LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1182 Sharlayan: Yrel?who?

Chapter 1182 Sharlayan: Yrel?who?
The Sharlayan family first came to Draenor to escape the hustle and bustle of Azeroth and take an uninterrupted trip to a foreign land. It was purely accidental that they encountered a bunch of miscellaneous troubles along the way.

The conflict between Illidan and the Legion of the Holy Light was temporarily suspended. As the most critical part of abducting Anzu and the Arakkoa, Rukhmar was still adapting to the blessing of Azeroth's star soul in the soul egg, and was temporarily unable to wake up.

Finally returned to the state of nothing to do, Stella Gosa directly turned around and set off for the Zangar Sea in the north of the Hellfire Peninsula.

The formation of Farren Island is derived from the remains of Potaan, the last spore colony. Until the decisive battle between the Arakkoa and the Everbloom Jungle ended, this place was still the base camp where the original beasts gathered.

Due to being severely damaged by the Breath of Rukhmar in the war with the Apexis Empire, the primordial forces have been in a slump for a long time.

During the same period, the Destroyer forces also lost their territory under the squeeze of the rising Draenor mortal race.

The mighty Gron and Margoron would also be hunted and killed by hordes of Gorian Empire ogres, and the Cyclopes who had enslaved the ogres were in turn killed by their own slaves and hid in Tibet.

Coincidentally, when the orcs, the slaves of the ogre, got the help of the elements, they reenacted the scene where the ogre resisted the enslavement of the one-eyed demon, and Draenor entered a mortal era in which a hundred flowers bloomed.

As the leaders of Draenor in the previous generation, the original beasts and the destroyers have withdrawn from the main stage of history one after another. Only in the wild land of Gorgrond can we see the last afterglow of their struggle with each other.

After the core of the Everbloom Jungle was moved to Gorgrond, the lonely island of Farren was abandoned, but the traces left by the original beasts that lived in symbiosis with plants on this island were not so easy to dissipate.

When the green frenzy swept across the entire continent of Draenor, the draenei who made a wrong step could only flee in embarrassment to remote areas that the orcs could not reach.

From the birth of the orc civilization to the swallowing and ascension, no clan has ever set foot in the sea, which is why the old tribe was held down by the Kul Tiras navy in the naval battle of Azeroth.

If the Dragonmaw clan hadn't brought the Red Dragon Knights to the sea battlefield in time, it would definitely be the orc fleet that suffered heavy losses in the battle.

As a complete land race, the orcs still in Draenor have no sailing ability at all. The Draenei have spotted this and built a large number of shelters overseas, including Tyre, which was built under the supervision of Velen himself. Dole.

Teledor once floated on the vast Zangar Sea. Due to the change of terrain caused by the corruption of fel energy and the pumping of Naga, this former Draenei refuge is now located within the Zangar Marsh.

Compared with Teledore, Falenlon, which is farther away from the mainland, has not been affected by the geological changes of the Draenor continent, and the Draenei refugees on the island still live a peaceful life without disputes with the world.

When Stellagosa flew across the vast sea to Farland Island, the first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the lush green jungle, and scattered draenei-style buildings were dotted on this green land.

Jaina said with some emotion: "It is indeed the core area of ​​the Yongmao Forest. Thanks to the fact that this island is far away from the mainland, it has not been polluted by spreading evil energy, and it still maintains its original ecological beauty."

Valeera also nodded in satisfaction: "It is indeed an excellent place to escape from the world."

The draenei who still live on Farren Island have long been reluctant to contact the disturbances of the outside world.

Even though they knew that this paradise would be found sooner or later by the evil energy pollution spreading all over the world, they didn't want to leave this "nursing home" they had finally found, and just wanted to wait quietly until the last day.

That's right, nursing homes.

Most of the draenei who stayed on Farren Island are old and don't want to continue to toss with Velen with young people. They even cut off all ties with the outside world and just want to live a peaceful life without being disturbed. .

As expected, the dragon coming across the sea caused panic on the island.

These draenei obviously still remembered the evacuation process they had learned before. After the initial panic, they hid in the shelters that had been prepared in an orderly manner under the command of some experienced managers.


The corner of Sharlayan's mouth twitched: "Well, it seems that they still haven't received the contact from Shattrath City, or... did they take it seriously?"

