Chapter 1 Confession
Suspect Interrogation Transcript ([-])

时间:2025年8月6日13时30分至 2025年8月6日19时05分

Location: Interrogation Room of the Criminal Investigation Division [-], Xiadu Police Station
Investigator's name: Zhang Yu, Qiao Mu.

Unit: Criminal Investigation Detachment [-], Xiadu Police Department

Interrogator: Zhang Yu
Recorder: Li Chen
Unit: Criminal Investigation Detachment [-], Xiadu Police Department

Suspect: Mei Qian
Question: We are investigators from Xiadu Police Station. We are now interrogating you in accordance with the law. You should answer our inquiries truthfully and assist in the investigation. You must not forge, conceal or destroy evidence, otherwise you will bear legal responsibility.You have the right to make a statement and defend the relevant situation, have the right to refuse to answer questions that are not related to the case, have the right to file an application for recusal of the person in charge of the case, the case handling personnel, and the appraiser, and have the right to check the transcripts of the interviews. Propose corrections or check transcripts of inquiries, and provide corrections or supplementary opinions on errors or omissions in transcripts.If the content of your answer involves state secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy, the case-handling agency will keep it confidential.Have you heard the above clearly?

Answer: Listen clearly.

Question: We hope that you can truthfully explain your crimes. Only by truthfully telling the truth is the most beneficial choice for you in the future. Do you understand?This is the notice of rights and obligations, please read it carefully.Sign it when you understand it.

Answer: I understand.

Q: Tell me about your situation first.

Answer: My name is Mei Qian, I live in Room 1201, Building B, Four Seasons Garden, Xiadu, I am 26 years old, and I am an online writer by profession.

Q: Is there anything else to add?
A: No, it has been made very clear.

Question: Then you are really humble. You are a god-level writer. Your novels are popular all over the Internet and have been adapted into movies and TV series.Why didn't you say this?

A: This seems to have nothing to do with your so-called case, right?
Question: Do you know why you were taken to the police station?
Answer: It is said that there is a suspicion of tomb robbery, but I really don't know anything! !

Q: Please cooperate, you have no problem, will we bring you here?
Answer: I really don’t know. You arrested me before I even got home, and behaved violently. Be careful, I will sue you for brutal law enforcement!
Q: Brutal law enforcement?When we arrested you, you made a move. My good guy, I can't see how powerful you are. If it weren't for the large number of us, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to stop you.

A: I got out of the car to cooperate with the inspection, and you arrested people when you came up. I just struggled a bit.

Q: Struggling?Almost hurt someone?
Answer: I reacted subconsciously, won't I cooperate with you in the future?
Q: Huh, wasn't it because we moved the gun?Your vigilance is too high.

Answer: These days, there are many counterfeit things. After all, I have a little family background. I am afraid of being kidnapped. How can I not be more vigilant?It's not that I didn't move when I saw the gun, but you showed your ID.

Question: Then, please explain, you are a cultural person, how did you come to have such powerful fists?

Answer: As you know, I usually code at home, and sitting all the time is not good for my health. It’s reasonable to practice Kung Fu when I have nothing to do, right?
Q: Stop pretending to be confused!Don't think that just because you are a public figure, you can be arrogant here. Letting you take the initiative to confess is giving you a chance.You think about it carefully, we allow you to think about it, but there is a limit, don't regret it in the future because you don't cooperate for a while.

Answer: I can't think of it. Don't go around in circles. If you have something to say, just say it. What is the case?
Q: Besides being a writer, do you have any other career?
Answer: No, I just write a book and rarely go out. You can investigate all these.

Q: Then let’s talk about the recent one. You went to Nagumo last week, that is, July 7?

A: That's right. It's a slow variety show, and it's just a way to relax.

Q: According to our investigation, you only stayed for one day in that variety show called "Leisure Mountain Village", and left after recording. Where did you go?
Answer: I said to relax, the local scenery is beautiful, so I just played for a few more days.

Question: Where have you been in the past few days?which village?Which township?This should make it clear.

Answer: It’s really hard to say, just get excited, take a ride if you have a ride, or walk if you don’t, and stay at a fellow villager’s house at night.You should be able to investigate this.

Q: Apart from traveling and relaxing, did you do anything else?For example, find an ancient tomb, do a fight or something?

A: (laughs) You don't think I went to rob a tomb?Although I have written a novel on tomb robbery, I am a book writer. Let alone tomb robbery, I don’t even know you throw an antique in front of me.Could it be that Nanyun discovered that some ancient tomb was stolen?It has nothing to do with me.

Questioner: Whatever you are asked, you will answer.Are you sure it's just a distraction?

Answer: Sure.

Question: OK, please look at these photos, which were found in your home. There are enough things, Luoyang shovel, short-handled hoe, miner's lamp, engineer shovel, dogleg machete, good guy, and a bottle. Black dog blood written on the label?Do you have any explanation?Don't tell me you're just farming and playing at home, this is a grave robber tool.

Answer: These are all purchased online. I have written tomb robbery novels. I can’t even figure out what tools the protagonist uses, right?Therefore, buying these things is also to experience the feel.Nothing has been used, I don't believe you can't tell.I am a writer, in order to enhance the sense of substitution, it is not too much to collect a few things, right?
Q: That's not necessarily the case. Other writers don't play with these things at home. We suspect that you are a grave robber.

Answer: Then don't you still collect health tools?Also suspected of committing a crime?
Question: Mei Qian, please be serious, don't look at where this place is, just explain your problem honestly, don't you understand what's going on now?
A: What explanation?Just because of these things?It's not illegal, is it?

