Chapter 319
Mei Qian's sharp gaze only appeared for a moment, and then he returned to his expressionless face, and walked slowly towards the dormitory area.

Dark clouds covered the moon, and the nearby lights were very dim, but Lu Dafei, who had been silently paying attention to Mei Qian, could easily detect the change in the other's eyes.Seeing Mei Qian return at this time, he hurriedly followed, and before leaving, he also glanced vaguely at the fat boss who lowered his head and was fiddling with his phone.

The next day, the sky was still cloudy, and it even started to rain lightly.

Mei Qian slept late, and it was already noon when he woke up. He ate something casually, left the B&B and entered the village.

He carried an umbrella and was always able to find someone to talk to.The topic is very complicated, and from time to time he will take out a notepad and write something on it.

As he said, this trip is just for gathering.

Lu Dafei, who also suffered from insomnia, was not so leisurely. He had a long video meeting early in the morning.

Sleepy?How can I take care of it when I am busy, and rely on tea and coffee to support it.

After careful investigation, it has been basically determined that Mei Qian has no direct connection with the 317 extraordinarily large cultural relics smuggling case, and the authorities have cleared him of suspicion.

The task force is unsustainable, and there are signs of disbandment, and people from Hangzhou have returned to their original units.

The work will continue, but after the personnel are dispersed, each department will start the investigation independently.

Unless a major breakthrough is found, such a large force will never be concentrated again.

But different from the Hangzhou side, part of the funds and manpower of the special case team began to be tilted towards Hengcheng. The field team not only has not been weakened, but its specifications have also been improved, and it has even been authorized to mobilize nearby armed police forces.

After Lu Dafei briefed the team members about this change, the experienced old criminal police immediately got motivated and began to work in an orderly manner.

Only some young people or technicians didn't understand, and they talked in a low voice after Lu Dafei entered the room.

"There's so much commotion above, is it possible that Mei Qian is in big trouble? But shouldn't the security be strengthened at this time? Why don't I see any difference?"

"Maybe we have to wait for the staff to be replenished. Doesn't it mean that there will be people joining the team in the next few days?"

"What if someone wants to kill Mei Qian right now? Judging by Lu Da's expression at the meeting just now, the situation is very serious. Isn't the field team also very dangerous?"

At this time, Yan Dong, who was passing by holding the information bag, shook his head when he heard these words, pulled the chair and sat down in front of the computer, and said softly: "Actually, Mei Qian is the safest at this time. Of course, there is nothing wrong with him. We're probably going to get busy here soon."


Yan Dong glanced at his mobile phone: "July should be the dry season near Hengcheng, but it has been raining continuously for the past few days, and the weather forecast also said that such days will continue for many days..." Before meeting, the few people still kept silent With a puzzled face, he asked helplessly: "In such bad weather, Mei Qian still insists on climbing the mountain. She has already entered it once, but she still doesn't give up and stays here until the weather improves. If you hear this news at first, you will be surprised." What's the idea?"

"There are things in Hengshan that are very important to Mei Qian, either ancient tombs or treasures."

"Mei Qian insists on staying here, there must be his purpose."

"What does the abnormal weather indicate that Mei Qian refuses to leave?"

There were various answers, but the basic meaning was the same. Yan Dong couldn't help nodding: "Criminals think so too."

"So, before entering the mountain, even if there are killers around, they won't attack Mei Qian?" The female technical detective sitting opposite Yan Dong muttered in a low voice, but she was still puzzled in her heart, and couldn't help asking: "It's still not right. , something has happened before, those people must know that Mei Qian is watching us, even if they enter the mountain again, who would dare to make small moves?"

Yan Dong smiled at her and said: "Mei Qian has a lot of troubles around her. A normal person can guess that this trip must be inseparable from the attention of the police. Didn't someone live upstairs and use a knife?"

"I see. No wonder you said that we will be very busy. The investigation work is indeed very cumbersome." Someone interjected.

Yan Dong continued to nod: "There are always a lot of greedy or courageous people. This group of people are all desperadoes. If the benefits are enough, they can do anything. Besides, Hengshan is so big, you are sure there are police watching, just Is it safe?" After a pause, the smile resumed on his face: "What do you think the armed police force does?"

There were gasps of air all around, and after a long time, someone murmured: "But why is this? It's very dangerous to play such a big game, hasn't Mei Qian even exposed herself?"

"Then you don't need to worry about it." Yan Dong glanced at him, and sneered: "Anyone who will attack Mei Qian and make him not hesitate to risk himself will either touch his interests, or offend him, and may even There is something in his hand that he cares about. In short, Mei Qian and them are already dead. If he doesn't take this trip, he can't guarantee that he is really safe. Instead of being cautious in the future, it is better to take advantage of the police watching now. It's hard to find such an opportunity to start as soon as possible. As for whether he will expose himself..."

At this point, he paused, let out a long breath, and sighed: "This is where Mei Qian is old-fashioned, relying on himself to lead the noses of several forces, obviously has a lot to do with our police. A tacit fishing operation, but has he actively contacted us? Even if Lu Da went to test it out in person yesterday, he didn’t ask anything. He just stayed in Hengshan to watch the rain for a few days, and he easily conveyed his intentions, even The more urgent he is, the more nervous we will be here. We know that his purpose is not pure, but we have to make arrangements for him. It doesn't matter if he finds ancient tombs or treasures in Hengshan. There is a bonus to get it! In the end, you should be caught, damn it, but he didn’t tell you anything at all, climbing mountains is not illegal, what can the police do with him?"

As soon as this remark came out, the air was instantly quiet, and this scene happened to be bumped into by Ma Cheng who was pouring boiling water. He took a deep look at Yan Dong surrounded by everyone, then changed direction and went straight to his room.

Maybe it was because of headaches from work later, Lu Dafei was leaning on the sofa and pressing his temples at this time, as soon as Ma Cheng came in, he asked: "Did you sleep well last night?" : "Yan Dong is a good young man. I heard his reasoning just now. He speaks clearly and logically. He is very talented."

"That kid?" Lu Dafei was obviously startled, glanced outside the door, and said, "It's enough to be smart, but some ideas are too wild..." But at this point, he suddenly stopped.

After a while, seeing Ma Cheng looking over with a puzzled expression, he hurriedly changed the subject: "I'm just looking for you. While you're not busy, you can check the owner of this homestay for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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