Chapter 232

People who often follow Mei Qian know very well that when "Killer Diary" first came out, the first three cases were kept secret by the police, and the remaining two cases were all written by Mei Qian before the victim's body was discovered .

As for the last two cases of the TV series are old cases, compared to the previous few stories, they are not so bizarre.Even compared to other screenwriters' adaptations, Mei Qian's script is not amazing, and there are many old-fashioned plots in the audience's eyes, which were also criticized when they were broadcast.

But as soon as the news came out, in addition to making the TV series that had just been taken off the shelves explode, the case itself also received the greatest attention from the society.

Mei Qian's screenwriting skills became impeccable in the eyes of the audience.

Who made him real?

To be honest, there was a big star who did not hesitate to blew himself up and entered the game himself, and selflessly became a stepping stone on Mei Qian's legendary road.

It was a coincidence that he came into contact with Mei Qian's script and found an opportunity to hide the tools of the crime, which made the police's investigation impossible. Afterwards, he specially arranged a Hongmen banquet for Mei Qian...

This series of actions is enough to make another TV series.

And as more and more news related to Mei Qian was dug up again, his popularity skyrocketed again.

Until now, more and more people believed that Mei Qian was indeed not the tomb-robbing patriarch that was circulated on the Internet. Maybe, possibly, someone like Mei had never robbed a tomb before. It was just a mere backstory. The novel collided with reality, and there were many coincidences. Even the police had to enter the scene to investigate him...

For a while, there were still many people who sympathized with him in the society. It is rare for a writer to be so memorized.

There are also disadvantages, especially on the Internet, where there are countless people gloating at others' misfortune, Mei Qian inevitably has a few more nicknames.

In addition to titles such as "grave robber", "outlaw lunatic", "disaster engine" and "catastrophe", more and more people began to joke that Mei Qian is a crow's mouth, a dead star...

The word unlucky cannot sum up Mei Qian's experience in the past few years.

After all, the weird incidents such as "It rains all year round in summer, and spring blossoms when Mei Qian is free" have just passed, and the signs held by the protesters on the streets are still new.

Mei Qian's ability to "predict the future", or in other words, "follow the words" seems to have been discovered by more people.

There are also more speculations about his identity.

It is said that he is a reincarnated power who came to the world of mortals to endure calamities.

It is said that Mei Qian is an alien, and they called on the country to arrest him and slice him up for research.

Don't make too many stupid or reliable remarks.

Of course, there are also those with stronger actions, such as the members of the "Committee for Expulsion of Mei Qian in Xia State", who voted to change their name. Now, this organization is called "Committee for Expulsion of Mei Qian in Xia State"...

"Could this be the purpose of your writing "Diary of a Killer"?"

After three days, Mei Qian and Zhang Yu met again in the office.

And the first sentence of both parties was Zhang Yu's ridicule: "Wait until the identity of Crow's mouth is confirmed, will you be whitewashed?"

"You are lucky, I didn't write Modern Warfare." Mei Qian took the hot tea handed over by the other party, and still did not forget to give him a glare.

"Then I will immediately apply to send you out of the country forcibly..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Mei Qian couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Compared with a few days ago, Zhang Yu's complexion is much better, and he can still joke. It seems that the internal troubles have been resolved?

It's a pity that the two hadn't chatted a few words before a police officer came to report, and a large number of reporters appeared at the gate of the police station, wanting to meet Mei Qian noisily.

Let’s say these few days, Mei Qian lived a very leisurely life, she didn’t go out of the door, she still came to accept the question again today, the busiest one was Maomao, under the instruction of the boss, she rejected all the media requesting interviews .

Apparently, the media who got the news from unknown sources all chased after the police station.

"See? How about I arrange a conference room for you and hold a press conference?" Zhang Yu walked to the window, looked at the long guns and short cannons below, and asked back.

"After finishing the notes, I will walk from the back, but it still disappeared." Mei Qian immediately shook her head.

He is not refusing to interview, if the mainstream media of Xia Country sends an invitation, he will be happy to accept it.It's a pity that the people who come to join in the fun are reporters from small websites or tabloids. Well, most of them are from the entertainment industry.

It is estimated that the mainstream media will not act until the announcement of the police station is released.

He was too lazy to deal with the group of people below, so as not to say the wrong thing and be over-interpreted by others. He had suffered this disadvantage before.

"Why does our police station have a back door?" Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, "I will arrange a car and take you away."

"Come on, I don't know if there is a back door?" Mei Qian's face was full of contempt...

In the end, Mei Qian was indeed wearing a mask and sunglasses, and went out from a side door of the police station with Ning Chi, and then stopped a taxi and went back to the villa without even driving her own car.

As soon as he got home, Mei Qian nestled in the study as usual, but unfortunately, for some reason, he had no inspiration when creating "Mythology" for several days, deleted, deleted, modified, and the progress can be described as slow.

Bored and ready to relax for a while, who would have thought that just after turning on the TV, what he saw would be news about himself again.

Somewhat irritably, he pressed the remote control off.

I couldn't help thinking about my soaring popularity, but I still couldn't control it. I opened the system panel and took a look. Good guy, I haven't moved for such a long time, and I have broken through the [-] million mark.

Looking at the numbers above, Mei Qian wanted to get out of the study and climb the mountain immediately.

Well, the community of his villa happens to be backed by a mountain, so he is going to step on the spot and find a safe place to draw a lottery.

After all, with so many popularity points, it would be a waste to keep them.

He never thought that when he just had this idea, his eyes were dark, and the panels and buttons were all gone.

Instead, there are three large white characters in front of my eyes: "upgrading"

There is also a series of countdowns below.

It was the first time that Mei Qian encountered this kind of situation after owning the system, and then found that the system warehouse was also unusable.

Mei Qian: "..." The system is really a dog.

Don't blame him for always scolding the system. Although his combat strength and abilities all come from the system, you must know that if there is no system, he can live well by copying novels, at least he won't get into trouble again and again .

If he doesn't scold a few words, he will feel unbalanced.

To be a sober tool person is not so muddled.

Looking at the countdown, this upgrade will take 24 hours.

It's just one day, he doesn't care, he can afford to wait.

To be honest, he is still looking forward to it. From the fact that he almost played himself to death last time, it can be seen that this system is not intelligent and will only run step by step.I also hope that after the system is upgraded, the functions can be more perfect, at least I can communicate with myself, and stop "pitting" myself...

 Without description, it is like a tree without branches and leaves, and the trunk is dry and ugly, and no one likes it.So, if you say I'm water, I don't recognize it.

  cough!This time it's not a modification after uploading, but a copy error, and a part of it is missing...

  So, I save everyone money.cry……

(End of this chapter)

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