I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 307 Chapter 37 Landslide

Chapter 307 Chapter [-] Landslide

Although there are both night vision goggles and head-mounted miner's lamps in the system warehouse, Mei Qian has not used these, but relies on the ability of night vision to explore forward bit by bit.

Perhaps the word "explore" is a little inappropriate, because I didn't see a pattern on the stone bricks of the corridor, and the stone statues at the corners corresponded one by one with the fragments that kept flashing in his mind.

But everything here is very different from what I remember.

Generally speaking, compared with the several underground ruins that Mei Qian was impressed with before, the condition of this ancient tomb is really not good.

The underground altar of Dongshan Xinglin Mountain where he and Zhang Yu fell, although there are countless robbed holes on the outside, but the main structure has collapsed to allow air circulation. Although it is old, even the bamboo slips can be preserved. Scientists are ecstatic, and the clean-up work has not yet been completed.

Needless to say, the underground ruins of Xiadu, even if the damage is severe, are still extremely valuable. Anyway, if Xiadu wants to own a subway line, it will take at least three to five years.

Not to mention the Wushan Shirengou, which is like an underground labyrinth from a fantasy world. When someone activates the "electric door" every few years, the devices inside can still operate.

The ancient tomb where Mei Qian is now has the appearance of being ravaged by time.

He stepped on the slippery ground, and carefully picked apart the thorns hanging in front of him, thinking so in his heart.

In fact, in my memory, 150 years ago, this place was kept quite well. At least the ground was very dry at that time, and there were not so many moss and aquatic plants.The anti-insect measures are also perfect, unlike now, a few steps will startle groups of small animals.

Mei Qian hung the Spirit Transformation Seal on her chest, and in an instant, the centipedes and cockroaches that always wanted to climb up her legs lined up and got into the cracks between the stone bricks just like a computer program.

He sighed softly, cursed inwardly for committing crimes, and then moved on.

His feet were slippery, and the big slippers were covered with cloth shoe covers. It was extremely uncomfortable to walk on them, but with his good balance ability, he was able to pay attention to the sound of footsteps while maintaining his speed.

The further you went inside, the softer the sound of his walking became, gradually becoming silent.

The corridor was not long, and after turning two turns, Mei Qian came to a brick room with a dome.

Perhaps because of the connection with the outside world, although the moss in the brick room is less, the silt seems to be thicker than the corridor.Outside, it looks empty and clean, and the original exquisite murals on the wall have long lost their bright colors, and have even fallen off.

Because apart from the green-covered stone palace lanterns on both sides of the overturned stone gate, and the half-decayed wooden coffin in the center of the stone chamber, there is nothing else.

In Mei Qian's memory, this stone room, like the corridor outside, was built later than the main tomb, to bury a favorite of the owner of the tomb, originally there were some valuable funerary objects, and there was a gap between the main tomb and the main tomb. It is also inconsistent.

But 150 years ago, after the Tie Mian Buddha and his men came again, not only two robbery holes were dug here, but some funeral objects such as ritual vessels and porcelain were also taken away and sold.

If the owner of the tomb can move, let alone the coffin board, the Buddha may not be able to hold it down.

How can there be the same group of grave robbers who have singled out one dead person for decades?

Yes, although the Tie Mian Buddha himself despises these funerary objects.But at the beginning, as a well-preserved Southern Han royal tomb with a secret location and ingenious mechanism, it naturally became the best "training base".

At the beginning, he himself explored here according to the teaching of his master, and later, his subordinates naturally also participated in it.

One or two people came down at a time, and the funerary objects were looted once and for all. When it was closed, it was already empty.

This is Mr. Yu, the master of Tie Mian Buddha, bah!Mr. Jiao, the shovel, brought his disciples to live here in seclusion.

Tomb robbery is okay!After all, it is a type of work where practice is more important than theory. All kinds of knowledge must be mastered and hands-on skills must be strengthened. There is such a good practice place next to Beizhuang, so why not use it?
As a result, even though Mei Qian's memory fragments about this place are gradually clear, and even coded a complete chapter in the document, she dare not publish it.

The nature of this place is different from other tombs in the novel. Those tombs can still be dealt with by coincidence. The personal color here is too strong, which belongs to the kind that cannot be seen.

It can be said that even if he died, he would not let this tomb be discovered.

Thinking of this, Mei Qian only glanced at the exposed bones in the coffin, and then got into the hole in the wall.

This robbery hole is completely different from the entrance. After more than ten times of reprocessing, it can completely accommodate a person walking upright in it.

Therefore, Mei Qian's speed was not affected in any way, and with the help of Hualing Seal, he quickly entered the corridor of the main tomb.

The blue bricks used to build the walls here are much more refined than those outside, and there are exquisite reliefs carved on both sides of the corridor.

