I heard that I'm a tomb robber

Chapter 65 Disaster Star

Chapter 65 Disaster Star
Ning Chi didn't understand why Mei Qian wanted the pots in the shipping container.

In fact, the clay pot is just a backup, if something abnormal happens, the monster in front of him will be burned.

Because when the monster's black blood flowed more and more along the wound, Mei Qian could still smell the strange fragrance even through the mask.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a large rustling sound getting closer.

He could vaguely feel that the reason why the person in front of him turned into a monster was probably related to this fragrance.

He didn't store gasoline in the warehouse, and even if he had it at this time, it was inconvenient to take it out. The only thing he could think of was the wine in the clay pot. This kind of wine, which had been buried for an unknown number of years, could barely be used as a fuel for combustion.

The worms covered the monster's body in black, and soon, a huge black chrysalis appeared in front of it, and the monster, which was still struggling tenaciously before, began to sway its limbs at a faster pace, and let out a painful moan from its mouth. Neighing, Mei Qian could even clearly hear countless gnawing sounds.

Even if you don't have trypophobia, seeing the wriggling chrysalis makes you feel uncomfortable.

The more bugs, the bigger the black chrysalis, and Mei Qian could even hear more bugs coming together.

I don't know what these bugs are attacking the monsters for, let alone what changes will happen if the bugs eat the scented substance.

Although he didn't know if his deduction was wrong, his intuition told him that it was not a wise choice to just stand by and do nothing.

After thinking for a while, Mei Qian snatched the pot from Ning Chi's hand, weighed it in his hand and patted the mud, and slowly walked towards the still struggling monster.

The bugs seemed frightened.The entire chrysalis was like an explosion, and its size was reduced by half in an instant, but it did not completely disperse as expected.

There were still some larger bugs, attracted by the scent, they actually resisted the deterrence of the Spirit Transformation Seal. Even though they tried their best to avoid Mei Qian when Mei Qian was approaching, they still lingered on the monster's body.

Mei Qian violently poured the wine in the clay pot on the chrysalis, and then threw the lit lighter over.

With a "boom", I don't know if this old rice wine is really flammable. It's useless to take a second can. When the flame of the lighter is touched, the whole chrysalis twists and burns wildly. Look at the burning speed. It seems to work better than gasoline.

After a while, Mei Qian smelled a more intense and unique aroma, mixed with the previous strange aroma, as well as the aroma of wine and grilled chicken.

Although the smell is more attractive, and he is also curious about the substance that can emit fragrance to attract bugs, but thinking of the scene in the restaurant upstairs, he can't help but feel sick.

Mei Qian lifted up the mask, and backed away in disgust.

Ning Chi, who followed step by step, wanted to stay where he was and take a good look, but he immediately hopped back to Mei Qian's side.There was no way, as soon as he was a certain distance away from the big brother, those bugs seemed to be unafraid of people, and some bugs even passed by his feet before rushing towards the flame.

The rustling noises around were still incessant. As Mei Qian moved away, countless bugs rushed towards the monster at a faster speed. The endless bugs followed one after another. They obeyed the instinct of creatures, even though the monster had already become a monster at this time. Twist the howling torch.And once these bugs are contaminated with flames, they will instantly be reduced to ashes.

Perhaps, the fuel is these bugs?
Mei Qian and Ning Chi just watched the monster inside go from struggling violently to becoming motionless, and then with the addition of bugs, the flames burned more and more intensely.

Until there was no more rustling of insects crawling around, the last group of black beetles threw themselves into it. After a few minutes, the flame gradually went out due to lack of fuel.

The monster was burned more thoroughly than imagined. It was obviously transformed from a human being, but at this time, not even a single bone could be seen, including the mobile phone and black pants that should be hidden in its trouser pocket. There were not many burning marks at all. There was only a thin layer of black ash on the ground.

Mei Qian glanced at the long knife stuck on the ground, and the large sunken piece around it, and was secretly stunned. Could it be that those bugs are covered in grease?But the temperature of this flame is too high, right?It's incredible.

But after thinking about it, is that alive and kicking monster very scientific?

