Chapter 6 Rules
Mei Qian originally thought that tonight would be spent watching TV, but she didn't expect that when the news time was over, commercials were being broadcast.

The people in the cell were suddenly divided into several groups, some were reading books, playing cards and chess, some chatting quietly together, and some were staring at the TV all the time.

Of course, no one paid any attention to him, but there was a complicated expression in the eyes that occasionally glanced over.

Mei Qian felt that TV was boring, so she let go of her worries for the time being and picked out a book to read.

It is said that when he was taking the book, the person on the side stretched out his hand and made a blocking motion, but for some reason he retracted and turned his head.

Mei Qian glanced coldly, thinking about it as if he didn't see it, he placed the slippers neatly on the ground, he leaned cross-legged against the wall, and turned them over without a hitch.

Don't look at the tough talk with the police during the interrogation, but he didn't rest well on the plane yesterday. He only slept for two hours after such a long time. No matter how amazing his physique is, he is still sleepy.

It's the first time I came in, but I have heard a lot of rumors about prisons and detention centers. I know that there are many rules and strict schedules.No one else slept, and he didn't need to make himself uncomfortable about such a trivial matter, so he could only endure it.

After finally getting to bedtime, I took off my vest and fell asleep.Because he was lying at the end, the sound of someone going to the toilet at night could be heard clearly.

I don't know if she got used to it, but Mei Qian slept soundly.

The next day when the ringtone opened his eyes, he glanced at the system. The popularity value had reached more than 800 million. After thinking about it, he resisted not drawing a lottery. He wanted to see if there was any special reward for accumulating 1000 million. What about the golden legend?
After breakfast, Mei Qian was ready to be interrogated again, but ended up spending the day in peace.

Walk out the back door with the flow, do a set of gymnastics in a small space where you can see the sky through the iron railings, and then move freely for a while. This is the so-called release.

In the afternoon, a newcomer came to the cell, he was much more obedient than Mei Qian, he squatted obediently in front of the bald head, listening to the other party explain the rules.

Mei Qian has good ears, and she heard a little even if she didn't want to. Combined with other people's chats, she finally understood her current situation.

It turned out that this cell was the so-called transition cell, and the people in it were entering the detention center for the first time, and they came here to adapt to the environment and learn the rules.

So here is the strictest, and there are requirements for everything. After staying for one to two weeks, you will be transferred to a regular cell.

Of course, there are exceptions. The bald head and the rest of the people who sleep next to the door are number ones designated by the guards. They will basically stay until they are sentenced and go to prison directly, and usually assist the guards with some management work.

Those who are close to the toilet like Mei Qian are all newcomers, and it is said that those who come again can only use the floor.

Newcomers do not have to do daily labor for the first three days, but they can only recite the prison regulations silently, take cold showers, and are not allowed to talk to others or read books.

Mei Qian blinked, remembering the book she read last night and the comfortable hot bath, and continued to listen, then involuntarily looked at the vest on her body, and suddenly realized.

There are 20 people in a cell, only he and the bald man named Ke Wenxuan wearing yellow vests belong to the "severe criminals".

There are everyone in the detention center. Those who wear blue vests either get out after a short sentence, or the crime is not serious. There is hope during the interrogation period. At this time, if you want to get through safely and go home or go to prison Much better than this damn place.

Moreover, it is rumored that the tomb robbers who eat the dead are basically evil-minded, and conflicts or even fights with such people will have too serious consequences and are not worth it.

I didn't wear shackles like Baldy Ke, so I thought it was a "crime" or less.

At this moment, Mei Qian still has time to comfort herself...
I have to say that human beings are really strange creatures. In the next few days, Mei Qian could still eat and sleep well.

But I can't think of my own novels, I sigh when I think of it, and I still scold in my heart, scolding the system, scolding myself, what I wrote in the first place was not good, I have to write about tomb robbers, this time there is a judge, right?
Of course, the third uncle of the Nanpai and Bachang from the previous life were also missing.


This is shameless, who asked you to copy other people's settings?
cough! cough!
The fourth day happened to be the weekend, so it was easier, but the so-called free activities were also limited, and the entertainment time was a little longer, not as rigid as in the past.

Because the number one was dissatisfied with Mei Qian's attitude, others were afraid, even though three days had passed, no one took the initiative to talk to him.

Mei Qian will not go forward to sell well, everything will follow the trend.

Of course, the sanitation still needs to be cleaned up, and everyone is assigned a job after the meal.

The cell is usually very clean, but Mei Qian looked at a thin young man wearing glasses, kneeling and wiping the floor with a rag for several days, what should I say?If you step on it in white socks, it will not be dirty, but it will be reflective.

Coincidentally, that person is still wiping the floor today. Apart from cleaning the toilets in turn, mopping the floor is the heaviest job, and even the walls have to be wiped, which takes a long time and is tiring.

This is obviously bullying.

Mei Qian was only responsible for cleaning up the bookshelves, and it was over soon.

Others were already gathering, either watching TV or playing cards.

