Chapter 297 Prophecy
In fact, when Zhang Yu just took out the envelope, although Zhang Yu looked as usual on the surface, his words didn't seem to have changed from when he first entered the door.

However, Mei Qian was sensitive to the movement of the other party handing over, and seemed stiff.

Then he confirmed the previous guess even more. This should be a suicide note specially left by Zhao Jun before the action.

Moreover, Zhao Jun sacrificed for four days before this letter reached his hands. I believe the police have thoroughly investigated and confirmed that there is nothing suspicious in it.

But this is not the case. There is no title or greeting on the letter paper, let alone a signature and date.

There is only one line of address with the beginning and the end?No, it's just an ordinary place name.

[Guangdong Province - Yangcheng - 70 miles south - Beizhuang]

As soon as Mei Qian saw the word "Beizhuang", there was a buzz in Mei Qian's mind, and she was in a trance state for a moment.

"Beizhuang, isn't this the place name in your novel?"

Because Mei Qian didn't hide anything from opening the letter, Zhang Yu stood beside him and understood the contents clearly.

At this time, seeing Mei Qian staring at the paper without speaking, he couldn't help asking, and immediately shook his head again, wondering: "No, this is just a place you made up, what does Mr. Zhao mean?"

"Who said this is a fictitious place name?" Mei Qian turned to look at him with a strange expression.

"A while ago, you just wrote the plot of learning art, so I checked it on the Internet. There is no such place name in Yangcheng, and even the local colleagues have never heard of Beizhuang." Zhang Yu replied, and then he was stunned: "Could it be... ..."

"You read the book really carefully." Mei Qian took another deep look at him: "Beizhuang is a small place. It was destroyed by a flood as early as the end of the Qing Dynasty. It may not even be recorded in the local chronicles. It's strange if you can find it." Said Then, he folded the letter paper and carefully placed it on the table.

"So, he wants to ask you to meet, or is there some secret there?" Zhang Yu hurriedly asked.

"Zhao Jun is dead." Mei Qian still looked at him.

Zhang Yu sighed: "Sure enough."

In fact, he has written letters in such envelopes, more than once.I know what it means to send such a letter.

Seeing his performance, Mei Qian finally believed that Zhang Yu had limited knowledge of Fang Zhen's actions, so he shouldn't have been sent to deliberately test him out.

The latter knew too well what kind of virtue Mei Qian was, so he probably guessed what he was thinking, but right now he had sympathy, so he didn't care about this kind of distrust for the time being.

After a long silence, Zhang Yu picked up the wine glass, and the beer inside was slowly poured on the ground.

Mei Qian didn't know what to think, but unexpectedly she followed suit.

Then Zhang Yu didn't care how Mei Qian knew so much about a small village that was forgotten by the locals.

It is also rare for Mei Qian not to accuse Zhang Yu of being so sensitive that he even has to check the place names in the novel.

The atmosphere on the wine table continued to be dull for a while.

But one of the two saw too much life and death, and the other saw too much life and death. This kind of depression is destined not to last long.

So, when the second bottle of beer was opened, Mei Qian suddenly pointed to the water stains on the floor and said, "You mop the floor later!"

Zhang Yu: "..."
Regardless of whether Fang Zhen's party sent the letter simply to follow the deceased's last wish or for another purpose.

Mei Qian really didn't have to stay in Xiadu to continue her boring coding life, and her travel plan could continue.

Early the next morning, after setting all the saved manuscripts to be released regularly, he started booking tickets again.

I planned to go directly to Guangdong Province before, and it is reasonable to tell about Zhao Jun's incident, and I should change to another place just to save trouble.

But Mei Qian only thought about it briefly, and still booked the business seat directly from Xiadu to Yangcheng.

This is not over yet, after choosing the seat, he deliberately took a screenshot, smeared the seat number and other information, and sent it directly to the Internet.

Said that I am exhausted of inspiration, and will not add updates for a period of time in the future. In order to better serve the readers, I can only go out to collect folk songs, and the first stop is Yangcheng. I also wrote a large article below, all of which are about the local environment and Food expectations.

