I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 240 Chapter 240

Chapter 240 Chapter [-]

The subsequent development of the video incident is not much different from Mei Qian's expectations.

Now it is not two years ago. After several investigations were fruitless, based on this video alone, the police will definitely not openly enter the venue.

Not to mention the long-awaited "Mei Qian enters the palace four times", on the police's external Weibo, there was not even a notice released.

Some media reporters even asked the high-level police officers what they think of this video and Mei Qian, but they only got ambiguous answers.

A few days later, when the public found out, Mei Qian still stayed at home obediently, and occasionally went out for meetings and dinners, as if nothing happened, unaffected in the slightest, which disappointed many people.

In the modern age with advanced media, there are too many things worth paying attention to. After the police made vague remarks, Mei Qian was not interviewed after his death, and the donkey who released the video had his adventures excavated, the popularity of this matter is very high. It fell down quickly.

It's just that it's not as popular as it was at the beginning. In fact, there are still many people who follow Mei Qian. There are still news and various speculations about him in entertainment news and various forums.

After all, whether in reality or on the Internet, there are too many people who eat melons.

It is worth mentioning that among them, those who fanned the flames and most hoped that Mei Qian would enter were his loyal readers.

In their words, anyway, this guy's promise is like farting, and he promised to publish a new book on the Internet, but the result is that there is no movement for half a year, so what's the use of keeping it?

Because Mei Qian's residence was once again exposed, from time to time, the residential property would find packages with his name written on them and containing various threatening messages at the door.

Mei Qian just sneered, since he became famous, he never spent money on razor blades.

On the contrary, the gatekeeper of the community was worried for a while, but later on, there were more and more packages like this, and he gradually got used to it. It's not like rushing into the community and directly abducting people, so what is there to be afraid of?

All of the above is just what it looks like from the outside.

The appearance of that mysterious video, apart from attracting a little attention and attracting people from different positions to talk about it, on the surface it seems to be relatively calm.

Only the parties concerned know the real situation.

At least, the strangers near the villa and the feeling of being watched are real.

Mei Qian didn't care, it wasn't the first time this kind of treatment happened, it was strange that the police didn't take any measures when this happened.

However, when he goes out, he is always followed by a tail, which still makes him a little uncomfortable.

Yes, honestly, after staying in the villa for a week, Mei Qian felt that she was okay again.

In his view, according to the efficiency of the police, there has been no movement for such a long time, which means that the group of "grave robbers" in the video are either dead without evidence, or there is no such person.

Then he is safe for now.

Sure enough, the system will not trap people to death all at once, but will still leave some ways to survive.

As I thought before, the video with his "personal" image is actually similar to his novel. It is only a policeman who handles the case in anger, and the conviction has little effect.

Of course, Mei Qian will never admit that due to ignorance of the system, he has recently suffered from insomnia.

This stems from his pessimistic attitude towards the future.

Compared with his life in prison or his days on the run, no matter how his image in the eyes of the police changes and whether his suspicions deepen, the current level is still barely acceptable.

And it was precisely because he felt that he was doing well again, the little unhappiness in his heart was magnified again.

Therefore, during this period of time, he was not idle. Apart from spending energy and stumbling every day to write the last part of the slow-moving "Myth", the rest of the time was unprecedentedly diligent.

In just one week, a movie script has been released, and a series of dramas are being created.

However, Maomao looked at the document marked "Scorching Sun" in front of him, and then glanced at the folder called "Dark Man" on the boss's computer.

Her name is an assistant, but she is actually a manager. Her work has not started yet, and she can already feel the tremendous pressure.

However, such an outstanding and famous writer, even if his character is not reliable, the script should be easy to buy, right?

But no matter what, it is rare that the boss is enthusiastic about his work, and she can only do her best to support her.

So, in the next few days, Mao Mao did not appear in the villa...

In the afternoon of this day, the sun was shining outside. Mei Qian, who has been obsessed with work recently, rarely gave up the keyboard, and walked lazily outside, ignoring the sight of watching her from a distance, curled up on the deck chair in the small garden, drinking Drink while reading a book comfortably.

This kind of weather is just used to relieve the mental exhaustion caused by day-to-day work.

Unknowingly, in the warm and pleasant late spring breeze, his eyes gradually closed, and the book in his hand covered his face.

When Zhang Yu arrived, the first thing he saw was his leisurely and comfortable look, and he immediately curled his lips and spat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he made a sound, Mei Qian on the recliner opened his eyes and looked over here.

"Yo! Officer Zhang."

However, Mei Qian, who was habitually wanting to sarcastically, was slightly taken aback when he saw Zhang Yu's appearance, and then showed a surprised expression on his side.

Even Ning Chi, who came out after hearing the movement, was surprised.

In Mei Qian's impression, Zhang Yu is a very face-saving person. No matter what time he worked overtime last night or how tired he is, he will clean himself up the next day.

But who appeared in front of him, the one with an unshaven beard, a tired face and a bruised nose and swollen face?

"I have something to do with you." Zhang Yu probably also knew that his image was not good. He covered half of his face with his hand, said something to Mei Qian in a muffled voice, then bypassed Ning Chi, and walked towards the study of the villa first.

The latter's eyes flashed, and he stood up immediately, stretching his waist, and followed in.

Only Ning Chi was left, and diligently picked up the fallen books on the ground, and after cleaning them, he inadvertently glanced at the villa not far away, snorted, and left with the books and cups When I went back, I was about to close the glass door of the restaurant heavily.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Guessing that Zhang Yu must have something important to explain, Mei Qian who walked into the study didn't pour tea.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu started to walk around the study room first, fumbling here and there. It seemed that after confirming that there was no monitoring device, he sat down in front of him again, but he still did not speak.

Seeing his appearance, the expression on Mei Qian's face also turned serious.

After a while, I saw Zhang Yu staring into his eyes, and asked slowly: "Can you tell me why my blood appeared in the place where the group of people threatened you to rob the tomb last year?"

"Huh?" Mei Qian opened his eyes wide, looking puzzled.

Zhang Yu sighed, and said in an extremely depressed and helpless tone: "Dongshan police found a skull pierced by branches when they were cleaning the cave. After testing, there were blood residues from two people on it, and one of them was mine... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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