Apart from being careful about footsteps, he walked here without any scruples.

He knew that most of the organs in the tomb had been destroyed, and it was because there was no value for practicing hands that this place was finally abandoned.

The closed tomb door naturally didn't exist anymore, so it didn't take long for Mei Qian to enter the main tomb.

Perhaps because it is inconvenient to take it out, the military servants and unique statues still stand on both sides without much damage.

In the face of countless terrifying and cold gazes, Mei Qian strode towards the high platform in the middle.

Stepping up the jade steps, the huge coffin could be seen at a glance. He couldn't help but look inside. Just like in his memory, the owner of the tomb had decayed so long ago that there were not even bones left.

Immediately after the flashlight came on, he squatted down and began to search carefully on the side of the coffin by the light. When he found the target, he put the flashlight in his mouth, and a dagger appeared in his hand instantly.

Does he have any special hobbies?

If there is another person at the side at this time, he will be surprised to find that a large row of crooked words have been carved on the coffin in front of him, and these words are definitely not used to describe the life of the owner of the tomb, let alone an epitaph .

Mei Qian looked at the largest and most conspicuous font at the top, her eyelids twitched like a bug.

He gritted his teeth and scratched viciously at the line [Mei Qian is here for a visit] with a dagger in both hands.

The dagger that Mei Qian bought for collection was very expensive, and of course it was also sharp. Soon, he forcibly chipped off a layer of the stone coffin, which looked extremely unsightly.

But just when he was about to erase the rest of the names, his ears moved suddenly, and he couldn't help being stunned. He hurriedly put the flashlight back into the warehouse, and without caring about anything else, he trotted down the stone platform and left the main building. tomb.

Sure enough, he hid in the corner with his front feet, and there was a light not far away.

Mei Qian poked out half of her head secretly, and saw a group of at least a dozen people wearing headlamps, walking slowly towards the main tomb.

Presumably these are the tomb robbers belonging to "Wu Wang".

Mei Qian hid in the corner, and wanted to listen more, to see if she could get any clues from the conversation of this group of people.

I don't know how they will feel when they find out that they have searched hard and dug through the royal tomb after buying land and building a house, but there is nothing valuable inside.

It's a pity that these people had very little communication with each other, and after entering the main tomb, there were some curses.

It is estimated that something is wrong here.

Mei Qian guessed that the other party would never be willing to lose money at this point, and it was reasonable to continue to place hope on the funeral rooms on both sides.

He didn't want to stay longer, so he left the corridor lightly, but he didn't return to the robbery cave immediately. Instead, he stood there and thought for a while, then began to grope around the wall, and sneaked into a secret room.

The secret room is naturally empty, much lower than the other stone rooms, and the area is small, only two meters square.

The most conspicuous thing is the iron rod in the middle that supports the huge rock above. He remembers it clearly now that this rod was erected by the Iron Faced Buddha more than 100 years ago.Although it has been severely corroded, it still guarantees the integrity of the entire tomb.

Mei Qian held the iron rod, pulled it out with a little force, and heard a very faint "click" sound in her ears, and suddenly felt a few fine gravel falling on her head.

He knew that the mechanism had been restarted, so he quickly threw the stick, turned around and left the secret room, and ran towards the way he came from as fast as he could, ignoring the sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rush to finish the work, put the shoe covers, gloves and other things into the warehouse, and he plunged into the water again...

Unlike when he came here, Mei Qian who was swimming back did not hide himself anymore. He should take a breath and show his head. Fortunately, he held his breath for a long time. Even if there were tourists on the lake who saw it, most of them thought they were dazzled or were far away. I think it's a big fish that takes the lead.

Soon he reappeared under the tree where he went into the water before, wiped his body clean, put on his clothes neatly, and has nothing to do with the swimmers.

When he left the warning sign, he purposely stayed on the shore and observed the lake carefully. He saw large ripples on it, and a vortex appeared on the opposite side. After a few exclamations, he disappeared in an instant.

Only then did Mei Qian heave a long sigh of relief, and turned around decisively to leave.

Because I had calculated in my mind that while the quicksand trap collapsed the tomb as a whole, it would absorb part of the lake water.But the overall scale of the ancient tomb is there, compared to the area of ​​a lake, it can be said to be insignificant.

He decided that the water in the lake might drop a little, and there was no life-threatening threat to the tourists.

Now that everything is under control, I am completely relieved.

But the other place was miserable. Just when Mei Qian walked to the surrounded construction site, she suddenly heard a series of loud "rumbling" noises, and her feet began to shake violently like an earthquake.

He tried his best to stabilize his figure. Amidst the series of harsh car alarms and barking dogs, he saw with his own eyes that the three-story building in front of him collapsed, and the smoke and dust raised up covered the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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