Chapter 49 Dust

"Mei Qian, you only need to answer affirmatively or negatively to all the questions I will ask next, and you don't need to say anything extra, do you understand?" The polygraph expert specially hired by the criminal police detachment explained to Mei Qian who was across the table .

Mei Qian nodded calmly: "Understood."

"Okay! Let's officially start now." The expert was talking, but he was actually observing the other party's facial expressions attentively.After a while, he spoke again.

"Is your real name Mei Qian?"


"Are you a pet person?"


"Are you an impulsive person who loves to lose his temper?"


"Do you have memories of yourself from five years ago?"


"At the funeral home at noon today, are you intentionally killing someone?"


"Do you like to read books?"


"Did you like playing football when you were a child?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you think the dead at noon are a threat to you?"


"Do you think the deceased is trying to kill you?"


"Have you ever had any intention to kill the dead?"


"Are you intending to kill her?"


"Were you attacked at noon?"


"Do you consider yourself self-defense?"


"Did you feel angry at the time?"



The police station's polygraph test on Mei Qian lasted for an entire hour.

But after the end, the test results for him were presented to the person in charge of the case in less than 10 minutes.

"Judging from the polygraph results alone, Mei Qian did not lie. His breathing, heartbeat and other data showed normal during the test."

Qin Sen took a thick stack of printing paper, flipped through it quickly, and frowned when he saw the results of the report, and glanced at the expert: "What do you think?"

The expert smiled bitterly: "He was too calm, and the data during the test was too normal. I always feel that something is not right. I guess it won't be accurate this time. Why don't you find time to do it again?"

Qin Sen shook his head: "He can fool the machine this time, and he can do it next time. It doesn't make much sense to do it again. And the polygraph results can't be used as evidence in lawsuits. It's about the same level."

After seeing off the experts, he turned to Zhang Yu who was drinking tea and said, "This time you are responsible for escorting Mei Qian."

Seeing the other party nodding, he couldn't help telling: "It's too dangerous for him to go crazy, bring a few more brothers, and don't make any mistakes." After a pause, he said: "You also take the gun, pay attention to safety."

"Understood!" Zhang Yu smiled and drank the tea in the cup...

"What do you think?" On the prison car heading to the detention center, Zhang Yu didn't care about the other people in the car, and asked with a cold face: "Is it comfortable to be detained? The captain has arrived at that time, you just calm down." Handing people over to the police will lead to this situation? Is it worth it if you don’t even want your future and freedom?”

Mei Qian in front of him just lowered his head and flicked the handcuffs on his wrists without saying a word.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Zhang Yu shook off Li Chen's arm blocking him, raised his finger and pointed at Mei Qian's nose: "Yes, you don't trust our police, but you are playing with fire, do you know? Go in, don't you regret it?"

"She's a dangerous person, I'm just defending myself." Mei Qian finally raised her head to his question and answered solemnly.

"Fuck you-M's defense!" Zhang Yu seemed to be amused by his stubbornness. After a while, his face sank again, and he cursed fiercely. Then he straightened his police uniform, sat back in his seat, looked down at his phone, Don't speak again.

This reaction made Li Chen feel relieved, he had never seen his master so excited before, at that moment just now, he was so angry that he didn't dare to speak out.

Afterwards, no one talked in the car, but Mei Qian smiled lightly, turned her eyes to the lights passing by the window, and sighed in her heart.

Zhang Yu is a good friend, but he is also really sensitive, so he won all!

He was indeed impulsive because of hatred, just as Zhang Yu said.

He doesn't trust anyone but himself.I don't even want to face uncontrollable risks in the future, um, it is indeed intentional murder.

But as a witness to the attack and a witness at the scene of the crime committed by the employees of the hot spring villa, what reason does he have to let that woman go?
Her elder brother forced innocent civilians to go to the grave to explore the way, while she secretly helped criminals to kill people.

Killed a poisonous snake, why should he regret it?
Life in the detention center is boring, harsh and rigid.

Mei Qian, who entered the palace for the second time, felt that it was not as hard as the first time.

At least, the food is much better. I don’t know if it’s Maomao or Ning Chi, well, the latter may be more likely, because he understands the rules inside, and immediately transferred money to his account in his office after receiving the news.

He behaved very honestly this time, he was not punished for beating people like the last time, he could buy some stir-fry and snacks as a toothbrush, and finally he didn't have to rub others for food and drink like the first time.

Probably because of his stubbornness, the number of interrogations by the police is not many. Mei Qian stays in the cell every day, working like others.The rest of the time is to pay attention to the progress of the case and wait quietly.

Of course, it wasn't someone who tipped him off. Compared to others, Mei Qian had a natural advantage. This case was too big and attracted too much attention.

Even if he can only see outdated newspapers, he can still find records about himself.

In terms of time, as soon as he was arrested and taken to the police station, the public opinion in the outside world was already in an uproar, the Internet was unclear, and the newspapers were full of crusades.

