I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 23 "Looking up at the Starry Sky" Chapter Group

Chapter 23 "Looking Up at the Starry Sky" Program Group
Mei Qian took Ning Chi, set off from Xiadu on September 9, flew to the provincial capital of the Western Regions that night, signed the contract at the provincial capital TV station the next day, and learned that the film crew went to the destination in advance to prepare, and there was no delay, so they flew on the same day to Yingsha County.

The staff at the airport received them, and the two of them transferred to a long-distance bus. It took half a day to arrive at their destination, SL County in the Western Regions.

This journey has been a lot of tossing, but Mei Qian was aiming at the purpose of traveling. In the Western Regions in early autumn, the magnificence of the desert and Gobi scenery along the way is absolutely impossible to experience in other places, so I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

It was Ning Chi who complained: "I didn't expect the program team to choose such a remote place. This place is close to the border. Will it be messy?"

Mei Qian looked back with a smile, and changed to Maomao, the manual work of carrying bags is not suitable for little girls to do.Now that he has this little follower, he is really much more relaxed.

He didn't speak, and Ani, who was in charge of receiving the two, explained: "Where is there any chaos in the country now? Here is the desert in the east and the Kunlun Mountains in the south. The folk customs and traditional economy are very distinctive, but they developed because of historical reasons. It’s slow, the filming of the program this time also has the purpose of promoting regional culture.” The three of them had a very pleasant exchange along the way, so Ani’s attitude is not as stiff as it was at the beginning.

Speaking of which, this guy from the Western Regions has a very long name, Ani is his "stage name", and he speaks Chinese very fluently. If you don't look at his appearance, just listen to this long speech, you will never think that this is a minority.

Mei Qian, wearing a mask and sunglasses, walked leisurely out of the waiting hall with her hands in her pockets.

Ning Chi followed behind with a trolley case, while Ani took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to see a few people coming up.

"Teacher Mei, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

The leader claimed to be You Xiude. It was surprising that such a 20-year-old young man of Han nationality turned out to be the chief director of the "Looking at the Starry Sky" program group. The crew behind him were the film crew. The man from the Western Regions with big arms and round waist attracted Mei Qian to take a few extra glances.

After a few people got into the commercial vehicle, Mei Qian casually asked about other guests.

The answer that can be obtained is that he is the only real guest.

You Xiude explained that the show used to observe the starry sky at different locations in the Western Regions as a gimmick, but in fact it mainly focused on travel guides and promoted local characteristics.Due to limited funds, the rest will be participated by several members of the Western Regions Branch of the Xiaguo Explorers Association, who are regarded as amateurs.After all the calculations, only Mei Qian is somewhat famous in the show.

"Why me?" Mei Qian frowned, knowing that the other party gave him a lot of money, enough to hire a few third-rate stars.And he doesn't think he can support a variety show by himself as a book writer. From this point of view, the money is not easy to earn.

"Actually, there is also the purpose of taking advantage of your current popularity to promote the program. And..." You Xiude lowered his head shyly, and took out a book from his satchel: "I am your loyal book fan, especially this "Tomb Raider" "Memoirs of the Reader", I especially like the content about the underground ruins of the Xiangfeng Buddha Kingdom, can you sign it for me?"

Meeting another reader, what else can Mei Qian say, but to sign his name on the page.

After arriving at the hotel where she was staying, during the dinner at night, Mei Qian finally saw a few amateurs who were going to appear together with her.

It can only be said that I really don't know how You Xiude's brain circuit grows.

It's fine if you don't invite celebrity "big names" to make a TV show, at least find a beautiful woman from the Western Regions to participate.How many people watch the travel program of a bunch of rough men?

And after the exchange, he couldn't help but worry about this variety show. With such a lineup, he didn't know if the first season could be successfully completed.

As for ratings?hehe!

However, the contracts are all signed, and the process arrangement is also reasonable, and even the director of the show has arranged the script, and there is even a solo script.

Mei Qian, who was thinking about making soy sauce, had nothing to say, and set off with the film crew the next day.

It has to be said that although the lineup is stretched, the logistics force of this team is still very strong. Security guards, doctors, and chefs are all available, and they drove ten off-road vehicles into the desert.

The shoot went really well, everyone got along great, the food was delicious and everyone had a great time.

The weather also gave me enough face, the wind was sunny, and when looking up at the starry sky, Mei Qian was completely fascinated by the magnificence and vastness, and the depression in her heart was swept away.

I don't know how the program is, but the purpose of traveling is definitely achieved, and the trip is worthwhile.

But two days later, on the way to the next destination, an accident happened.

After the convoy filled up the gas, they moved forward on the Gobi Desert. Mei Qian was tired of looking at the scenery outside the window, and Mei Qian fell asleep unknowingly.

But he was suddenly awakened by several abnormal noises.

"Is this the sound of a gun?" Ning Chi on the side also looked woken up, with anxiety on his face.

Mei Qian listened carefully, it was indeed the sound of a gun, coming from the rear and continuous, as if two people were fighting with each other.

Only then did he realize that the sun had already set outside after the convoy had traveled for some time.

He hurriedly patted You Xiude on the shoulder of the co-pilot and asked what happened.

You Xiude also frowned, and talked with the driver in Western Region dialect, then took out the walkie-talkie, babbled for a while, then turned his head and said to Mei Qian: "There may be a fire, let's go quickly and stay away from this place."

Afterwards, Mei Qian obviously felt that the speed of the car increased, but he and Ning Chi sat in the car and didn't realize that there were three off-road vehicles that didn't keep up...
The next morning, the Third Criminal Investigation Detachment of Xiadu Police Station.

Zhang Yu was typing out the case report in front of the computer in distress, when suddenly there was a loud noise, and the door of the room was pushed open vigorously, the team leader Qin Sen stood outside the door with a livid face, put down two words: "meeting", and then strode forward Walked into the conference room.

Not long after, all the policemen in the units of the three detachments arrived.

Seeing that everyone was present, Qin Sen turned on the projector, and several photos appeared on it.

"Just received the news that a convoy of criminals fled the country last night, our side stopped three off-road vehicles, and all the criminals on board were wiped out.


Then, Qin Sen pressed the remote control pen, and another photo appeared. It seemed to be a hotel bathroom. A middle-aged man with a smudged face was lying naked in the bathtub.

"This murder case also happened in Shule. The body was found dead in the hotel yesterday afternoon. His identity has been verified. He was the chief director of the program group "Looking at the Stars" of Western Region TV Station. He died three days ago. That's right. It was Mei Qian who joined Moreover, the surveillance showed that the dead who were killed in the firefight had appeared in this hotel as members of the film crew, including Mei Qian, who we are closely following."

Qin Sen turned off the projector, turned to face the crowd, and said solemnly: "Last night, I arranged for someone to investigate. Mei Qian's cell phone could not be contacted at all. It may be turned off, or it may not be in the service area. According to the existing evidence, it is enough Make sure he's out of the country."

"Then let's analyze, is this a well-thought-out absconding? Or a well-planned kidnapping?"

There was an uproar in the meeting room.

(End of this chapter)

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