In summer, there is only one fan above the head in the house, and people sweat even without moving. Many people take off their inner clothes and only wear vests and shorts, so they can feel the heat even here.

And the young man was still working hard, and his vest was soaked through.

Maybe he couldn't help it at last, as if he whispered something complaining, but someone overheard him, and immediately a big man fiddled with his head.

It wasn't a fight, it was a light action, but it was obviously insulting.

The young man was also angry, threw the rag, and stood up, but there was a certain gap between him and the other party in terms of size and physique.

At this time, Baldy Ke, the number one, also walked forward dragging his shackles, pointed at the young man's nose and scolded: "Ning Chi, you are so disobedient, do you want me to find the guard?"

The young man named Ning Chi's expression changed slightly, he was silent for a while, and picked up the rag again shortly.

He flinched, the horn snorted coldly, and walked back again.

The brawny man was even more arrogant, and patted Ning Chi's face with a smile.

Before it was over, the guys who had played poker with the strong man also moved forward, obviously provocative, as if Ning Chi was expected to dare not make a move.

After a while, Ning Chi was flushed with anger.

Originally, Mei Qian didn't care who was bullying in this cell, as long as she didn't get it on her own head.

But at this time, I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I made a sound immediately.

"Are you going to fight? I'm ringing the bell."

It just so happened that he was not far from the alarm and could be photographed as long as he stretched out his hand.

As soon as he said this, everyone turned their heads and looked over.

Mei Qian didn't care about those fierce gazes, and smiled lightly: "If you don't want everyone to be punished, just stop."

The brawny man and the others didn't seem to have a good temper, but they seemed to have scruples. They gave Mei Qian a hard look, and sat back on the bunk again.

Perhaps there was a lot of movement here. Not long after, several guards from the detention center walked in, and everyone stood facing the wall.

A guard asked Baldy Ke what was going on?Baldy Ke accompanied him with a smile and said that everyone was joking.

Ask Ning Chi again, he hangs his head, but he didn't say anything about being bullied.

As the only serious criminal, Mei Qian finally felt the focus of attention.

Standing with his hands on the wall, he was frisked by others, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The guards didn't want to be clean on weekends, they didn't find any abnormalities, and in the end they made it a trivial matter, and went out after a few warnings...

Mei Qian continued to read the novel, and after an unknown amount of time, a person approached her.

After a glance, it was Ning Chi, who was still holding a book in his hand.

"Thank you." Thank you first.

"No, I just don't want you to cause trouble." Mei Qian continued to stare at the pages of the book, and said lightly, "I still want to buy some snacks."

Staying in the detention center, I have no human rights, no freedom, etc., and my food is not good. I may have eggs or fatty meat for lunch, and the rest of the time, I have cabbage, tofu, steamed buns and porridge. The taste is extremely bad, either salty or bland.

I heard that for a few days you can spend money to buy stir-fries and snacks, but if someone fights, the whole cell can only eat pig food for a month.

So, he was really just hungry.

"No matter what, I have to thank you, otherwise I would be in big trouble." Ning Chi was not scared away by his indifference, but instead raised the thick book in his hand and asked, "Are you really Mei Qian?" ? The writer who wrote the book?"

Mei Qian took a closer look, isn't it the "Tomb Raider Diary" that he changed beyond recognition?Are you still a reader?
Nodding his head, Ning Chi immediately showed an excited expression: "Since you have all come in, so what is written in the novel is true?"

Mei Qian was speechless, do readers even think I am a tomb robber?

He didn't want to explain anymore, but he was a reader anyway, and he hadn't talked to anyone for a few days, so after thinking about it, he simply closed the book and chatted with Ning Chi one by one.

Ning Chi claimed that he was tricked by his classmates into selling fake cigarettes online before coming in.

He seemed unwilling to talk more about himself, and he didn't mention how he offended No. [-]. He only claimed that he especially liked reading "Tomb Raider Diary", and began to ask Mei Qian about the characters in the novel and the tomb robbers.

Because when it comes to tomb robbery, it is inevitable to think of her own bad luck, so Mei Qian is not very interested.

Ning Chi was very good at observing words and expressions, so he changed the subject and whispered the gossip he heard after entering the detention center.

However, this chat was destined not to last long, and there were two guards named Mei Qian, and it turned out that it was the lawyer Lu Tianlu who came.

In the meeting room, Mei Qian heard bad news from Lu Tianlu.

Although the police's evidence is currently not enough to convict, the case involved too much, and during the ferment of public opinion, his application for bail pending trial was rejected.

Lu Tianlu also asked him to be prepared to stay in the detention center for a long time. The police may extend the investigation and detention period for the reason of the complexity of the case.

In the end, I comforted him not to give up hope, and the people outside will definitely do their best to help him, so that he can be free as soon as possible.

Mei Qian was silent for a long time. When he was escorted back, the air pressure around him was extremely low, and he was in a bad mood just by looking at it. He read a book, which caused people around him to become cautious, and even turned down the volume of the TV set.

Ning Chi didn't dare to come closer, so he found a corner to hide himself.

However, Ke Guangtou's face was full of gloating...

(End of this chapter)

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