From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 94 Aunt Wenyin~

Chapter 94 Aunt Wenyin~
In an abandoned factory.

The moment w said the famous words to himself, Su Chen suddenly smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Before the laughter fell, he clenched the Wings of Daybreak in his hands, and stepped forward!
"My sins? Can I count them all?"

Hearing this voice, Ace Fang saw Uranus disappearing from sight, and quickly and cautiously stared at his surroundings.


It was as if a blue light flashed, and then a figure appeared in front of him.

"So fast!"

No matter how hard they tried to see, they couldn't see clearly at all.


There was a flash of cold light, and the flames burst out from his chest.

"Although you have mastered the power of your fangs, you still don't have the ability to act presumptuously in front of me~ Sometimes self-knowledge is necessary."

During the burst retreat, Shotaro Sato, who had just stabilized his body, heard these words.

At this time, Su Chen had already opened the Wing of Daybreak again, and the light from the blades on both sides gathered together, forming a blue arrow.

Facing the sky, Su Chen shot.

In an instant, the arrow paused in the sky, then spread out, and directly turned into a burst of arrow feathers.


The dense arrows appeared in the sky, and Philip suddenly felt bad.

I wanted to hide, but it was too late.

The cover-type attack came with a bang, directly engulfing Zuo Shotaro and the two of them.

In the thick smoke billowing, the two were directly overturned to the ground by the tyrannical force, completely unable to resist.

"Shotaro, Philip!" Naruhime Yakiko saw that they were no match at all, and became anxious for a moment.

Obviously the battle has just begun, why are they about to fall!
Everything happened so quickly that Ya Shuzi had only just found a hiding place, and the battle was over!


With a soft snort, Su Chen slowly put away the Wings of Daybreak, and looked at the eldest lady who floated beside him.

"Let's go, Miss Saeko."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko was taken aback: "Come here."

"It's not time to bring someone back yet, and if we don't go, someone is going to leave~" Su Chen shook his head, looking at a certain direction outside the factory with interest.

The eldest lady nodded slightly, took a deep look at the trump card with fangs over there, and then left with Su Chen.

The two of them had just left on their front feet, and the two of Philip, who stood up with strong support, ran out of the smoke.

But in front of him, there was no longer any figure.

"Shotaro, they're gone!"

At this time, Narumi Yakiko came out after confirming her safety and said.


Taking a deep look at the exit of the factory, Sato Shotaro snorted with some displeasure: "I didn't catch that guy again!"

Compared with the irritable Shotaro, Philip is more sensible: "Shotaro, we were not at all the opponents of that guy just now."

"The battle is not over yet, maybe we are." Sato Shotaro subconsciously spoke stiffly, but halfway through the speech, he felt embarrassed.

Philip sighed: "That guy has become stronger again during the time he disappeared!"

Shotaro Sato did not refute this time, and acquiesced.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Narumi Yakiko, who has always been lively, looked at the two who were suddenly dejected and didn't know how to comfort them.

"Ah! No matter, no matter what, I will never give up. If I lose next time, then next time, next time, we are two Kamen Riders in one, and we will never lose to one people!"

Even the rational Philip was moved by Shotaro Zuo's speech, and a helpless and firm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, we will not keep losing!"

Meanwhile, outside the abandoned factory.

Shroud, holding a special telescope, is ready to leave.

After she saw that Philip had mastered the fangs, she was not going to continue watching.

After all, that memory was specially developed by her to protect the incoming people, and she still has the ability to retreat completely from any enemy.

The only thing that concerned her was probably why the eldest daughter would suddenly design such a trap.

But after thinking about it for a while, she didn't have any thoughts, so she simply gave up.

Taking steps, her figure elongated and was about to disappear in a forest.

Suddenly there was a strange flash in the eyes under the sunglasses, and then he pointed the gun behind him with extremely quick movements: "Who!"

"Calm down, Aunt Wenyin, it's me."

Behind him, the figure of Uranus slowly appeared, and then Su Chen canceled the transformation.

"Su Chen." Looking at the boy he raised, Shroud didn't know what emotion was on his bandage-covered face, but fell into silence.

Then he looked behind him, as if looking for someone.

"You don't need to look for it. I didn't ask Sister Xiezi to come over. She should be closing the team now." Su Chen said slowly.

Now that the decisive battle between him and Sonosaki Ryubei is imminent, he doesn't want the eldest lady to know about Shroud, so that he can get confused.

After everything is stable, it will not be too late for their mother and daughter to recognize each other, but I don't know. The eldest lady can't accept the mother who once abandoned them.

Hearing his voice, the naked eye was glad to see it, Shroud trembled slightly, a little disappointed, but also a little grateful.

If they really wanted to meet, she didn't know how to face it.

But after seeing Su Chen, the question that was still lingering in her just now has an answer.

"So, you designed w specially for me this time?" Shroud stared at Su Chen like this.

"Can you tell me why?"

"I'm going to go to war with the old man. Although I really don't want to do this to the old man who raised me, it's just that our ideas are completely different after all, and we can only use force to decide the winner!" Su Chen said slowly.

Hearing this, Shroud didn't speak, waiting for him to continue.

Su Chen paused, a little disappointed that his aunt Wenyin didn't respond at all, but he continued: "I'm looking for you because I want memory data, such as eternity, utopia, fangs and so on!"

"I probably understand the reason why you left in the first place. We should be considered natural allies~"

"How? Would you like to take this opportunity to sponsor me, Aunt Wenyin~"

The young man smiled, and through the handsome cheeks and sharp facial features, Shroud seemed to see the young lady.

She didn't reply right away, but was thinking about the credibility of Su Chen's words, and... how much chance he had of winning the battle with Sonosaki Ryubei!

Su Chen was not in a hurry, and looked at the other party quietly.

Outside the factory, there is a forest. The wind blows through the treetops, and rustling sounds follow.

The two people standing inside were silent at the moment.

It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that the first developer of Gaia memory sighed heavily and spoke~
(End of this chapter)

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