For example, "Just won the honor of being a good citizen, the writer Mei Qian killed people in public!" "

Moral lapse: Renowned author commits murder in front of police. "

"What Makes Writer Mei Qian Go on the Road of Crime?" " and other headlines or editorials can be seen in almost every newspaper.

Mei Qian completely regarded the above content as a story. After all, he had expected it and had been baptized by the storm of public opinion. These still couldn't break through his psychological defense.

After this momentum lasted for a few days, the wind direction gradually changed.

Mei Qian suddenly realized that she underestimated the efficiency of the police, and she also underestimated Shen Xiaoling.

It is too complicated to look at her, she is too far behind her cautious elder brother You Xiude.

Think about it too, how strict can a crazy woman who dares to come to revenge herself without even knowing the opponent's situation?
Shen Xiaoling's information was uncovered one by one, and under the investigation of police experts, her identity as the driving force behind the attack was completely confirmed.

As a result, the contents of the newspaper went from cursing and attacking to limited sympathy and wait-and-see, and finally completely divided into two factions.

And after Mei Qian entered the detention center for a full month, he read the newspaper a week ago. The content on it, with the official disclosure of the case, began to discuss whether Mei Qian's murder was a legitimate self-defense or an excessive self-defense.

Seeing this, Mei Qian knew that her confession had been accepted by the authorities, and she was one step closer to the final result.And he is ready to face any consequences.

It is worth mentioning that this time Lu Tianlu felt unsure, so Mei Qian authorized him to spend a lot of money to invite his mentor from the law school, an experienced old professor.

Once in court, the other party will plead not guilty for him.

However, the old professor with high spirits may be useless this time.

Exactly the same as last time, the freedom came so suddenly and with personality, people were not prepared for it at all.

Mei Qian was detained in the detention center for the second time and stayed for a total of 34 days.

On the five-day morning of No.30, a boring weekend, Mei Qian was playing cards with someone, and when she heard her name outside the cell, she threw the poker cards drawn on the paper onto the bunk without thinking about it, and stepped on her slippers. He walked to the door and stretched out his hands.

Instead of handcuffs, he received a decision not to prosecute.

Then he looked at the content above and was a little dazed.

But it was very strange, when he removed the shackles, the first thing he thought of was not finally being free again, but complaining in his heart.

Fuck, I bought instant noodles for nothing yesterday...
Mei Qian, who walked out of the steel gate again, was in a wonderful mood at the beginning.Who really likes to squat in the detention center and eat instant noodles?

But after he turned on his phone and sent a message to his friends, he just felt cold in his heart and couldn't be happy at all.

It wasn't because of the Wen Qing Faner in his bones that made him feel any emotion, it was simply frozen.

The bitter north wind howled, making Mei Qian, who had been staying in the warm room, a little uncomfortable.

Especially the head, fortunately he thought he would squat for a year or so this time, and he just shaved his head this morning, when the cold wind blows, it feels like countless steel needles are piercing the scalp, which is so sour.

I rummaged through my backpack but couldn't find a hat, so I could only stand under the cold wind and wait under the stop sign, hoping that a taxi would arrive in time.

In the end, he found that the bus was more reliable, so he quickly jumped on the bus and scanned the QR code to pay the bill.

There were not many people in the car, but almost everyone focused their attention on him, and subconsciously turned sideways to avoid him when he passed by.

This was regarded as invisible discrimination, Mei Qian turned a blind eye and found a seat casually.

But he didn't expect someone to pat him on the shoulder as soon as he sat down.

"Mei Qian?" A young voice sounded.

Mei Qian looked back and saw that it was a young guy in a red down jacket, pointing his phone at him at the moment, and couldn't help frowning: "You are?"

"It's really you, have you been released? Last time you took the bus, I also made a short video for you." The young man was very enthusiastic.

Mei Qian twitched his lips, he had no impression of the person in front of him, but he remembered the short video called "Mei Qian is out of prison".

"You did the right thing this time. Those criminals deserve to die. Our whole family supports you." The young man didn't care about his expression, but made a cheering gesture for himself.

"Thank you, thank you!" What could Mei Qian say?He could only nod in thanks.

But for some reason, seeing the fanatical and excited young man in front of him, he couldn't help but recall the scene of him being taken into the police car a month ago, and the countless voices denouncing him as a murderer seemed to ring in his ears.

And just when he was lost in memory, there was a sudden pleasant ringtone on his body, and he was in a trance before realizing that the call was coming.

At first glance, it turned out to be that guy Zhang Yu.

"Why did you get in the car, and you can't hear me after I honk the horn for so long?" Just as he answered, there was a burst of complaints from the other side.

Mei Qian was stunned, and hurriedly looked out of the bus, and sure enough, she saw the driver's seat of a white SUV, and Zhang Yu was waving at him.

"I didn't expect you to come to pick me up." He smiled wryly.

"Stop talking nonsense, get off at the next stop, I have something to tell you." Zhang Yu hung up the phone after saying this.

 Well, tomorrow Sanjiang will be on shelves next week.

  perturbed! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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