I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 304 Chapter 34

Chapter 304 Chapter Thirty-Four

When Lu Dafei and the two returned to the suite, they found that most of the people who had gathered together to eat noodles just now had disappeared by half.

Do the rest as you should, without the slightest anxiety or confusion.

Those who can join the special case team are all relatively experienced criminal police officers. Although they may not be familiar with each other at the beginning, after these few days of running-in, they have already established a certain tacit understanding.

At the beginning of the establishment of this action group, they formulated a series of action plans for monitoring, security, arrest, and pursuit.

As soon as he got the news, even without Lu Dafei's orders, a small team of people rushed to the scene to support.Their job is not to arrest people, but to use the shortest time to call all the surrounding surveillance.

Even if you find that Mei Qian has run away in a car, don't worry, because the surveillance center of the Yangcheng Police Station is guarded by their personnel.

"Report, Mei Qian's location is always at Jiacheng Hotel, and she probably didn't bring a mobile phone." A policewoman stood up from the computer and reported.

"I don't bring my mobile phone, it seems that I have already prepared!" Ma Cheng frowned.

According to the level and equipment of their task force, even if the target mobile phone is turned off, as long as there is a base station nearby, it can be precisely located, and they are afraid of the separation of man and machine, which is really helpless.

"He's trying to make trouble!" Lu Dafei on the side sighed lightly: "Deliberately getting rid of the follower, there is obviously something that we don't want us to know."

"I agree, do you want to step up the investigation?" Ma Cheng asked again.

Lu Dafei shook his head resolutely: "He just disappeared, and it hasn't reached that level yet. This time, it's a secret operation after all, and it's not appropriate to make too much noise."

Ma Cheng agreed with this, but he was still worried, saying: "We all know that Mei Qian is not an easy person, maybe there are communication channels and methods that we don't know about, don't you also suspect that he has lived in Cantonese for a long time?" Regional experience? It’s hard to guarantee that he won’t leave behind in Yangcheng.”

"The point is, Mei Qian has not been in contact with us once or twice. It should be clear that he can't completely get rid of the surveillance. What can he do and dare to do in such a short time when he knows that the police are involved. Tomb robbery or murder, he doesn't want to live anymore?" Lu Dafei couldn't help retorting when he heard the words.

"Yeah, what is he going to do..." Ma Cheng muttered to himself, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and immediately shouted: "Quick, check the road monitoring, especially the main road in the south of the city..."

Lu Dafei also came to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The next step is to wait.

Fortunately, not long after, the team members stationed at the monitoring center of the Yangcheng Police Station had feedback. During a road monitoring, they found that Mei Qian was taking a taxi and heading south.

After a series of tracking, Mei Qian finally returned to the police's sight after losing contact for nearly half an hour.

Of course, surveillance is surveillance, and it will definitely take some time for field personnel to catch up with Mei Qian again.

At this time, Mei Qian had already left Yangcheng by car...

Half an hour in a day is easily overlooked because it is too inconspicuous.

Maybe it's only enough for ordinary people to eat a simple meal, do some serious sports without foreplay, and probably the time you need to go to the bathroom with your mobile phone in your hand will not be so short.

But today's Mei Qian is really fast, half an hour is enough for him to do many things.

It started when he just walked out of Jiacheng Hotel.

They went out before seven o'clock in the morning, which caught the police officers on the periphery a little off guard.

Because this kind of behavior is really abnormal, and it is too different from the habits of the previous few days.

Although he was muttering in his heart, the conscientious policeman could only leave behind the half-eaten siu mai and followed slowly.

"Could it be a whim, planning to pat the morning sun in Yangcheng? It's too late!" A colleague complained through the earphones, Xiao Wang twitched his mouth, and his eyes were still locked on the back of the person in front of him.

Originally, he was already a little impatient, this kind of follow-up work was really boring.

But today he raised his spirits, looking forward to a different discovery.

However, after following for about 10 minutes, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The target was strolling around on the street, his unhurried pace and leisurely attitude were obviously different from those of the surrounding office workers.

Except for this point, no matter how you look at it, there is no difference from the previous few days. The color of the T-shirt, shorts and baseball cap has not changed, and even the ups and downs of the one-shoulder schoolbag follow the same pattern.

"Maybe it's just a whim. Anyway, tourists can freely choose their work and rest habits..." Xiao Wang thought with some frustration.

Then, he saw the other party walk into a famous rice noodle shop with his own eyes.

It was also because it was a famous store with a small area, but there were too many people in it, making a lot of noise, he couldn't help frowning, and paused in his footsteps.

But at such a moment of hesitation, the colleague's voice in the earphone suddenly became sharp: "No, Mei Qian has had breakfast..."

Xiao Wang shivered violently, squeezed in together with a cooperating colleague, and the rest stayed where they were, continuing to monitor the shop.

If he remembered correctly, Target had been to this store twice.

The fact is exactly as he expected, after entering the small shop, and then exiting the back door to an old residential area, apart from sweating all over, he couldn't find the figure carrying the schoolbag no matter what...

It has to be said that the response of several police officers was very quick.But they didn't know that even if Mei Qian didn't use bone shrinking skills to change her body shape, there were so many people coming in and out of this store, as long as she was careful and made a little disguise, she could still deceive people's eyes.

In fact, Mei Qian just went straight to the bathroom after entering the shop, changed her hat, and hung her schoolbag on the door. With the help of the crowd and her keen senses, she managed to avoid the sight of the inspectors and went out on the street again. Momentarily flicked the tail.

He knows that such small tricks won't last long, and he will definitely be able to react soon afterward.

Therefore, they didn't bother to deliberately avoid the monitoring, stopped the car openly, and headed directly to the south.

This time slot was a little earlier, and the journey was smooth, but within half an hour, the taxi left the city.

"Sir, do you want to go to Fuzishan alone? It's very hot today, you should pay attention to heatstroke prevention!" The driver master was more talkative, seeing the passengers behind him with their heads bowed silently, he took the initiative to start the conversation.

"I don't want to go out on a hot day either. Is it all right?" Mei Qian replied with a smile in fluent Cantonese, and she looked away from her watch, her expression obviously relaxed a lot.

Well, it’s just right, it will be the rush hour for work soon, and the nearby roads will be very congested. Even if someone follows, it may not be too easy. Now there is more time...

What?Say I'm messing around?I went out and wandered and forgot my phone, okay?I let your police follow you?

(End of this chapter)

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