From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 178 The Hypa Insect Apparatus Got It!

Chapter 178 The Hypa Insect Apparatus Got It!
Nogi Reiji's desire for Gaia's memory was immediately denied by Su Chen.

It is impossible for the Gaia memory that belongs to the earth's memory to resonate with the alien insects from the sky!
At least not without making the slightest adjustments!

Of course, as the owner of the museum, all Su Chen has to do is to interrupt all those who have unreasonable desires for Gaia's memory!
Anyone who dares to reach out will break his hand!

That's all!

Hearing this, Nogi Reiji sneered.

It seems that some do not believe what he said.

Just step back slightly with your right foot, and then kick the ground suddenly.

Sprinting like a cheetah, the figure flickered and killed Su Chen in an instant!

Here he wants to defeat Kamen Rider Uranus.

Eliminate all the backbone of human beings such as Jiadou, Gangdou, and Uranus.

Only in this way can the zerg take one step closer to world domination.


He obviously didn't understand the power of Uranus carefully.

He appeared in front of Su Chen in an instant, his huge fists clenched tightly.

Then it exploded suddenly, the tyrannical force rubbed against the air continuously, making a sound like piercing through the air.

The sound of a sonic boom rang in my ears.

In response to this, Su Chen just slowly stretched out his hand, turning his fist into a palm.

That's it.

It has already easily blocked Nogi Reiji's full blow!

Reiji Nogi, who originally thought that Uranus was too big, now an illusory face appeared on the ferocious face of the Zerg, with a look of astonishment.

He really didn't think so.

His full blow was blocked so easily!
And this is the first time this has happened.

At the moment of astonishment, suddenly the hot flames surged from the fiery red arm of Uranus, and the mysterious words bloomed with a brilliance unique to him.


The high temperature continued to burn Nogi Reiji's arm, and for a while he felt severe pain hitting his nerves.

He wanted to break free but found that his strength was suppressed by Uranus.

Can't move at all!

"how is this possible!"

Nogi Reiji seemed to understand at this moment.

Why the cadres he sent out before were wiped out.

The power of Uranus in front of them seems to be far beyond their imagination!
But no one told them about it before and they never paid attention to it!
Nogi Reiji only realized the absolute ruling power called Uranus when he knew he was facing it this time!

He didn't dare to underestimate the other party anymore, the illusory face on his originally ferocious face disappeared instantly, and he began to break free with very serious force.

But in fact it still doesn't work.

Until Su Chen felt very bored, he just threw his whole body away with force.

His body fell heavily to the ground like a kite with a broken thread, and Nogi Reiji let out a ferocious roar.

It seemed that he was angry that he was suppressed, and he seemed to be howling because of the pain in his body!

Anyway, at this moment, that beast-like voice kept ringing!
Then, driven by inner anger, Nogi Reiji activated the time-stopping ability without the slightest hesitation.

He wants to use the ability to stop time to completely defeat the Kamen Rider in front of him.

Because the Kamen Rider named Uranus has seriously threatened their Zerg world domination!
But nothing happened!

The scene of time stopping as he imagined did not appear, and the familiar picture in the past never appeared at all.

Uranus in front leaned on him with a lazy look while leaning on his waist.

The disdainful gaze made the always proud Nogi Reiji roar again.

The hideous face once again showed the illusory face of human beings.

Nogi Reiji looked at the unchanged scene around him in disbelief.

"How is it possible! Why, why is my ability useless!"

He didn't quite believe it.

Then I wanted to use the ability to stop time again, but it was exactly the same as before and had no effect at all.

And at this time, the long voice of Uranus in front came.

"It's useless! The memory ability just now is to invalidate time fluctuations!"

"Not only is it invalid for me, but everything around it will also be invalid! The ability to stop time will completely lose its effect near this place!"

Killing hearts.

At this moment, Nogi Reiji finally understood why the opponent used that memory before the battle started.

That seemingly useless memory turned out to be so effective, it was born entirely to restrain him!

