From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 40 Strange Jiadou series of knights!

Chapter 40 Strange Jiadou series of knights!

Even in winter, it seems that the weather is very unsightly, and there will be heavy rain without warning.

The heavy raindrops fell on the house, turned into water flow along the eaves in an orderly manner, and fell on the people who came and went.

The original sunny day has been replaced by dark clouds, and it is rainy, which makes people feel uncomfortable.


The sound of the motorcycle engine stopped, Director Tiandao looked at the building in front of him, and stepped down sideways.

Just about to go in, the security guard at the door stopped him.

It was the same person he saw last time.

Before he opened his mouth, the other party reminded him in a cold voice: "Mr. Tiandao Zongsi, you have been blocked by our company, please don't come close!"


The Director of Heavenly Dao had a black line on his face.

what's the situation?
Why was he blacklisted?
At this time, a familiar voice came from the side.

"what happened?"

"Huh? It's you!"

Sudo Kirihiko, holding an umbrella, appeared from behind the head of Tendo.

"What does it mean that I've been blocked?" Tiandao's face darkened.

"On the surface, you broke into the company last time and caused bad influence, so..." Sudou Kirihiko shrugged and suppressed a smile.

Although Tiandao Director General helped him enter the second stage, it is true that it will have a negative impact on the company.

In other words, Su Chen has been busy and has no time to pursue him.


The Director of Heavenly Dao was stunned for a moment.

He now wants to find Gagami and get the mackerel back from him!

These two also deserve to eat?

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Sudou Kirihiko asked, remembering the business.

Tiandao resisted the feeling of myocardial infarction and replied, "Do you know Gagami's younger brother?"

"Brother? That guy has a younger brother? Sorry, I really don't know much about this." Sudou Kirihiko frowned, then shook his head.

"Is that so?" Tiandao thought for a few seconds, then turned and left.

Of course, I didn't give up on this matter, but went to the zecter organization to ask.

Tsk, you don't hesitate to expose your identity for Gagami, and you still say you don't love him? !
Sudo Kirihiko didn't stop him, just watched him disappear from sight, and then entered the company with an umbrella.

He was working on the construction of the supervision institute a few hours ago, and then received a call from Su Chen.

So he rushed back.

He ran directly to Su Chen's office.

He knocked on the door, and a voice let him in.

In the office, Su Chen made a cup of coffee and yawned.

When he came out, it naturally meant that the instrument for distinguishing zerg was completed. Although it was basically completed and the core functions were available, it could not be simplified to the extent that it could be carried around.

The initial instrument is very large, equivalent to a supercomputer, and it will take time to simplify it.

But with the core function, it is enough for now, so he just came out.

Seeing Sudou Kirihiko coming in, Su Chen took a sip of his coffee, and then said, "Sit down."

When the other party sat down, he asked again:

"Is everything normal recently? Has anything major happened?"

Sudou Kirihiko listened, thought carefully for a few seconds, and then replied:
"It's not a big deal, there is no problem with Gaia's memory storage, and there are no traces of Zerg at all."

"However. Just now I met the Director of Heavenly Dao downstairs, and he asked about Gagami's younger brother."

"Gagami's younger brother?!" Su Chen paused slightly with the hand holding the coffee, and then continued to take a sip naturally.

His eyes, partially covered by the coffee cup, flickered slightly.

It has been more than ten years since time travel, and he has already forgotten many details, such as when and what zerg will appear.

Perhaps the details of what zerg, what it looked like, and who it mimicked have long been forgotten.

But he still remembers the classic fight in the rain and the plot of burning money. It seems that the opponent is Gagami's younger brother!

By the way, why did his brother become a Zerg?

Can't remember.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

But if Tiandao said so, it means that brother Gagami has returned?

Confused, Su Chen nodded: "I see, Gagami does have a younger brother, and if nothing else, it should be a Zerg."


Sudou Kirihiko was startled and almost stood up directly.

After calming down for two seconds, he sat down again: "Then do you want to remind him?"

He has a good feeling for Gagami, especially the other party's serious appearance recently, and the two have a tendency to develop towards friends.

"It's useless to remind, that guy is a younger brother, and he finally found his younger brother, so he won't believe you." Su Chen smiled wryly, and shook his head.

A group of knights in the Jiadou world is somewhat problematic.

Jiadou sister control, Gangdou younger brother control, sword scorpion sister control, Yache Xiang and Kageyama Shun are also brother control and brother control tendencies, Thunderfly is a pure lsp, with a bit of lolicon!

It is obviously impossible to expect them to listen when it comes to the people they care about most.

But Sudo Kirihiko doesn't quite understand this kind of emotion. He has a younger sister, but it's just an ordinary brother-sister relationship, not so outrageous.

Sitting there with a ignorant face, thoughtful.

When Su Chen saw this, he understood it at a glance. He probably didn't understand, so he waved his hand: "Forget it, it's nothing if you tell him."

"Okay." Sudou Kirihiko scratched his head.

Shrugging his shoulders, Su Chen's face became more serious: "By the way, I have developed the instrument for identifying zerg, you arrange it."

The words are not yet finished.

Outside the door, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"President, are you there?!"

The voice is quack rice.

Su Chen and Sudou Kirihiko looked at each other, and he came back to his senses: "Come in."

Gagami came in, holding two servings of mackerel, with a fake and obsequious smile on his face.

He was very happy because he saw his brother again.

Liang ate the mackerel with a smile, and their relationship seemed to be the same as it was two years ago.

Even though it was raining heavily, they were already very happy and were not affected by the weather at all.

But Liang seemed to be very busy, so he left again after a while.

Before leaving, he also said that he hoped that he could visit his company next time.

In order to fulfill his younger brother's wish, he came to meet Su Chen, the president of the Tokyo branch!
Seeing Gagami's slightly fake smile, the corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched: "Is there something wrong?"

"Ahem, President, this is Tiandao's mackerel dish, which is very delicious. He felt that it was very wrong to trespass on the company last time, so he specially used this to make amends!"

Gagami's complexion was not normal, and his speech was faltering.

"Gagami, no one told you before, are you very good at lying?" Su Chen smiled dumbly.

Leaving aside Gagami's strange appearance, the head of Tendo will apologize.
Please~ dogs don't believe this!
"Cough cough!"

Being directly exposed, Gagami was so embarrassed that his toes were going to dig out three rooms and one living room on the floor tiles!

(End of this chapter)

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