Q: What about this photo?This was also found in your home, isn't it a coincidence?It is exactly the same as a Tang Sancai yellow-glazed fox in a Tang Dynasty tomb in Xishan. Experts have identified it as genuine. We suspect that it was unearthed at the same time, let alone bought it online?
Answer: I bought this at a street stall, Xiadu Lijiayuan.

Q: When?how much did you spend?at which booth?
Answer: It's been too long, I don't remember, I thought it was fake at the time, it didn't seem to cost much.There are quite a few of these things in my house, and I just put them as handicrafts to look good. I really didn’t expect them to be antiques.

Q: Who can sell this thing as a fake?Do you think people are stupid?

Answer: This is really unfair to me. Let me think about it. Just a year ago, yes, it was not a street stall, it was sold by an old lady. At that time, she said it was true, but I didn’t believe it. It seemed that I spent 500 yuan to buy it. .Besides, it's so cheap, who can think of the real thing, right?
Q: Humph!To tell you the truth, we have been with you on this case for more than three months.Now there is sufficient evidence to show that you are a writer on the surface, but you are actually a heinous grave robber secretly.If you didn't break the law, would we bring you here?

Answer: I am a tomb robber?Why don't I know, I can't be accused of being a tomb robber just because I wrote a tomb robber novel?What about the evidence?

Question: Come on, take a good look, does this photo look familiar?
A: Is this a burrow?I haven't seen it, is it a beast's hole?

Q: Look at this picture again, do you recognize it?
Answer: This, is this a spider?Sorry, I don't know anything about biology, and I really can't tell what species it is.

Q: Can’t tell what you’re stuttering about?Okay, since you didn't say it, then I'll ask directly, you have a novel called "Memoirs of a Tomb Raider", how did you get the inspiration and clues about the ancient tomb in it?

Answer: Novels, of course they are made up. You can’t say that I’m breaking the law and committing crimes just because the writing is too similar. According to your logic, are all the writers of mystery novels murderers?There is no such reason.

Question: The first photo is a robbery cave, which was taken in a place called Pengyuegou in Grassland Province, is it familiar?By the way, there are also photos of the funerary objects in the tomb. Do you want to take a look and see what is different from your book?
A: What is it?When I write a novel, of course I have to check the information, and the repetition of place names doesn't mean anything. Even if there is an ancient tomb there, it's just a coincidence.Xia Guo is so big, where is it not a place to bury people?

Q: Coincidence?Okay, the second photo is from Shaanxi Province, with a black face, dare you say you don’t know it?
A: I had some guesses when I saw the photos just now. When I found the information, I thought it was a folk fabrication, so I just quoted it casually. I didn't expect this kind of creature to exist in the world.

Question: What does this mean, you have never seen this kind of spider, you just searched for information, right?
Answer: Yes, I saw it in an ancient book.

Question: Where are the ancient books?

Answer: I don’t remember, it’s been too long, maybe I threw it away.

Q: Hehe, you have no sincerity at all.Throw away such an important thing?
A: Believe it or not, this is really a coincidence.I believe you have checked my itinerary. I seldom leave home. I basically write at home on weekdays. How can I have time to rob the tomb?

Q: Your travel records are very detailed in the last four years, but what about four years ago?where are you?
Answer: Four years ago, I was in a car accident, which resulted in serious head injuries. I was lying in the hospital for several months. Although I was lucky enough not to become a vegetable, I lost all previous memories. Did not find out.You should have investigated these things, right?Two years ago, I couldn’t register when I bought a house, but through the normal procedures led by the Civil Affairs Bureau, the certificate issued by your police station, and my ID card were handled by you.I don't believe it's not documented.

Q: Really don't remember?How did these novels come about?

A: As I said before, it was all made up. I am such an honest person, how could I do something illegal?If you have evidence of my tomb robbery, go to trial directly!
Question: Mei Qian, your attitude is very problematic, don't be stubborn, and honestly explain the facts of your crime.We suspect that you have already recovered your memory, otherwise how could you be familiar with so many ancient tombs.

Answer: Then you go ahead and investigate. If you really find out that I have robbed the tomb, I have nothing to say.

Question: You have published three books on tomb robbery, "Pingshan Notebook", "Memoirs of a Tomb Raider" and "Diary of a Tomb Raider", which involve more than ten ancient tombs. If these are confirmed, have you ever thought about what will happen to you?

It may involve the theft of more than a dozen ancient tombs, which means that countless national treasures are being lost.Can you handle it?

Answer: I still say that, if there is evidence, go ahead and prosecute.

Q: Forget it, you are looking for death, and I can't help it.As I said before, we have been investigating you for a long time, do you know why we want to arrest you today?

Answer: I don't know.

Question: Just this morning, the Dongshan Provincial Bureau of Archeology discovered the corpse described in your novel during an archaeological live broadcast, and the layout and geographical environment of the ancient tomb are exactly the same as those described in your novel. How do you explain it?

A: Really?

Question: Now that the whole Internet has seen it, you are famous all over the country, and the public opinion is surging. Do you still think you can escape legal sanctions?With so many similarities, one time may be a coincidence, but can two or three times be explained by coincidence?

Answer: (Silence for a long time) I am addicted to smoking, can I have a cigarette?
Question: Okay, my cigarettes are definitely not as good as yours, so don’t be disgusted.Boy, have you thought about the future?You were only 22 years old four years ago. We believe that you may be just a participant. You have fame and fortune now, and you are still young. As long as you honestly tell the gang you were in, we will apply for a policy for you, and you can find another good one. Lawyer, maybe you will come out in seven or eight years, and then you will be clean, without psychological burden, and you can write your book with peace of mind. How good is that?

 This is the first time for a newcomer to write this kind of subject matter, ask for support, encouragement, comfort, and support...

(End of this chapter)

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