"You bastard!"

Nogi Reiji roared angrily.

However, at this moment, facing his hysterical roar, Uranus' figure suddenly flickered.

The magnificent fiery red body appeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye, and then the slender fiery red arms filled with mysterious words stretched out, holding his head tightly!
Everything happened so suddenly that Nogi Reiji was held down before he even realized it.

"Disappear! In this human world, you don't need these alien things!"

The moment the cold voice fell.

The scorching high temperature spread instantly.

The sacred flame of the phoenix completely ignited Nogi Reiji's body for a moment!


The sound of pain intertwined with the roar of the moment.


Accompanied by a piercing sound, Nogi Reiji, the king of the zerg, was easily eliminated in this way.

There is nothing left to be burned under the holy flame!

That's right, the battle is over!

This is the power Kamen Rider Uranus possesses at this moment.

On the premise that time is not involved, he can penetrate the Jiadou world casually!

"So strong!"

Kaga Meixin over there had an expression of disbelief at the moment, and the last words of the thousands of words that came to his mouth were sighed softly.

The Zerg that crushed itself before was killed by the president so comfortably.

There is no room for control at all!
Sure enough, his president is the real monster!
For a while, Kaga Meixin had such an idea!

And the expression of the Director of Heavenly Dao over there also became subtle in an instant.

Su Chen
Unknowingly, the gap between them has really widened to an unimaginable level.

In the past, they could barely fight evenly.

And now not only was he defeated with his own hands, but the zerg he couldn't defeat was easily crushed in the opponent's hands.

In other words, even if he was in Su Chen's hands, he would not be crushed!
Even if it is the way of the sky, the confident man in charge of everything can't help but have a thought at this moment-"I'm not as good as him"!

As for Masato Mishima over there, he slapped hard on the railing in front of him even more in horror.

"How is it possible! How could that Zerg be defeated so easily!"

"There is also Gaia memory! What is that! Can human beings evolve?"

The facial paralysis was completely broken at this moment.

Questions and unbelievable horror filled my mind.

And that trace of fear of Uranus.

The power possessed by the other party is too terrifying, even the king of the zerg, the existence that makes humans only fear, is easily taken by him.

So at this moment, Masato Mishima narrowed his eyes slightly, and when Uranos turned his attention to him, he also left with his men in an instant.

Now is not the time to clash with Uranus.

Especially last time they had reached a consensus, Uranus can be regarded as a special one in the organization.

Even when facing each other, he sometimes has to obey orders!
But say it.

Masato Mishima suddenly remembered the group of weird guys around Uranus when they met before.

Not like a zerg but with a lot of power!
Could that force be the so-called Gaia memory?

With such thoughts in his heart, he turned around with full of doubts and completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

that's it.

Although Nogi Reiji was defeated, in fact the other party still had two lives.

But this point doesn't matter to Su Chen anymore!

The next thing will be left to Director Tiandao.

It's time for him to get his loot.

So he lifted his transformation, walked towards Gao Niao Lianhua over there, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Even the well-trained Gao Niao Lianhua was frightened stupid now.

Because the people of Kamen Rider Uranus are so powerful.

The existence known as the Zerg King is easily killed in seconds.

But the Director of Heavenly Dao is not the opponent of the so-called Zerg King.

Judgment will be judged at once!

"Don't be dazed, give me something!"

Looking at Gao Niao Lianhua who was already in a daze, Su Chen curled his lips and said.

Hearing this, the latter only belatedly realized that the other party's gaze had been on the box in her hand, and then she finally understood.

Since her master had obtained the same power, she naturally gave this thing to Su Chen as well.

Open the box in your hand.

Su Chen saw the Hypa insect instrument placed in it!

This thing is finally available, the power to travel through time!

With a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded towards the head of Tiandao, then quickly turned and left!
Time began to pass quietly like this.


Su Chen has been in the research room for several months, and has been studying the power of Odin and Haipa.

I want to integrate these two forces into Uranus.

