LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1194 Bolvar: This kid is so terrifying!

Sharlayan took one last look at Kargath, whose head had been smashed off.

Kargath's level display is rather strange, using the rare mode of 56 (60).

After a little thought, you can understand what this display mode wants to express.

Level 56 is the strength that Kargas can fully demonstrate now, and the 60 in the back brackets represents his ultimate strength.

Kargath, who has powerful evil energy all over his body, cannot use it freely, and fell into a disadvantage throughout the battle with Yrel.

The only variable in this battle is whether Kargas can "explode" under the pressure.

However, judging from the final result, Kargas is not the kind of "protagonist" who can explode his potential when encountering a strong enemy, and he died under Yrel's war hammer full of vengeful anger without accident.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Although the overall process of the battle was very smooth, it was not easy for Yrel to win.

After all, the disabled right leg dragged down Yrel's overall combat power, causing her to tear down the wall to make up for the wall in the battle, and frequently adjusted her center of gravity to avoid being attacked by Kargas who focused on her right half of her body.

After the battle, Yrel withdrew the vengeful wrath that was unfolded in the decisive battle...that is, the wings mentioned by the barrage.

The sense of satisfaction of getting revenge and the sense of emptiness of the confusion ahead flooded Yrel's heart at the same time. She was already exhausted and sat down on the ground. Only then began to tremble.

Sharlayan didn't blame Yrel for letting down his vigilance before the war was completely over. He could understand Yrel's extremely complicated mood at this time.

Stepping forward a few steps and walking in front of Yrel, Sharlayan bent slightly and patted her silver-white hair soaked in sweat.

"Good job, but your duty as the commander of the Shattrath army is not over yet, can you still stand up?"

Sharlayan's reminder made Yrel, whose mind was in a mess, quickly come back to her senses. She temporarily put aside her messy thoughts, gritted her teeth, held the hand extended by Sarlayan, and struggled to stand up.


"very good."

Sharlayan smiled encouragingly: "Go, lead your soldiers to end this battle."

"According to the agreement, we will talk about your future later..."


Future, very ordinary words.

However, since her right leg was disabled, Yriel, who had been on the tip of her horn, once thought that she would no longer have a future, and that she would spend the rest of her life peacefully in Farland, a paradise that had nothing to do with the world.

Until... the fel corruption that spread across Draenor spread here.

After personally killing the enemy who killed Samara, Yrel finally realized the feeling that Sharlayan had told her before.

"The moment you complete the engraving, the satisfaction of achieving your long-cherished wish and the sense of emptiness of not knowing how to move forward will come to you at the same time."

"Many people who take revenge as their life goal will be overwhelmed by this intractable sense of emptiness, and will soon end their own future by themselves after fulfilling their long-cherished wish."

"Yrel, Velen and I don't want you to be one of them."

"If you can't find the motivation to move on after revenge is complete, force yourself to temporarily put aside the messy thoughts in your mind and focus on the unfinished war."

"We'll have a good talk about the 'future' after all the dust settles."

It is undoubtedly a happy thing for Yriel to have someone in front as a clear guide.

She didn't need to think about the meaning of life for the time being, and spent most of her energy on leading the battle.

It is precisely because of the high concentration of energy that Yrel showed his talents in commanding troops to the fullest.

Different from the impulsiveness when he was driven by hatred before, Yrel, who has completely calmed down, has a commanding style of advancing and retreating.

She still takes the lead and fights on the front line with her injured leg, but she will no longer be as aggressive as before, and always maintain a tactical distance from her comrades.

After Kargath's death, the remaining demon orcs in the Shattered Hall failed to pose any threat to the coalition forces of Mag'har and Shattrath. Instead, the coalition forces that entered the Blood Furnace encountered some minor troubles.

Leaving Onyxia, Jaina, and Tinagosa watching Yrel, Sharlayan took Valeera and Stellagosa to the Furnace of Blood.

The so-called blood melting pot is actually an underground factory where the evil orcs extract and preserve Magtheridon's blood.

The alliance army led by Bolvar was originally a colleague who planned to break through the blood melting pot, and killed the imprisoned abyss lord Magtheridon by the way.

