From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 32 Will the boy who slays demons eventually become a demon?

Chapter 32 Will the boy who slays demons eventually become a demon?
In the majestic reception room.

Sudou Kirihiko held three cups of tea and placed them in front of Gagami and the others.

"Thank you."

Gagami was a little cautious, subconsciously wanting to stand up.

"It's okay." Sudou Kirihiko smiled elegantly.

Standing respectfully behind Su Chen.

Seeing this, Gagami involuntarily shifted her eyes to the man in front of her who made her feel very familiar no matter how she looked.

Why. I always feel like I have seen it somewhere?

Especially that seemingly gentle look that made him feel that there was a deep stern look in his eyes.

"Cough cough!"

Su Chen noticed that Gagami's attention had shifted, coughed twice, and pulled him back from his contemplation.

"I don't know why you came here this time?"

This time, in order to assist zecter's work, the people who came were the same combination of the old and the young.

They didn't take the initiative to grab the show, but looked at Gagami in unison.

Seeing this, Gagami, who was a little uncomfortable with her role as the leader, coughed in embarrassment, and then pretended to be deep and said the specific request.

"Yes, we hope"

"...Probably so."

After finishing speaking, Gagami, who still didn't adapt to her current role, couldn't help scratching her head, revealing her naive nature.

Hearing this, Su Chen smiled: "So you want me to arrange an identity?"

"Yes, because there is a high probability that that kind of monster is lurking in your company."

Seeing the hope, Gagami stood up excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, he bent down and said with an almost pleading attitude:

"Please trust us, please!"


Seeing his serious appearance, Su Chen had a faint smile on his lips, and leaned back slightly by fifteen degrees.

While enjoying the comfortable office chair, he crossed his fingers and seemed to be thinking.

Gagami didn't speak, but stared closely at the man in front of him who was not inferior to the so-called big star, and swallowed nervously.

The room was very quiet, no one spoke, his nervous movements were like swallowing, and he could clearly hear him rubbing his fingers.

Slowly, Su Chen finally spoke.

"Sounds interesting, but science fiction is too visual~"

Hearing this, Gagami's heart was in his throat, and he was about to think that he had failed again.

A faint voice rang in my ears.

"But I trust you."

Gagami was ecstatic, her eyes widened.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

With that said, he was about to start.

Su Chen dodged calmly, stood up and walked to the French window, then said:

"Kirihiko, go arrange his identity."


Although Sudou Kirihiko didn't know why that son-in-law agreed, but he knew the way to do it, so he did it seriously.

Gagami's excitement was beyond words.

too difficult!
I finally got one thing done, so I don't have to worry about being kicked out of the zecter organization.

And Su Chen, who helped him finish his work, suddenly became an image of a good person.

Su Chen, who didn't know that he had received a good person card, was ready to see off the guests.

"Then, in two days, you will be able to come and join the job normally."

"Hi! I'll work hard!" Gagami bowed down very quickly, taking over her identity very quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his head naively, put his palms together and begged, "Oh, by the way, please keep the Zerg thing a secret, and it must not be exposed!"


The corner of Su Chen's eyes twitched, this passionate idiot~
After sending Gagami and the others away.

Sudou Kirihiko walked in and asked curiously, "Are there still Zerg bugs hidden in our company?"

He really doesn't know much about this, and he doesn't even know much about the so-called Zerg.

After all, Su Chen didn't say anything.

"No accidents, it should be." Su Chen smiled lightly, and nodded indifferently.

Seeing his winning appearance, Sudou Kirihiko felt a little more at ease, and asked in a low voice out of caution: "Need."

"Don't worry about it for now, the Zerg really wants to hide, and it will be very difficult to investigate."

Su Chen knew what he wanted to say, so he refused decisively.

He didn't think it would take much effort to find the zerg he was so intent on hiding.

After all, the mimicry of the zerg still has memories. It can be said that it has become that person. Even the pillow people who have been with him for decades can't notice the difference.

"We don't need to waste that time right now. The top priority is the sale of Gaia's memory."

Because the research institute and processing plant have not been fully established, the sale of memory naturally cannot be fully carried out.

Sudo Kirihiko heard the words, and he couldn't wait to show his skills: "I understand, I will urge the completion of the research institute and processing plant."

"En." Su Chen nodded.

Suddenly remembered something, and said again: "By the way, let's adjust the memory host selection conditions this time."

In Fengdu, the chosen hosts are generally those at the bottom of the society, or people who have some serious evil thoughts and negative emotions.

Because their emotions can help the memory to exert its power better and bring them more research data.

But you must know that the Gaia memory does not use a drive as a medium, and if it is directly inserted into the body for use, it will cause toxin erosion.

People will gradually become irritable, and negative emotions will be magnified.

The result was that Fengdu was persecuted and innocent people died.

Therefore, Zuo Xiangtaro thinks it is normal for them to be evil.

After all, the museum has long since been an organization that led humans to evolve, and has become a terrifying shadow nestling in Fengdu!

But this is something that can't be helped. Ryubei Sonosaki is no longer the idealist he was back then, in the collision between reality and ideal.

He is at a fork in the road and has gone to extremes. He has lost his family, love, heart and so on. With so much investment, he has nothing left to lose.

Not to mention, just a bunch of strangers.

So. He chose to take a shortcut and choose to do whatever it takes.

Su Chen has no way to stop it, but at least in the "barren land" of the organization in Tokyo, he can adjust according to his own ideas, so that the museum can go back to the path of leading the evolution of life!
Of course, these thoughts, not to mention Sudo Kirihiko, even the young lady doesn't know.

Therefore, at this moment, Sudou Kirihiko looked at him in astonishment.

"Is this appropriate? Over there in Fengdu."

Before he finished speaking, Su Chen stopped him.

"It doesn't matter, everything here is up to me to decide, you just do it."

He wasn't worried about Sudou Kirihiko's objection.

Because, the other party is someone who would rather bear the sins, and hope that Fengdu and even the world will become a better place, but it is a pity that he chose the wrong path.

As he expected, Sudou Kirihiko didn't object at all.

When I got an affirmative answer, I was a little joyful.

He'd never liked that, people with too much negativity would bring disaster to the city, but that's the museum's rules.

He does not have the power to overthrow the system, so naturally he can only follow the system, and at some point in the future he has enough power to speak, and maybe he can change it.

Unexpectedly, the change will start today.

(End of this chapter)

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