But it seems to be a bit difficult.

At present, I really haven't done it for a while!
After all, they are two forces related to time, and they are not the same system.

The results of the fusion of different systems are often very scary.

Said it was a simple explosion, but it was relatively light.

It's normal to say that it's normal to play yourself to death!
For example, the fusion of Zerg and Gaia memory power.

Zerg that played themselves to death did not exist before!

So Su Chen was also very cautious about this, and did not directly start the fusion of the two systems, but studied various possibilities very seriously.

Anyway, there is no rush to obtain the ability to stop time now.

In addition, a lot of things have happened outside during this period of time.

First of all, on the side of Fengdu, Aunt Wenyin seems to have a clue about the T3 Gaia memory.

According to the other party, it may not be long before the T-[-] Gaia memory that was conceived before will be born!
At that time, the power of Uranus will also usher in sublimation again!
on the other hand.

A research institute on the Tokyo side.

Kanzaki Shiro seems to have integrated very well, what is complicated for him is the matter of closing the mirror world.

The mirror world has not been closed yet, and many monsters are still appearing to attack humans.

Although other Kido Shinji and the others had taken action, not everyone was saved by them!
So closing the mirror world at this moment is also a top priority!
It's just that Kanzaki Shiro doesn't have much clue yet.

In short, everything still needs to come slowly!
And something earth-shaking has happened here in Tokyo!
The zerg have waged war on humans!
Total war!
But Nogi Reiji, who has lost the ability to stop time, has lost his absolute dominance.

After Tiandao Director obtained the Hundred Insect Sword, he was defeated head-on!

He started a third life.

And led the Zerg to launch the final struggle.

Nogi Reiji's third life is to split himself in two, although he lost his previous ability.

But its own strength has been increased!

In short, when the zerg king was completely down.

He resolutely chose to destroy mankind!
So an all-out war between humans and Zerg broke out!
And at the same time.

The director of Tiandao also found his sister as he wished.

Although in the process he found a guy exactly like himself.

A mimetic Director of the Heavenly Dao!

It shouldn't be more appropriate to call it the Kusakabe General Director!

The other party imitated him, so he is also an ultimate sister-in-law.

He wants to snatch Xiaoxu from him.

And how could the Director of Heavenly Dao tolerate such a thing.

Then the two looked at each other and fought.

Although the Mimic Heavenly Dao Director has all the power of the real Heavenly Dao.

Whether it's the fighting talent or something else, it's all amazing.

Coupled with that cold heart and blackened style, it seems that the power he has mastered exceeds that of the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Of course, it refers to the normal situation.

But if he can't stand it, the head of Tiandao will hang up!
As soon as Haipa came out, the director of the Mimic Heavenly Way retired directly on the spot!
He is really helpless, Haipa's power is far beyond normal.

In addition, the director of Tiandao also started talking, after a while of self-narration from the heart.

Xiaoxu is finally willing to accept this world again!
So, everything returned to the original point.

Director of Tiandao finally found Xiaoxu back!
It's just that he couldn't help but start thinking about the situation of that mimic himself!
He always felt that that one didn't look like a Zerg, but a guy who was exactly like himself was impossible!

So what's going on?

The director of Tiandao didn't know that the mimic himself was also a poor guy.

Originally just an ordinary human being, but was caught by the protozoa and became a human protozoa experiment.

In the end, he was mimicked as the Director of Heavenly Dao.

And gained the power of the Dark Armor.

It is also because of his experimental data on the protozoanization of humans that the current protozoa has mastered the technology that can stably turn humans into protozoa!
But now, the top priority is to completely clean up the Zerg.

Otherwise, with the fighting power of the protozoa, it is still impossible to win the victory from the large-scale molting zerg!

Therefore, cooperation with humans is still necessary.

The protozoa still haven't shown their true purpose, they just keep infiltrating the upper echelons of human beings!
To sum up, in a word, the protozoa is just around the corner!

(End of this chapter)

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