However, when Bovar commanded the army to steadily take down the blood melting pot, he saw a huge empty cage through the empty structure under his feet.


Bovar stood there in bewilderment for a while.

According to the information provided by the scouts in Honor Hold, Magtheridon should have been imprisoned under the Blood Furnace.

Sarlayan rushed over at this time and saw Bolvar who was standing above the prison, frowning and thinking hard.

"Don't think about it, Magtheridon is still useful to Illidan. He was transferred to the Dark Temple by Illidan's subordinates long before our attack."

As a high-ranking member of the Alliance, Bolvar had heard about Sharlayan's plan to use Draenor as an outpost on Azeroth.

Through the notification from Dalaran, the Kingdom of Stormwind knew the true positions of the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, and also knew that the new Lich King Thoras Trollbane had led the Scourge army to Draenor.

But about Illidan Stormrage's whereabouts and purpose, even his mother night elves can't tell the reason.

Malfurion and Tyrande only knew that Illidan blasted the Frozen Throne with the Eye of Sargeras in the Broken Isles, and then opened the fel energy portal to Draenor, which was dying slowly.

"Illidan Stormrage..."

Bolvar looked at Sharlayan with a deep gaze: "Grand Duke Deep Shadow, that guy who did not hesitate to take the initiative to become a demon, wouldn't he be one of your pawns?"

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "No, it's not so much a pawn as a partner."

'really. Bovar unexpectedly found that he was not so surprised by this: "In this war to encircle and suppress the Shattered Hand clan, all the trends on the table have been planned by him from the very beginning. '

"The evil orcs are all Illidan's subordinates, so the Shattered Hand clan is an insignificant existence to Illidan?"Even... is it a big burden? '

Although Bolvar is a soldier, he was born in the duke family of the Stormwind Kingdom after all, and he has received a lot of political education since he was a child.

Judging from the information obtained by the scouts at Honor Hold, the Shattered Hand clan guarding Hellfire Citadel has always adopted a hostile attitude towards all neighbors without distinction.

According to Bolvar and Varian's speculation, the task Illidan gave them should be to monitor the remaining demons on the throne of Kil'jaeden, rather than wasting manpower and resources to fight in the barren Hellfire Peninsula.

In other words, the Shattered Hand clan did not strictly obey Illidan's orders, but chose to act arbitrarily, which is unacceptable to any leader of power.

"Illidan Stormrage also has many evil orcs from other clans. In order to avoid causing them unnecessary suspicion and precautions, did he choose to cooperate with Sharlayan to kill people with a borrowed knife?" '

As the borrowed knife, Bovar felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But after thinking about it, unplugging Hellfire Citadel was an imperative action for the Alliance.

As for the deeper plans and calculations behind it, there is actually no need to delve into it too deeply, as long as the alliance's strategic goals are achieved.


In the process of leaving the blood melting pot with Salayan, Bolvar looked at Salayan who was chatting and laughing with two confidantes more than once out of the corner of his eye.

'It's no wonder that Quel'Thalas, which has long been in its twilight, can be revived in just ten years after the new king's accession to the throne. '

'Kel'thas, the Sun King who worked so hard to govern, certainly cannot be ignored. Sharlayan Deepshadow must have played an important role in the revitalization of Quel'Thalas. '

After walking out of the deep underground blood melting furnace and re-bathing in the sun, Bovar finally let go of the fear in his heart and let out a long breath.

'Fortunately, he is an ally on the same front as us, heh~ Those who should be worried about this are those who intend to be enemies of Quel'Thalas and Azeroth. '

Salayan didn't know what Bolvar was thinking in his heart, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

As Bolvar said, Sharlayan has no interest in the struggles within Azeroth. As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to come to find trouble, he won't bother to count the Stormwind Kingdom, which is also a member of the Alliance.


Facing the scorching sunshine of Hellfire Peninsula, Sharlayan raised his hands and stretched his body.

"The one-month vacation is over, and it's time to get back to work."

Bolvar turned his head speechlessly to look at the Hellfire Citadel, which was still smoldering with flames.

"Grand Duke Deep Shadow, you call this... a vacation?"

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