Before leaving Shattrath and returning to Azeroth, Sharlayan commissioned Naruadal to send a message to Farren.

Farren Island is isolated from the world, and the residents on the island actively cut off all means of communication with the outside world.

As the number two member of the Holy Light Legion, Adal's strength is still higher than that of the Dark Star... that is, Kara.

As long as the Draenei still believe in the Holy Light, he can remotely project information to Farren Island in the form of Holy Light revelation.


Valeera, who also activated Eagle Eye, suddenly made a suspicious voice: "Wait, look over there!"

Following Valeera's finger, Sharlayan and the others saw a young female draenei calmly directing the residents to evacuate.

By the way, the draenei are also immortal.

Although not everyone can live for tens of thousands of years like Velen who received the blessing of the naaru and was promoted to a demigod, but according to the information provided by the prophet Velen, the draenei...or the nature of the eredar The average lifespan can reach 5000 years.

As long-lived species, the aging phenomenon of the Draenei is very similar to that of the high elves.

They age rapidly in the last 200 years of their lives, with massive wrinkles and age spots on their faces and gray hair.

Although it was just a glimpse, Sharlayan and Valeera, who were blessed by spells, still roughly saw the population composition of the island. More than 90% of the draenei refugees looked old.

The young woman that Valeera pointed out was one of the few exceptions. At this time, she was holding the warhammer tightly in her hand, leaning forward slightly to lower her center of gravity, and staring intently at the blue dragon suspended in the air with her godly eyes.

Judging from her posture, she is obviously ready to face the battle.

"this person……"

Sharlayan's Hawkeye has some other functions than Valeera's regular version, and he keenly noticed that the right leg of the female draenei seemed to be somewhat inflexible.

But at the same time, Sharlayan could also "see" the majestic power of the Holy Light in her body through her insight into the flow of energy.

"Strange thing."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "How could this kind of talent be left on Farren Island for the elderly? Could it be because of the disability of legs and feet?"

Onyxia also looked meaningfully at the female draenei whose face was full of unyielding fighting spirit: "Very strong willpower, it is indeed a rare talent as you said, it's a pity."

"Stay LS Leian patted the dragon scale on Little Xingxing's back lightly: "Let's go down, be careful, this stubborn girl might take the initiative to attack. "

"I see."

After receiving Sharlayan's instructions, Stellagosa, who had been hovering over the island, folded his wings and accelerated to dive to an open space outside the largest living place in the center of Farren Island.

Sure enough, the female draenei with an amethyst hammer in her hand limped towards the location where Stellagosa was scheduled to land.

Although her legs and feet are not very flexible, the speed after running is really not slow, and she is far ahead of the other village guards following her.


At the same time that Stellagosa landed steadily, the other party had already galloped nearby, and the pure power of holy light gushed out, forming a pair of golden energy wings on his body.

"Stop those who come! Explain your purpose!"

Although his eyes were full of vigilance and eagerness to try, perhaps considering the poor defense force of Farland Island and worrying about those elderly compatriots hiding in the refuge, this powerful defense officer still suppressed his fighting spirit , just asked sharply.

"Don't get excited, young Vindicator."

Under Sharlayan's gaze, Valeera, who is also female and eloquent, took the initiative to stand up and explain her intentions.

"We are from Shattrath City. Naru Adar should have sent relevant information to Farren Island in advance, right? Didn't you receive it?"

"Shattrath? Adal?"

The lame female garrison officer froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered the "enlightenment" that she had received before, not sure where it came from, and whether she could believe it.

Due to years of isolation from the outside world, the residents of Farren Island have long been completely out of touch with the outside world, and they are ignorant of changes in the situation in Draenor.

"Shattrath...wasn't it destroyed by the orcs long ago? Which naaru is Adal?"

While Valeera was patiently communicating with the other party, Sharlayan was very surprised to see a large number of barrages speeding past in front of him.

【This child...couldn't be Yrel! ?No way?She is still alive! 】

[Yrel! 】

【sky!My flamboyant hoof! 】

[Yrel from the main universe?real or fake?You are not mistaken, are you? 】

Sharlayan: "???"

'what's the situation……'

(End of this chapter)

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