There are always many choices in life.

For example, choose to stay on the cruise ship named by the missile, or jump into the sea to face the siege of sharks.

A normal person will definitely choose the latter, at least to fight hard, and still have a glimmer of life, which is better than being smashed to pieces or sinking to the bottom of the sea with the cruise ship.

But for Mei Qian, it was too late, maybe because the threat of death was too strong this time, his actions were faster than his brain, and he still wanted to choose?Everyone has already jumped into the water.

Hearing Ning Chi's shout, it was not only Mei Qian who responded in the same way, but also people on the deck jumped into the sea one after another. Of course, some were also pushed off the boat.

Everyone desperately swam towards the distance, and they all knew that at this time, of course, the farther away from the cruise ship the better.

The same is true for Mei Qian, but he knows that relying on his swimming speed, when the missile strikes, he will still be affected.

So, he tried his best to dive forward.

Although he was holding Ning Chi, his speed was much faster than the others, and he didn't even catch up with the shark that had sensed the danger and fled.

I don't know how long I have been diving, maybe half a minute, maybe 1 minute.

He didn't slow down a bit until the sense of danger ceased to haunt him.

At this moment, a powerful shock wave formed shock wave-like ripples in the sea water, sweeping over them in the blink of an eye.

Mei Qian's body was strong, but she also felt as if she had been punched in the stomach, which was extremely uncomfortable.

As for Ning Chi beside him, his body was visibly stunned, and the bubbles spit out from his mouth were bloodshot, and he kept waving his hands at him, and even made an upward movement.

Seeing this, Mei Qian could only choose to float up, but he didn't care, he was afraid that Ning Chi would be suffocated to death if he stayed in the water.

Fortunately, the next two shock waves were much less powerful, and he basically lost all feeling.

When the two of them showed their heads in the sea, unlike Ning Chi who started to take a big gulp of fresh air, Mei Qian didn't feel the lack of oxygen.

He looked at the smoke billowing, not the screams and explosions of the cruise ship, and considered whether to go up to rescue people.

And there should be life jackets on board, but before he could start to move, suddenly there was another stabbing pain between his brows.

Surprised in my heart, I quickly looked carefully, and then I saw clearly that the Big Dipper in front of me was slowly starting to disintegrate, and it seemed to be sinking immediately.Immediately, the soul of the dead burst out, cursed, grabbed Ning Chi again, and began to swim lifelessly towards the distance...

The east is gradually turning white, and the storm has long since ceased.

The previously touted beauty of the sunrise over the sea is no longer attractive.

On the messy sea, the dozen or so survivors were all in distress.

Some of them dived before the missiles struck, some jumped out of the ship because of an explosion on board and were desperate, and some were simply thrown out.

Originally, those who escaped with their lives shouldn't be so few people.

But then the sinking of the cruise ship swept away some, and the serious injuries or physical exhaustion disappeared.

Fortunately, the shark attack that Mei Qian was worried about did not happen, otherwise there would be loss of life.

You know, although the Big Dipper is known as the world's smallest luxury cruise ship, it also has more than 3 tons and is more than 200 meters long.Under the attack of three missiles, it sank in just ten minutes.

There are 500 rooms on the cruise ship, which can accommodate 200 passengers and more than [-] staff members.

Adding up, there were at least 700 people on board, and in just over half an hour, only a dozen people survived.

Who would have imagined that in this technologically advanced age, a cruise ship full of passengers would be attacked by military missiles on a seemingly safe route between several peaceful countries.

If it is said, Mei Qian feels that her time travel experience can be regarded as fantasy and bizarre.

Everything that happened today was completely absurd.

It's still safe for Xia Country, it's too dangerous outside...

Situations vary from person to person.

When someone jumps overboard, they happen to have life jackets or buoys with them.

But most of them jumped into the water alone in a hurry.

For example, Mei Qian, he is extremely embarrassed right now.

I didn't know where the shoes fell to the bottom of the water, and the coat was thrown off for the convenience of movement.Now he was wearing short sleeves and floating in the icy sea water, and the few bloody cuts on his face that were scraped by foreign objects were also soaked to a white color.

The same was true for Ning Chi, the blood on his lips was gone.

Fortunately, they found a wooden tabletop among countless rubbish, which can save them some effort.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, but Big Dipper is a luxury cruise ship, and the interior decoration is very elegant.

When the explosion occurred, a lot of things splashed out, so a lot of wood floated on the sea surface, which happened to be used by these survivors temporarily.

However, in the vast sea, it is difficult to tell the direction and where to go. Even if these people want to swim to the shore by themselves, they can't do it, and because everyone is soaking in the water, it is impossible to work together.

These people can only stay where they are, waiting for a ship to pass by or rescue to arrive as soon as possible.

Hearing the crying sound in the distance, Mei Qian, a superman, felt extremely irritated.

He once secretly took out the mobile phone from the warehouse, but unfortunately there was no signal at all.

He even thought about diving down. If the room was not damaged, he might be able to find his backpack. I wonder if the satellite phone and the inflatable boat prepared before boarding are still there?

I also have some regrets. In order to pretend to be a corpse, many survival items were lost.If there is no rescue, it will be really bad.

"Huh? What's this?" Suddenly, Ning Chi stretched out his hand and picked up a silver-white suitcase.

After the disaster happened, when he came across travel bags, suitcases, etc., he would definitely open them up and have a look. If there was something edible and usable inside, that would be great.

Mei Qian only glanced at it, then turned her head and continued to look around, hoping to see the shadow of the ship as soon as possible.

"Brother!" Suddenly, Ning Chi seemed to have a surprising discovery, and secretly touched Mei Qian.

The latter turned his head and looked in the direction of the other's finger, and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that this silver-white box had a pair of uniquely shaped handcuffs on the handle, and an arm like black charcoal was hanging on it.

"The things inside are definitely not simple." Ning Chi pointed to a corner of the box again, and saw some black burn marks on it: "Alloy casting, even if there is an explosion, it will not be damaged." He turned the box over again Face: "Look, with such a complicated combination lock and palm print recognition, this box alone is worth a lot."

Mei Qian was a little curious at first, but considering the current situation, even if this is a nuclear lockbox, he is not interested.

But at this moment, a sudden shout of excitement caught their attention.

"There's a boat coming."

Mei Qian couldn't help feeling refreshed, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. Sure enough, several ships appeared on the sea in the distance, and the other party had a clear purpose and drove straight towards her.

But as those ships approached, Ning Chi grabbed Mei Qian, and said solemnly: "They came too fast, something is wrong with these ships..."

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