From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 28 Zerg: Is this "in the river"?

Chapter 28 Zerg: Is this "in the river"?

When the thick armor climbed layer upon layer like quicksilver, it attached to the body of the head of heaven, and finally covered his whole body, turning him into a silver and red knight!
Its name is Sun God Jiadou!

In the first transformation, Tiandao Chief Director is still adapting to his own power, especially the initial masked form, which is against the larval stage of the Zerg.

In this state, the data in all aspects are very high, and at the same time it has thick armor.

How heavy is it.
Using Thunderfly as an example, after the unlucky cast-off, he became the first Kamen Rider to be set fire by the ant soldiers. (theatre version)
As long as there is no cast-off, the death will not be so miserable.

Returning to the original question, Director Tiandao still likes this form very much, especially when he transforms for the first time.

He used this form to fight with several larvae, and his full-level fighting ability allowed him to easily defeat the zerg.

The adults were then targeted.

But adults can clock-up!
The masked form is very difficult to deal with adults, and even relying on heavy armor can't last long. The head of Tiandao didn't like to retreat, so he began to look for a way.

Looking at the eyes, the sacks piled up in the abandoned building came into view, and there was already a plan in his mind.

He raised the Kunai gun in his hand, a weapon in the shape of an axe, gun, and dagger, and shot continuously to smash the sack.

Immediately, all the flour in the sack was spilled out.

The Kunai gun releases the infrared rays to assist aiming, combined with the broken glass, the red straight line is continuously refracted, reflecting a figure.

It disappeared in a flash, as if nothing had happened.

But the Director of Heavenly Dao saw the direction from which the Zerg was attacking, switched the Kunai Spear to transform into an axe, leaned forward, and waited for the rabbit!
The Zerg was extremely fast, and when it realized that the ax was waiting for it, it was too late to dodge and was about to slam into it.


Like a stream of light, the arrow fell down with a long awn, and hit the Zerg that was caught off guard.

This adult spider of another color flew upside down, rolled twice on the ground before stopping.


The Director of Heavenly Dao frowned.

Looking sideways to the left, the blue figure slowly came into view.

Holding the arrow in his hand, Uranus met his gaze.

The four eyes met, very calm.

"Who?" Director Tiandao asked succinctly.

"Kamen Rider Uranus, you can call me that." Su Chen replied calmly.

"Why do you want to help the Zerg?" The director of Tiandao cut straight to the point.

Su Chen didn't answer right away, but slowly walked towards the Zerg that fell on the ground.

As he walked, he replied:

"It's a very important material, and it can't die yet."

He wants to develop props to identify humans and Zergs. Of course, he needs the information of Zergs, accurate data in all aspects, such as body data and the like.

Naturally, a living zerg is needed, preferably an adult, which is the most valuable for research.

"Material?" Director Tiandao frowned, and let go after a few seconds.

Forget it, what does it have to do with him anyway?
If you want to snatch the prey from him, you must at least show the corresponding strength.

Holding the Kunai ax tightly, he moved forward slowly and stood in front of the Zerg.

Its meaning is already obvious!

"So that's the case, do you want to fight?" Su Chen sighed helplessly, but he didn't intend to give up.

There are a lot of zerg, but the adults are not easy to find, after all, they run too fast.

So this one, he is not ready to give up.

Outside, it was already starting to darken.

The last twilight of the evening glow fell on both of them, and when the cold October wind blew over the metal body, there was no ripple.

The battle broke out in an instant!
The head of Tiandao took the lead in launching the attack, and Ku Wu raised his gun and fired continuously.

The light bombs continued, one after another, and came with a bang.

Su Chen raised the Wing of Daybreak in his hand and waved it continuously.

The fire beside him exploded, becoming the brightest spark in the gradually dark building.

Suddenly, Su Chen entered a state of acceleration, and the flames around him seemed to stagnate, and it also seemed like a bewitching blood bloomed all over his body.

The moment Director Tiandao saw the blue figure disappear from his sight, he was severely injured, with a sharp knife across his chest.

While the flames were splashing, he staggered back a few steps.

This time, he didn't hesitate.

"cast-off" (choke tofu)


A series of blue electric arcs slowly spread from the belt, spreading all over the body in an instant!

The thick armor of the whole body was loosened, and it burst open instantly, splashing towards the surroundings.

When the outer armor was detached, a streamlined body was revealed, and the single horn on the forehead stood up strikingly, as if pointing at the sun with one hand!

【clock-up! 】

The head of Tiandao did not stop, and instantly entered a state of acceleration.

The surrounding world came to a standstill, Tian Suoxiu and the others who were going upstairs, and the birds flying by that day all stopped for a while.

At this moment, his weapon became a kunai dagger.

The two faced each other, holding their weapons at the same time.

This time, Su Chen moved first.

Pulling the Wing of Daybreak in his hand, and shooting an arrow, the figure stepped forward in an instant.

The director of Tiandao quickly dodged sideways, and then held the dagger without retreating.

Suddenly, the dagger and the blade collided.

With the Wing of Daybreak in one hand, Su Chen swung it continuously.

And the director of Tiandao also saw the trick, and the dagger stuck out to block.

Their fight, no, it shouldn't be called a fight anymore.

It is simply the aesthetics of violence. Every move and every move is an aesthetic concept that is moving. While full of threats, it does not lose the sense of beauty!

But beneath the roses are often thorns, and beneath the beauty are often the blades that run through the body.

The chill is piercing to the bone, and even a little inattention will lose the opportunity to fight.

Fortunately, the opponent was able to catch it.

So their focus is up, up, up!

For a moment, they forgot the time, the purpose, and how many times they fought!

There was another strong collision, and under the effect of stamina, the two retreated at the same time, and the Director of Heavenly Dao paused to stabilize his figure.

[clock-over! 】

At the same time, they exited the state of acceleration and returned to reality.

The highly concentrated attention was slightly distracted, and a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the head of Tiandao.

For his own power, he knows how powerful it is.

After all, since he got the belt since he was a child, he has been exercising constantly, crazily tapping the potential in his body,
Just for this day.

I didn't expect to meet another full-level player just after I came out of the mountain!

In addition to being surprised, there is a little more joy, which is the joy of meeting similar people on the top of the mountain.

"You are very good."

The voice of the Director of Heavenly Dao sounded.

Su Chen smiled, and only responded with a light smile to the praise of this previous life's coercive king:

"You too."

At this moment, the two pairs of compound eyes only see each other.

Everything around has been ignored.


The severely wounded adult worm was recovering, but it didn't choose to escape, but entered the clock-up state on its own initiative.

While the two of them were not paying attention to him at the moment, they suddenly attacked.



The sound of two blades colliding with metal-like flesh suddenly sounded.

Where the Zerg came from, it returned to!

I don't know where it got the courage to sneak up on two full-level bosses, and it was almost carried away in the end.

It was Su Chen's lack of material, otherwise there might have been only an explosion just now.

 Jiadou's transformation was really exciting. He was really dizzy when he transformed into Gagami for the first time, and there were close-ups of the next few transformations.

(End of this chapter)

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