I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 309 Chapter 39

Chapter 309 Chapter Thirty-Nine

Mei Qian felt that she had completely solved a hidden danger, and she was in a good mood. Meimei took a hot bath, ate something, and went to bed.

Lu Dafei, who only returned to the station in the middle of the night, had no time to rest, but had a small meeting with Ma Cheng, the deputy team leader.

"Those two are recruited. There is indeed an ancient tomb connected to the construction site. It is said that it is still a royal tomb, but they are just small characters who have just joined. They are responsible for guarding the outside. There is no more information." Lu Dafei rubbed a little tiredly with temples.

Ma Cheng poured him a glass of water and asked, "Where is the person in charge of the construction site?"

"It was controlled, but it was just a middleman, and it didn't care about anything after collecting a sum of money."

Ma Cheng raised his eyebrows and said: "So, those who are really in charge have been buried."

"Counting the ones they brought down, at least twenty." Lu Dafei drank water with a complicated expression on his face: "This is a big case, and I must also thank Mei Qian. If he wasn't nearby, I wouldn't be able to remember to investigate. These people don't even know that so many people are buried."

"Mei Qian appeared there, could it be aimed at this group of people?" Ma Cheng frowned and asked again: "Maybe, he knows something and specially reminded us?"

"It's so troublesome, can't you just say it directly?" Lu Dafei seemed to have thought about such issues long ago, and said: "And in the surveillance, he just passed by the construction site, didn't stop at all, and went directly to the lake."

"By the lake? How long have you been there? Has anyone seen it?" Ma Cheng asked quickly.

Lu Dafei's expression was very helpless: "There are very few people going to the lake today, and there are not many surveillance cameras. Mei Qian disappeared for nearly half an hour, and no one knows what he did. Or swimming, or simply enjoying the scenery, where the lotus blooms very Not bad." Speaking of this, he glanced at Ma Cheng: "How is your place? Are there any new clues?"

The latter shook his head: "Mei Qian's photos have been posted for a day, and there is no feedback at all."

When Lu Dafei heard the words, he also sighed: "Maybe I was wrong. The news a few years ago was so big, but if there is any clue, I reported it in the morning."

"If the other party is really perfect, no one can do anything about it." Ma Cheng shrugged, paused and said suddenly: "What do you mean, let a village disappear completely from the records?"

"You mean, someone deliberately erased this place name for the sake of Wang Ling?" Lu Dafei said in surprise, "That's not easy, it must not be possible in recent decades."

"In this way, the south seventy miles in the message makes sense, and the Yangcheng above is not the current Yangcheng..." Ma Cheng clenched his fists and said, "All royal tombs must be rich in burial objects. For some reason, this line The clues fell into the hands of Mei Qian or the tomb robbers. They came to Yangcheng by coincidence, just for the cultural relics underground..." But at this point, he began to shake his head irritably: "No, the place name Beizhuang should have something special. However, the tomb robbers contracted out the project and directly robbed it, but Mei Qian chose the lake..."

Lu Dafei looked at him and muttered to himself for a long time, but his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally lost his patience, and said casually: "Maybe it's not that complicated, Mei Qian may see that the place of Wangling has been taken, and let's go to the lake to relax , He knows that with us following, he will definitely not do anything illegal."

"No, we should check that Xiyan Lake, maybe there is a big secret hidden underneath." Ma Cheng retorted.

"It's the local colleagues' job to have secrets. Don't forget the task of the special case team. Mei Qian should have stayed in Yangcheng for the most part, and we all have to follow. How can there be time?" Lu Dafei couldn't help reminding: " Even if there is really something in the lake, it can't be related to Mei Qian, Confucius Mountain is very developed, he can't do anything for half an hour, and it's not against the law to watch the scenery by the lake..."
After solving a hidden danger, Mei Qian should actually leave here and go to the next stop.

When he felt that he hadn't done enough shopping in Yangcheng, he planned to take a break.

So, in the next few days, Mei Qian traveled every day, took pictures, and enjoyed delicious food as usual.

And his scope of activities is no longer limited to the city area, and it is no longer regular.

Sometimes I go out of the city in the morning and go to various tourist attractions in the surrounding area.

Sometimes go out in the evening and experience the city's fireworks for yourself.

Occasionally, I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I went straight to the night market.

It is worth mentioning that he also returned to Fuzishan and found that the collapsed construction site was surrounded again, with a lot of construction machinery inside and more policemen on duty around it.

Mei Qian only looked into the construction site curiously, only to find that someone was carrying a video camera and recording.

It was immediately clear that this was the discovery of the ancient tomb below.

I just don't know how the archaeologists will feel when they face the empty tomb and the dozens of rows of coffins on the "visit here" after the quicksand that buried the entire ancient tomb is cleaned up.

Well, there's an ambulance parked inside?That shouldn't be a problem...

After another three days, Mei Qian finally got tired of it. When she got up in the morning, she booked a train ticket to Hengcheng in southern Hunan in the afternoon, and then she simply packed up and went out.

It's rare to come out, so I have to bring some special products.

He deliberately picked a specialty shop that was also in charge of mailing, and planned to send a portion of sausages and snacks to Maomao, Zhang Yu and others.

But just as he was scanning the courier slip and filling in the contact number on his mobile phone, his fingers suddenly stopped, and he tilted his head vaguely before returning to normal.

After paying the money, he carried his bag and started wandering around again.

There are so many neighborhoods around here, Mei Qian turned around and went straight into a toilet.

As soon as he entered the men's toilet, he pushed open the doors of each cubicle. After making sure that he was the only one, he turned on the faucet of the washbasin in the corner to the maximum. With the sound of splashing water, he took out the plastic gloves from the system warehouse and put them on slowly. .

But he only wore half of it. After thinking about it, he put the gloves back, walked into the innermost compartment, flushed the door without closing the door, and then turned around and went out to wash his hands.

Just as he bowed his head to wash his hands, a burly man wearing a mask walked in.

The other party was not convenient, but put one hand in his arms and walked towards the washstand lightly.

"It's like this again, can you guys use some high-end methods? Poisoning? Seduction, even a car accident!"

As soon as these words came out, the man who had just raised the dagger immediately froze the viciousness on his face.

And Mei Qian also took the opportunity to turn around and hit her elbow.

It has to be said that the opponent's skill is really good, facing the powerful elbow, he reacted quickly, retreated slightly, and then hit Mei Qian's stomach with one leg.

But he missed a move. As soon as he lifted his leg, there was a sharp pain in the inner thigh, and his body could no longer stand still. The chopping movement he made subconsciously also failed with a "click".

Finally, with his arm twisting and deforming, the dagger fell to the tiled floor along with his heavy body.

Hearing the commotion inside, two young men rushed in from outside, seeing Mei Qian who was standing and the person who fell to the ground, they were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the two stepped forward to hold the killer down, and one of them took out the handcuffs.

The killer, who didn't know that he had escaped, still glared at Mei Qian viciously, the latter snorted, and kicked the opponent's knee again.

After venting a little, he turned off the tap, wiped his hands with a paper towel, and nodded to the two policemen in charge of his safety: "I'll leave it to you."

After saying this, he walked out of the toilet slowly, seeing the two young policemen in a daze...

 Well, I'm asking for a ticket in this situation, asking for support, isn't it too much?
(End of this chapter)

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