I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 299 Mosquitoes

"Mr. Mei just entered the hotel this morning. How did you find the body in the fire water tank?"

"Correct me, it's not a discovery, it's a guess. I didn't go upstairs, and I didn't see the dead body. I smelled it completely. The waiter can testify that when I checked in this morning, a fire sprinkler was broken and there were water droplets. On the face, it stinks."

"But the others didn't smell the stink."

"I have a good nose. In fact, I didn't care about it at first. I just thought that the hotel's work was negligent and the water tank was not cleaned in time, which caused the water in it to deteriorate. I didn't express my suspicion until your police knocked on the door and asked..."

A highly decomposed female corpse was actually hidden in the water tank on the roof of the hotel.

The news was marked as sensational and appeared on major media websites.

As a result, not only a large number of policemen settled in to investigate, but also all kinds of well-informed media people poured in. Even if the place was temporarily blocked, they still couldn't get in, which made the staff and the police officers who maintained order feel overwhelmed.

Not to mention those guests who were panicked and asked the hotel to check out and give compensation.

However, Mei Qian had experienced great storms, and she was quite calm about such a murder case in the hotel where she was staying.

Just in stark contrast to those residents who became a little hysterical after hearing the news.

In fact, it’s no wonder that these people reacted violently. It hasn’t happened yet. The media has reported that the hotel guests drank corpse water for ten days in a row.

Because Mei Qian only checked in this morning, because she had some doubts in her heart, she didn't take a shower, and even used mineral water to wash her face. Therefore, when she was questioned by the police, she was still in the mood to watch the excitement.

After the neighbor who vomited so much that he couldn't control himself was sent to the elevator on a stretcher, he withdrew his sympathetic gaze and began to seriously answer the police's questions...

Whether it is the staff, long-term residents, or even some who have left Yangcheng, they are all suspected of committing crimes.

Mei Qian was almost listed as a key suspect because the information he provided was too accurate, but he was quickly ruled out because he had neither the time to commit the crime nor the motive for the crime. was questioned.

He didn't want to be too different, so he planned to change his residence with the crowd, after all, the environment here was no longer suitable for fishing.

But after watching the two police officers leave and close the door, he turned around and saw the big soft bed, and couldn't help yawning again.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with staying another day!
With the curtains closed, no one would disturb Mei Qian's sleep, and when she opened her eyes, the room was pitch black.

This time, I really fell asleep until I woke up naturally, and my spirit really recovered a lot.

It's a pity that the snacks I bought at noon, because they don't taste good when they are cold.

He was too lazy to go out again, so he simply called the customer service number, ordered a simple supper, and then took a hot bath humming a song.

Probably because of the lack of people in the hotel, the delivery of the food was fast, but unfortunately, in addition to the waiter, there were also the two young police officers I had seen before who came in with the dinner.

"It's so late and you haven't got off work yet..." Mei Qian looked at his watch, and politely let him into the room: "What do you two police officers need to ask?"

"We still have some details to check with Mr. Mei." The slightly older Police Officer Liu sighed first, and then said with a smile: "I called you before, but no one answered, so..."

"Sorry!" Mei Qian signaled the waiter to put the plate on the coffee table, and then sat down on the sofa: "I just woke up, and I haven't had time to answer the phone. I'm really hungry, don't mind if I eat something first?" ?”

"We're the ones interrupting you. Feel free to do what you want." The two police officers were quite polite, and they sat down at the coffee table after the waiter closed the door and left.

But when Mei Qian lifted the lid of the dinner plate to reveal the food inside, Officer Liu next to him only frowned slightly, but the younger one turned pale, covered his mouth with his hand suddenly, and retched immediately A few times.

The casserole is just raw porridge, which is very common in Yangcheng. The white rice porridge is served with pork liver and blood, and garnished with green vegetables.

At that time, after Mei Qian revealed her guess, the three of them went to the rooftop together.

Therefore, the people in the room can be said to be the first witnesses to the corpse in the fire water tank, but their reactions afterwards are different!
Mei Qian was really hungry, she didn't care too much at all, and didn't care about the heat, so she quickly drank the porridge in the casserole with some pickles.

Feeling a lot more comfortable in his stomach, he put down the spoon and wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"When you discovered that the fire sprinkler was leaking, did you tell the staff that there was a bad smell in the water?"

"No, I was just a little dissatisfied at the time. I felt that there was something wrong with the work of this hotel. I thought about whether to live in another place."

"As far as we know, the broken shower head is right outside your room door. Did you see the repairman?" At this time, Mei Qian had just come out of the bathroom. She was only wearing a bathrobe and her hair was still wet. Officer Liu looked at it. Looking at him, he asked solemnly.

"No, when I woke up, the nozzle had already been repaired." Mei Qian was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Why? Do you think there is something wrong with the repairman?" At this point, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and at the same time moved his ears.

Police officer Liu on the opposite side noticed the change in his expression, was slightly taken aback, and did not answer the question.

Mei Qian stood up, paced slowly in the room, seemed to be thinking about something, and sighed after a while: "My sense of smell is different from ordinary people, the smell is very slight, it's normal for others not to smell it." So, he laughed again: "You can't suspect others just because they have a bad nose, right?"

Officer Liu nodded seriously: "Thank you for the reminder, we will consider this."

"I hope so!" Mei Qian took a deep look at the two of them. At this time, he had already stood by the curtain, and suddenly raised his hand to pat the wall on the left side of the French window.

Suddenly, there was a dull sound of "poof", and the heavy curtains shook in this palm.

But he turned his head and smiled at the two people who were in a daze: "I'm sorry, I saw a mosquito and couldn't help it."

Officer Liu looked at the curtain, but found nothing unusual, so he continued to ask a few small questions.

Mei Qian answered them one by one patiently.

On the way, I also heard a continuous car alarm sounding downstairs, but it was a little weak when it reached the 16th floor, and none of the three people in the room paid attention to it.

After finishing the record, the two said goodbye and left.

"Brother Liu, don't you think this Mei Qian is perverted? I can't stand it, he can still drink pork liver porridge." In the elevator, the young police officer finally couldn't help but started to complain.

Officer Liu, who had been staring at the floor display, frowned at his colleague and warned, "He has nothing to do with this case, don't worry about it."

The young police officer pouted, but said nothing more.

Because it was already midnight, few people entered the hotel's elevator, so the descent went smoothly.

But on the first floor, as soon as the two came out, they heard a loud exclamation: "Someone fell from the building in the parking lot in the backyard."

The two looked at each other and quickly ran towards the direction of the sound.

As a police officer, you must come forward in case of an emergency.

Little did they know, while they were calling for an ambulance and maintaining order, the curtains of a certain room on the 16th floor above their heads were pulled open. Mei Qian was standing by the window, looking at the busy little figure at her feet. The cigarette was burning near his lips, and the red light of the fire and the lingering smoke in the dark night blurred all his expressions...

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