From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 26 This silly guy really looks like a husky!

Chapter 26 This silly guy really looks like a husky!

Near the commercial street where traffic flows.

An unremarkable-looking van was parked in front of a building, and Osamu Ueda lowered his head in thought.

Misaki Yuzuki next to him was monitoring the building.

Slowly, the car door opened, and wearing a suit, the dog-like Gagami walked in with a suitcase.

Although it was October, his forehead was covered with sweat, obviously from running all the way here.

As soon as he entered, Tian Suoxiu stretched out his hand, ignoring the expression of his subordinate asking for credit, took the box over, and carefully placed it beside him.

Gagami was a little disappointed, thinking that he would get some kind of reward for completing such a secret task this time.

However, Tian Suoxiu's cautiousness made him a little concerned about the contents of the box. Driven by curiosity, he asked directly.

"Captain, what is it in here? Why are you so careful."

"Idiot! Can you ask this kind of thing!"

Before Tian Suo Xiuyi could speak, Misaki Yuzuki hurriedly reminded him with a cold face.

She kindly reminded her, but Gagami obviously didn't understand, and looked at her captain with a naive face.

The innocent little eyes reminded Tian Suoxiu of a good friend of human beings.
Cough cough, there are strange things mixed in, anyway, he thought for a while and said: "Yes, since you want to know, it's not impossible to tell you."

After all, he is the son of zecter executive Kaga Miru, so it doesn't hurt to tell him.

Well, he definitely wasn't moved by the "loyal" eyes of his subordinates.

Quickly found the reason, Tasho Shuichi ignored Misaki Yuzuki's astonishment, and opened the box in front of Gagami.

"This is!!"

Kaga Meixin looked astonished, her pupils shrank slightly, and then...
"Captain, what is this?"

He scratched his head, and his naive nature was instantly revealed.

However, Tian Suoxiuyi has already seen through the character of this subordinate during this period of getting along, so he replied without any surprise:
"This is the No. [-] secret weapon that will allow us to gain the power to fight against the Zerg, that is, the Kamen Rider system!"

Gagami stared at the belt in front of her eyes, exclaimed: "Kamen Rider system? I seem to have heard of that!!"

"Hush!" Misaki Yuzuki next to him motioned to lower his voice.

Gagami quickly covered her mouth, and then the blue figure she had seen before suddenly appeared in her mind.

He was a person who couldn't hide his words, and he directly expressed his inner doubts.

"So, is it possible that the blue one who wiped out the Zerg before was the Kamen Rider?"

"It's not!" Tian Suoxiu shook his head all the time.

Although he is not a high-level person in the protozoan, he still knows a lot of secrets and has a good relationship with many high-level people.

Naturally, I know some inside information, such as that blue guy, who can't even be punished by high-level officials.

"Is that so?" Gagami nodded half-understanding.

Then he said cheerfully: "Mr. Tiansuo, please let me use this belt!"

He began to imagine, imagining himself defeating the Zerg and avenging his brother who might have been killed!
But Gagami is so naive.

Although Tian Suo Xiuyi didn't hate him, and even felt good about his simplicity, it didn't mean that he would agree to this request.


"We're just keeping this belt for the time being. We'll hand it over to the able-bodied person who comes from the headquarters." He thought for a while and added.

Gagami was very disappointed, but had no choice but to accept the reality.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing for a while, and it was too quiet.

Not liking this kind of atmosphere, Gagami forcefully found a topic.

"By the way, captain, why are we staring here? Is there any mission?"

Don't tell me, he really guessed right.

I saw Tian Suoxiu nodded slightly: "That's right, I received a report from the police a few days ago that there were Zergs in this building, and victims have already appeared. I am afraid that Zergs are mimicking other people hiding in It might not be there.”

"Eh?! Why don't we go in and investigate?" Gagami asked.

"That would only scare the snake away, and we still don't know who the other party is mimicking." Tian Suoxiu rolled his eyes.

According to the information, after the zerg killed a person, it did not mimic the dead person. This is not in line with the logic of the zerg's behavior. The only explanation is that a person inside was mimicked!

There is no need to mimic other appearances!
Hearing this, Gagami seems to understand.

Seeing through it at a glance, Tian Suoxiu continued: "In short, continue to observe first, and wait for the opponent to show his feet."


At this time, in the building being monitored by zecter, Su Chen was teaching (poisoning) Sudou Kirihiko.

In the specially built temporary battle room, in a prototype battle field comparable to a football field, Su Chen easily crushed Sudou Kirihiko.

Using the super fast speed, Sudou Kirihiko had no chance to fight back at all.

"NASCAR memory is not as simple as you make it out to be."

"Actually, he exists in three forms, one of which is what you are now, and his combat effectiveness can only be regarded as an ordinary cadre."

"But once you develop its potential, you will be able to master the ability to accelerate when you enter the second stage. Just like me now."

Sudo Kirihiko must master the ability to accelerate, otherwise he would not be able to stay in this city.

It is common sense that only acceleration can counter Zerg's clock-up.

In order to find a beater, Su Chen could only use severe beatings to help him awaken to the second stage.

After a while, I finished work and called it a day.

Sudou Kirihiko was forced to cancel his transformation, fell to the ground, and couldn't even get up.

However, he still suppressed the pain and said: "So, what I have to do is awakening stage two?"

"Bingo~ If you want to survive in this city, that power is necessary." Su Chen released his transformation and smiled slightly.

"I understand!"

Sudou Kirihiko responded, and then his eyes gradually became firmer.

He doesn't want to experience failure! !

For this reason, even if it takes a hundred times and a thousand times of effort, it doesn't matter!
Glancing at him, Su Chen smiled in satisfaction.

From this point of view, it won't take long for suitable workers to be in place~
He walked out quietly.

Back in the office, I made a cup of coffee and drank it slowly while looking down as usual.

And in his eyes, it was a van!

The three people in the van didn't know it, and they stared at each other high in the sky.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Su Chen whispered faintly:

"So when are you going to do it?"

He'd known for a long time that the zerg were likely hiding inside the company.

Although I don't know how it got in, but it's understandable when you think of the Zerg's incomprehensible ability.

As we all know, the Zerg can still obtain the memory of the other party after mimicking. In this case, even the people next to the pillow may not be able to tell the difference!
There is a slight gap, and the Zerg can get in.

But if you know it, you know it, it's too troublesome to find it, it's better to wait for the other party to show its feet.

Of course, he doesn't do nothing. Recently, he has been preparing to develop a prop to distinguish between Zergs and humans.

This kind of thing also appeared in the later stage of the original plot, so there is a theoretical basis, so it is enough for him!
Stretching, he looked away, and sat back on the chair calmly.

Outside, the sun is starting to shift, and the evening is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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