I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 250 Chapter 250

Mei Qian said that she was not panicked at all.

At least, among the crowd of onlookers upstairs and downstairs, he was extraordinarily calm.

Dragons absorb water, also known as water tornadoes, which mostly occur over the sea or lake.It is said that the formation is related to the strong rise of warm and humid air, the fall of cold air and the effect of terrain.

Everyone knows that tornadoes have strong suction, so it is not surprising that water is drawn from lakes and seas to clouds in the sky to form water columns.

Although it is a spectacle, this happens every year everywhere.

It's enough to be in the news, but its popularity is completely incomparable with celebrities' public relationship or breakup.

Moreover, this phenomenon has also appeared in the history of West Lake.

It's just that this time, it's very special and very different from the past.

When Mei Qian heard Ning Chi's exclamation, she rushed to the terrace immediately, and also saw the lake water falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When he remembered to use his mobile phone to take pictures, the lake near the embankment was covered with silt, and the cruise ships that had been wandering on the lake also ran aground.

I don't know if the water is too shallow or there is too much silt. Anyway, after such a little effort, the water in the West Lake is exactly as Ning Chi said.

Soon, there were high and low noises on the lake embankment, water surface, street corners, and even driving cars. People stopped one after another, looking at the water column rising into the sky in the distance with horror on their faces.

This strange state lasted for more than ten minutes before water poured in to cover the lake again.

After that, things began to fall from the sky, including rain, mud, fish, shrimp, crabs, and aquatic plants and pebbles.

Fortunately, it has been raining here before, and almost everyone hid in their houses or under umbrellas. Except for the car sirens that kept going off, it was rare for everyone to see such a spectacle of fish rain, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

After the crackling sound passed, there was still light rain falling in the sky, but the air smelled fishy.But no one would care about this, so many people rushed outside to pick up the gifts from heaven on the street and among the flowers.

Mei Qian and Ning Chi calmly released the video they took.

Compared with Mei Qian who was still thinking about the text and how to edit to better express the theme, Ning Chi's operation was much simpler. He didn't even mention the name, so he directly copied the video to Moments, and then started to swipe. cell phone.

There are quite a few people with quick brains and quick hands. In just a few minutes, a large number of mobile phone videos appeared on the Internet.

The names are different, and the clarity is also very different, but the publishers are all people who are in Hangzhou and happen to be by the West Lake.The video is all about dry lakes and waterspouts.

Because of the different shooting angles, some people found underwater buildings that were unknown how many years ago, and some people took pictures of struggling big fish, and there were even strange stone statues that were buried in time and only now revealed their true faces.

Hmm, stone statue?

After Ning Chi brushed out the word, he quickly gave up on the video titled "Water Monster in the West Lake", and clicked on this page instead.

Although the video may not be very clear and shakes a lot due to the level of the photographer, he can still tell that what appears in the screen is really a stone statue of a woman with a snake-shaped lower body.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered a sentence the boss asked him on the high-speed rail.

"Tell me, if there is a white snake skeleton under the Leifeng Pagoda, wouldn't it be a big deal?"

He even trembled a few times involuntarily, and searched through various videos at a faster speed. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was only one person who captured the stone statue, and the only video, when he planned to watch it again, could not be found. Arrived.

After finding nothing, Ning Chi glanced at Mei Qian secretly again, and saw that the other party was just like him, staring at the phone with his head down, his face was extremely calm, and he couldn't see the slightest clue.

His gaze couldn't help but become complicated. In fact, he didn't know whether what lingered in his heart at this time was the regret that he didn't get a glimpse of the secret, or the quiet relief that nothing major happened after all.

It's even more unclear whether my boss has managed his facial expressions well, or whether he really doesn't care about all changes.

In fact, Mei Qian really didn't think it was a big deal that the West Lake was dry.

Compared with the worst scenario he expected, at least he didn't see a soaring white dragon, let alone an old monk holding a golden rice bowl.This shows that even if the dog system is upgraded, some aspects may not be enough.This reassures him a lot.

But it's not without trouble.

A rare waterspout appeared in Hangzhou, and the water in the West Lake dried up in an instant", the news was pushed to every corner of the world, and soon became a trending search.

Mei Qian also saw this tweet for the first time, checked the trending search, and what made him dumbfounded was that this news was ranked behind "Glory of Xia Guo: Mei Qian was nominated for the Siebel-Garlin Literature Award".

Good guy, but one nomination, the popularity is so high?

Just when he felt that something was wrong, the phone happened to rang at this moment.

Looking at the word "Mao Mao" on it, he guessed that it might be because the fish fell in Hangzhou, and the other party was concerned about his safety immediately.But very rarely, he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he waited for the ring to ring several times before pressing the reject button.

Immediately afterwards, he found Zhang Yu's name in the phone book and dialed it without hesitation.

"Yo! Writer Mei, congratulations, your reputation will spread all over the world soon." It's really familiar, this guy Zhang Yu talks to Mei Qian, as long as it's not business, he doesn't say a few words.

"Why don't I write you as a villain in the next book, and get a prize too? Let's celebrate together?" Mei Qian raised her eyebrows.

"Don't..." Zhang Yu replied quickly, with some nervousness in his words, coughed dryly, and asked again: "Aren't you in Hangzhou? Something happened?"

Mei Qian's breathing was stagnant, but she still replied: "Don't you think the news of my winning this time spread too fast and the popularity is too high?"

"Isn't your Mao Mao or the publisher hyping behind the scenes for sales and influence?" Zhang Yu laughed.

"Then it's up to you." Mei Qian lowered her voice, paused, and added: "Look, is it Maomao or the publishing house, or is it a mess of people. It's best to check the fact that I won the lottery." There is no capital operation in the matter."

Feeling the solemn attitude in his tone, Zhang Yu put away his casualness and replied seriously: "OK, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Then the two changed the subject at the same time. One asked how the work was going and how the children were doing.

One asked the other party how he felt when traveling abroad, and whether it was more comfortable than staying at home.After Hu Kan chatted for a few words, he hung up the phone.

Surprisingly, Mei Qian didn't consider at all whether Zhang Yu, a small team leader, had the authority and ability to investigate the whole matter.

And Zhang Yu didn't shirk at all, as if he just accepted a small commission...

PS: Really, I'm trying to do daily updates.

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