Chapter 327 Basin

A small dispute within the team seemed to have subsided.

But there was a shadow cast over the hearts of everyone present.

They had only been in the mountains for a few days when Mei Qian, the team leader and guide, became passive and sabotaged his work. He seemed unwilling to cooperate.

However, this team was led by the old man himself. He and the police only met once and did not communicate, but they acted in a unified manner with a tacit understanding.

If Mei Qian is like this, how can anyone else have the fighting spirit?

You know, they are not outing in the wild, but have entered the dangerous mountains. The legends here are horrifying, and accidents have actually happened.

It's absolutely not okay to continue like this.

Among them, the one who felt most distressed was Zhang Yu, who thought he had a good relationship with Mei Qian.

As the younger brother, Ning Chi, despite his suspicious status, has always been consistent in his attitude towards Mei Qian. He always looks cheerful and cheerful when he is told what he is saying.

As for the last harsh winter? It was someone who was forced in from above and had no say in the team at all.

The other party was just as worried as he was.

But for some reason, Zhang Yu just couldn't get close to him...

In fact, Zhang Yu was under a lot of pressure after entering the mountains.

In his heart, he naturally didn't want to wade into this muddy water.

He became increasingly worried about his friend's future and his mental state.

More than once, he wondered if Mei Qian was crazy.

But he knew Mei Qian too well. He knew that since the other party had made so many preparations and even used himself as bait, he must have his own considerations and would not give up easily.

That's not all, because the team was moving at an impressive speed, and the people at the rear asked them countless times via satellite phone whether anyone was injured or lost their way, and even authorized him to lead the team back as soon as possible if they found something was wrong.

As Mei Qian's friend, what can he do? You can only try your best to deal with the leader, comfort your companions in the meantime, and then rack your brains, thinking about how to get your friends back to normal.

These days, life is so tiring!

Fortunately, this situation did not last.

The next day, Zhang Yu found that Mei Qian took the initiative to make breakfast, which was rare, and even finished the food, so he began to urge everyone to act as soon as possible.

The attitudes before and after were completely different. During the march, Zhang Yu and Ning Chi behind them could not help but cast their eyes on Mei Qian, who took the initiative to lead the way.

"Is this abnormal?" Zhang Yu leaned into Ning Chi's ear and whispered.

"That's not right. Are you possessed by something?" The latter looked at the back in front of him and grinned.

Mei Qian turned around with some displeasure: "What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and leave?"

Everyone: "..."

By the way, who was the ink stainer before?

The four-person team marched for another whole day, and a continuous drizzle began to fall in the mountains.

A few days ago, Mei Qian would have clamored to set up camp and rest, but today was particularly different. The team braved the rain and did not stop until it was dark and could no longer see the road.

"Haha, the so-called secret realm can be entered casually? I was just calculating the weather the day before." In the tent, Mei Qian explained while sucking noodles.

Everyone looked at each other, whether they believed it or not, they could only hold their noses and admit it, who is the leader...

Because it rained for a long time yesterday, when everyone got out of the tent, the forest was filled with hazy fog and visibility was very low.

But under Mei Qian's urging, the team started to move forward in the white mist without any delay.

However, this time everyone felt that something was wrong with the route. Yesterday they were still climbing the mountain, but today Mei Qian's route was all downhill.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but start muttering in his heart, aren't you walking back?

Unfortunately, there was fog all around, so it was impossible to tell where he was, and during the walk, he didn't see any marks he deliberately left behind.

I can’t tell exactly how long we walked. When the fog in the mountains and forests dissipated, Mei Qian at the front suddenly stopped again, turned around and said to them: “We’re here!”

The people behind him were shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly walked to the other party's side. Only then did they realize that the four of them had arrived at the edge of a cliff. "Impossible!" Zhang Yu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why can't you see this on the satellite map?"

Ning Chi and Yan Dong on the side also looked incredulous.

Knowing that they were going to enter Hengshan Mountain, they looked at the satellite map countless times, but they never imagined that there was such a large basin hidden deep in Hengshan Mountain.

What was in front of him was a huge basin filled with smoke, no one knew how big it was, but all he could see was endless green.

"There are so many impossible things in this world, what's so surprising?" Mei Qian looked calm.

"But why didn't the previous scientific expedition team mention it?" Yan Dong frowned.

"That's not clear." Mei Qian shrugged: "The basin is here anyway, it can't be an illusion."

The other people looked at each other for a few times, and then unanimously focused their attention on the front.

The shape of the basin is not neat, lying between several mountain peaks. Rather than saying that it is a basin, it is more suitable to be called a wide grand canyon.

Maybe because it was still early in the morning, the water vapor was evaporating, and the bottom was covered by clouds and fog, making it impossible to see the bottom at a glance.

Zhang Yu stood on the edge of the cliff and glanced down. He was not afraid of heights, but his legs felt weak and his heartbeat accelerated.

Although they brought ropes, they didn't know how deep it was, so they couldn't take the risk of descending from here.

Everyone had the same idea. After taking turns to observe with the telescope, Mei Qian led the team and started looking for a way down.

After walking for a long time, they finally found a slightly lower place where they could see the bottom at a glance without even using a climbing rope.

However, everyone did not rush down, but began to eat to replenish their strength. After all, no one knew what they would encounter next.

"Let's contact the back. There may be no signal if we go in." Mei Qian suggested.

Zhang Yu glanced at his phone and found that the signal on it was still full.

But just to be on the safe side, he still called.

Unexpectedly, Mei Qian got it right. The quality of the call was obviously much worse than yesterday, but he finally made the matter clear.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and probably thought it was incredible. In modern society, the sky is full of satellites, so there is no reason why such a large basin cannot be discovered.

After everyone finished eating and was about to go down, the mobile phone carried by Zhang Yu rang again.

"The satellite has arrived above you, and we have indeed seen a basin. It's strange that we haven't found it before. You must be careful next time."

Mei Qian waited for Zhang Yu to hang up the phone, then looked at him and asked, "Do you want to go in? It's not too late for you to go back."

We have all come this far, how can we be content if we don’t go in and take a look?

Everyone expressed that they wanted to go down and have a look. Mei Qian scanned the faces of the three of them, curled his lips, and climbed down first.

This is an angle on the edge of the basin, more similar to a canyon.

The ground and both sides are very uneven, and the rocks are rugged. You can always see layers of rocks arranged like sharp blades. As we go deeper, there are dense woods ahead.

They found that many of the trees here were different from those they had seen a few days ago, and they did not recognize them. They looked similar to the tropical rain forests they had seen on TV.

Because it was summer, the canopy of trees overhead was dense, blocking the sun and making it difficult for the air to circulate. It was very stuffy. After walking for a long time, my body was soaked with sweat.

The team moved more slowly because they needed to use knives to split the bushes and branches everywhere.

The four people took turns walking in front. It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yu kept looking at his mobile phone from time to time during the march.

Unexpectedly, Mei Qian was right. When we got here, the satellite signal was indeed lost bit by bit.

When he couldn't see the last signal, he frowned and said, "Why is the satellite phone not safe?"

"Maybe this is another world." After hearing this, Mei Qian suddenly turned back to look at him, smiling very strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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