created were not the only ones in this world.

There are also legends of Kamen Riders in other cities.

And in Tokyo, he has even seen many battles between Kamen Riders and monsters!
But of course he didn't.

Instead, he watched quietly in the mirror.

I also have a considerable understanding of certain Kamen Riders.

And he also knows the true identity of a certain Kamen Rider named Uranus!

So at this moment.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the prison.

There was no trace of him left, and even the surveillance did not record his figure.

It was as if he had never been here before!

And this time.

The entire prison has been caught in the riot of Asakura Wei's escape from prison.

All the police came to stop him.

But Wei Asakura, who has become a Kamen Rider, is naturally not something ordinary humans can stop.

Not every policeman is called one!
So soon.

Asakura Wei escaped from prison just as Kanzaki Shiro expected.

Then go find Kitaoka Shuichi!

He is just like Jingsaka Shenhonglang in Fengdu, he is pure evil.

It's just for your own benefit, or desire is acting!

Whatever comes to mind will be done.

There is no moral constraint at all, and the law has no effect on them!
All they have to do is to be unscrupulous under the trend of their own desires!
the other side.

Su Chen is still in the company president's office.

But at this moment, he also saw the news on the mobile phone about Qian Cang Wei's escape from prison urgently released by the police.

Asakura Wei is a very dangerous person.

He will destroy unscrupulously, and may directly kill those who pass by!
So the police issued a notice as quickly as possible.

Caution to all residents!
Seeing the news in front of him, Su Chen's expression changed slightly.

"Has Asakura Wei been released so soon?"

"It seems that there is not enough time for Miracle Uniform?"

Talk about a bunch of things about the Dragon Knight series.

It's all because, very early on, Miracle Uniform accidentally entered the mirror world by accident.

And in the process she lost her own life.

Completely dead.

But then, Yui Kanzaki of this world gave her his life.

But even so, the other party can only live to be 20 years old!

Knowing this, Kanzaki Shiro, the ultimate sister-in-law.

Only then did he go crazy like the head of Tiandao.

You must know that Tiandao is ready to knock down all the other knights just because of Xiaoxu's disappearance.

And Kanzaki Shiro is even more troublesome, his sister only has a few years to live!

He must find a way to save Uniq!

The solution is Kamen Rider War!

Other knights will die in the process.

And their lives will gather together under the special power of the mirror world.

Coupled with the power of the mirror world, it finally forms a terrifying force capable of changing the world!
Then, he can use this power to save Uniq!

But obviously.

Now Kanzaki Shiro has released Asakura Wei, probably because the time for Miracle Uniform is running out!

While he was thinking.

Suddenly, the sound of ding ding ding sounded.

It was not a warning sound, but more like a mobile phone ringing to remind someone to come!

So slowly.

In the decorative mirror next to the president's office.

A figure suddenly appeared.

That thin appearance, a gray coat, a man whose official name is Kanzaki Shiro!

"Kamen Rider Uranus!"

"Do you also want to be powerful?"

As soon as he appeared, Kanzaki Shiro said so.

After all, he remembered that the other party came to the mirror world before.

I said I want it, the last power!

Then, Kamen Rider Uranus also join this knight war!

(End of this chapter)

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