Because the bus departed in the afternoon, it was too early, after doing all this, Mei Qian fell down on the sofa boredly, crossed her legs and swiped her phone.

At this time, it was still the suite of the hotel, and the people inside were arguing again because of him.

"Mei Qian's heart is also too big. She posted screenshots of booking tickets on Weibo, as if she was afraid that people would not know where he was going. What is she doing?"

"It's obviously causing trouble! It is said that many people claim to look good to him. The killer burned down his house before. Doesn't he know his situation?"

"I guess he should know that we are following, so he has nothing to fear!"

"Don't talk about it, let's make preparations earlier, if something really happens, it will be a shame..."

Mei Qian didn't care at all whether anyone would be troubled by his unscrupulousness. After watching a bunch of short videos of thigh shaking, she switched her phone page to Weibo.

There are indeed a lot of comments below. After browsing through it, some people wish him a smooth journey and early spring thoughts.Of course there are those who scold him for not doing his job properly.

I looked at the book review area again, there are good and bad, but it is much stronger. After all, pure readers need Buddha nature.

Mei's face has been hardened and thickened now, and she is used to being scolded for a long time.

It stands to reason that a writer is criticized for not writing well at most, and personal attacks are rarely involved.

But who made Mei Qian show too much hype, active or passive, the news about him has never been less, which means that he is destined to be treated completely differently from other writers.

It's very popular and has a lot of traffic. Loyal fans and black powder trolls are on par.

But what Mei Qian did today was not just for throwing bait.

He hesitated for a while, and sent a message that had already been edited.

[Some people always call me crow's mouth. Indeed, whether it's "Assassin's Diary" or Xia Du's Lian Tianyu, they all seem to be right.Oh, and the "Scorching Sun" released this Spring Festival, I heard that it also helped the police find the murderer. 】

[I know, no matter what I say, the name of Crow's Mouth must be on my head, so why don't I just open it up and make another prophecy today?That's right, I won't refute anymore, everyone scolds casually!No, it means that what happened before was all a coincidence! 】

It is helpless to say it, this is the fastest way Mei Qian can think of to test the current system capabilities.

No matter how the memory in my brain came from, it was always chaotic and fuzzy in the early stage, and it was too much like the facial paralysis that was always in the stage of amnesia in my impression.

The difference is that he can sort it out by publishing novels, while the other party can only go to the grave repeatedly to wake up the memory.

The methods are very different, but the purpose is the same.

This made Mei Qian feel unreal.

What makes him even more uneasy is that after writing so many chapters, he still can't remember how "I" got the system?What causes amnesia?What is the ultimate purpose of the system?
Should he revisit his old place like little brother Qilin, or wait for the system to be upgraded again?
So there is this time to go out to collect folk songs.

However, the testing of the system cannot be left behind.

All kinds of thoughts are only a matter of a moment, Mei Qian only lost his mind for a moment, and as soon as the phone page was refreshed, there were already countless comments below.

Human beings have always watched the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, and most of the comment areas provide ideas for prophecy.

From world peace to community security.

Of course, some people scolded him for hype, saying that so much is to create momentum for "Scorching Sun" to be nominated for Xia Guo's highest film award.

Somebody Mei also saw it, and dismissed it.

Nonsense, why do I mention this movie without making a fuss, kill three birds with one stone, understand?

Of course, I will not adopt the suggestions of the people who eat melons, because I have already made a conclusion in my heart.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost active, he posted the third post today.

[I'm sure that this year's Xia Guo men's football team will successfully qualify in the World Cup qualifiers...]

After posting, he couldn't help laughing first, and poured himself a glass of water.

After a glass of water poured into my stomach, I guess the comment area should be blown up, so I took the phone again.

Unexpectedly, the reality was completely different from his expectations. He refreshed it several times, but only saw a few sporadic comments all marked with *, and nothing else. It was, like the whole country was disconnected...

(End of this chapter)

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