From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 66 Mick: You are the only one who can roar!Ben Meow is definitely better than you!

Chapter 66 Mick: You are the only one who can roar!Ben Meow is definitely better than you!

In Tokyo, where the wind is piercing the bone, there are not as many pedestrians on the road as before. Near the port, a "chi chi" sound suddenly sounded.

I saw a van engraved with the Zecter logo running wildly on the road, and far behind it was Tiandao Zongsi who was riding a bicycle.

As for the van, it was Moto Sawamura, Yuzuki Misaki, and one of his subordinates.

"Contact the headquarters quickly." Moto Sawamura said in a low tone.

Misaki Yuzuki nodded and began to contact the headquarters.

The atmosphere in the car was very tense, as if something amazing had happened, but it was true to say that, after all, the Zerg attack on the branch was already a very important event!
In fact, just a few minutes ago, a large number of Zergs suddenly attacked the branch. The number completely exceeded the capacity of the guards, and they were instantly defeated!

In desperation, the group of them could only leave with the belt of Director General Tiandao to report the emergency situation to the headquarters and seek support.

Of course, this is what happened from Misaki Youyue's perspective, while Gagami's perspective is. He went to rescue the Chief of Heaven, but he didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck, and the zerg came to attack him!
Although it covered him, it also hurt his comrades!
But these are not important now, because Misaki Yuzuki is sitting in the car, but there are two zergs. The real Sawamura Moto has been sacrificed, and even mimicked by the zergs!

The real purpose of the Zerg is to use the identity of zecter personnel to sneak into the headquarters!
So he quickly dialed Misaki Youyue's phone and told the latter the news. Even though the voice had been suppressed to the lowest level, the hearing of the zerg from the extraterrestrial objects was far superior to that of ordinary humans.

Therefore, when the phone was hung up and Misaki Youyue calmly wanted to jump out of the car with her belt, suddenly the two cold barrels in front of her were already facing him.

"Sorry, our zerg's hearing is far better than yours!"

"." The plan was shattered, Misaki Youyue held the belt and was about to jump off the car forcibly!

At this time, an accident happened!
The van that was racing on the street was suddenly hit by a heavy object on the left side, the entire side was almost shattered, and then the car lost control and rolled over in an instant!

Misaki Youyue and the Zerg were stunned by the sudden accident.

But at this moment, what they need to care more about is to climb out quickly!
"Cough cough!"

Misaki Youyue was lucky, when the car fell down, the objects dumped everywhere did not overwhelm her, so she took advantage of this opportunity to escape in a hurry.

Then, the two Zergs stopped pretending and turned into bugs directly, overturning the van with a slap.

An adult flea, an ordinary larva, and of course a large number of larvae suddenly emerged from other directions, quickly surrounding them.


With that ear-piercing roar, the vicinity of the pier suddenly turned into the territory of Zerg!
Misaki Youyue suddenly looked extremely ugly, and there was no figure of the head of Tiandao behind him, but
When her eyes were on the overturned van, she realized that there was a monster that looked more like a cat than a tiger, whining in pain.

"This is a Zerg?"

As soon as this bold guess appeared in my mind, it was crossed out again in an instant.

How could this thing be a zerg?It doesn't look like a bug at all!

Similarly, the Zerg also found a saber-toothed cat dopant. Before they could figure out what was going on, suddenly there was an explosion, and a bright light in the distance instantly magnified!
In the line of sight of a larva, the spot of light that was flickering not far away suddenly enlarged, so big that the larva instantly saw what it was!
It was a figure that exploded over.

The speed was so fast that the Zerg couldn't even react, and suddenly it slammed heavily on the bodies of the two larvae, and then flew out with two larvae, gliding several meters above the ground before stopping.



Over there, the adult insects roared in a daze, communicating with the Zerg special language.


"what's the situation?"

"I don't know, I saw a big black mouse flying over in the blink of an eye!"

Roaring and screaming, the locust girl had already stood up, her feet were staggering, her whole body seemed to be falling apart, and she couldn't even stand up straight!
But even so, he was still looking into the distance with fear in his eyes, wishing he could continue running!

That knight named Uranus, crowned the god of the sky, and in charge of the authority of the sky, is simply so powerful that he cannot understand it!
After they were sure they were defeated, they would naturally not be so stupid as to wait to die there. She knew that she and Mick were no match at all, so she simply gave up the plan and wanted to escape and report the situation to Sonosaki Ryubei!

But... that one seems to really want to cut off the arms of the two fearful places, chasing and killing them all the way here!

Panting heavily, she managed to slow down a bit, looked around, and was suddenly stunned!
What's going on here?
Where did so many monsters come from, are they adulterated?But why didn't she know that mass-produced Gaia memory still had this type.

At this moment, the cold winter wind was blowing everywhere, and the sun in the sky could not suppress the chill, while the Zerg and the dopant below stared at each other, looking at each other in dismay!

An embarrassing atmosphere suddenly emerged, and Zerg and Locust could not be dealt with. Adult fleas even went to the point of using roars to relieve the embarrassment.

The larvae behind them also roared along with the boss.

The locust girl was stunned, and at this moment, Mick over there roared not to be outdone.

Ever since, the strange picture appeared again!


"Ho Ho Meow!"

When the saber-toothed tiger hybrid and the zerg faced each other and started roaring, there was really an inexplicable sense of joy.

Misaki Youyue, who originally wanted to escape quietly, was immediately amused!

She is professionally trained, and it is generally impossible for her to laugh unless she really can't help it!

With her smile, the attention of all the monsters was instantly shifted to her.


The Zerg was the first to react, and the adult flea directly entered the clock-up state, disappeared from the spot in an instant, and killed Misaki Youyue, with the goal of killing people and grabbing the belt!

The moment the zerg disappeared, Misaki Youyue suddenly had a bad idea, and hurriedly fled with her belt.

But the speed of human beings, compared to clock-up, is simply slow, even close to stagnation!
Just as the adult fleas came forward and waved their sharp claws decisively, an arrow burst out from afar!

"Don't keep pretending that I don't exist!"

That leisurely voice sounded at some unknown time, followed by the blue eagle, which spread its wide wings like a prey, and crashed down with frightening power!

Bugs are the meal of eagles!

(End of this chapter)

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