Mei Qian stepped forward, fiddled with the ashes with her feet, and even bent over to smell it, the inside was really clean, even the smell just now had dissipated.

"It's better to lose money!" Mei Qian glanced at the smoking long knife, it was burnt and deformed, the boss definitely can't take it.

In any case, an inhuman monster was eliminated, and those corpse-eating bugs were less of an eyesore.The ship is generally safe.

Then he took Ning Chi into the container.

"These seem to be domestic things." Mei Qian put the empty clay pot back into the wooden box, leaned over to pick up the mobile phone that had been dropped on the ground before, and began to look at the innermost bronze coffin.

He didn't know anything about archaeology, but the coffin was engraved with patterns of clouds and auspicious animals, and there were even small seal scripts that he didn't know.These are obviously products of the ancient Xia Kingdom.

A ship from the Nidi Kingdom, transporting the cultural relics of the Xia Kingdom, turned into a ghost ship, and arrived in the coastal waters of the Xia Kingdom inexplicably.

I don't know whether Xia Guo is the origin or destination of this ship.

In addition to the bronze coffin, there are also large and small shockproof wooden boxes in the container.

Counting, there are more than 30.If there are cultural relics inside, it will be a smuggling case involving a huge amount of money.

"From what we know so far, it is speculated that for some unknown reason, those crew members pried open the shipping container and drank the wine inside, and as a result, the entire ship died." Mei Qian frowned, always feeling that this reasoning was a bit unreasonable Fang: "But these crew members are too bold. If they really participated in smuggling, why did they steal the employer's things?"

"What if it's an employer's treat? Usually, when transporting these valuables, there is a person in charge of pressing the goods. Of course, there will be no trouble in what to do with your own things? Besides, things like this kind of wine appear during transportation." Loss, breaking one or two is normal, right? Sneak a little, and the boss of the gang doesn't know." Ning Chi curled his lips.

Mei Qian: "..."

So, is this another tragedy caused by greed?

"Brother, I feel that the boat is much more stable. I guess the wind outside has stopped!" In the silence, Ning Chi said happily.

Mei Qian was taken aback for a moment, then realized that just as the other party said, her feet were indeed much more stable.

He looked at the time, and before he knew it, the two had been on the boat and searched for more than two hours.

"Let's go, let's go back." Now that the search here is over, it's time to go back, so as not to worry the boat owner.

"By the way, brother, why do you think this ghost ship appears here?" At this time, Ning Chi asked again.

Mei Qian didn't answer, but turned around and glanced. He had thought about this question too, but after seeing the bronze coffin, two unreliable guesses suddenly popped up in his mind.

Why did the ghost ship go to the coast of Xia Kingdom by itself?There are two possibilities:
The first type is that the person in the coffin does not want to leave his homeland.

The second type is that the person in the coffin really wants to return to his homeland.

I don't know which is the answer?

But these are not things that he should pay attention to. He has enough troubles on his body, so let's wait for the police to report to the public for investigation!
The speed of going back was faster than when we came, but before we got on the deck, we heard the sound of whistles coming from outside.

The two couldn't help quickening their pace, and when they walked out of the cabin, the sun was shining outside, and it was no longer the darkness before. They turned their heads and looked around, but they couldn't even see a dark cloud.

It seemed that the violent wind and huge waves before were just an illusion, and there was not even a trace of it.

The yacht carrying them was making a loud whistle. Obviously, the power of the yacht had been restored, which was to remind them to return as soon as possible...
A ghost ship appeared in the coastal waters of Xia Kingdom, and more than [-] crew members died unexpectedly.

According to preliminary forensic identification, all crew members died half a month ago, and the cause of death was poisoning. A large number of insect eggs still in the hatching stage were found in the abdominal cavity of the corpse, which was extremely horrifying.

Although the police have not disclosed specific information, the cruise ship was towed back to the port this morning, and the large number of police cars waiting below and the bodies carried out could not be hidden from anyone.

A boatload of people died, this is undoubtedly big news, when Mei Qian, the boss of the boat and others just stepped out of the gate of the police station, they were stopped by reporters from the local TV station before their colleagues.

It was already the morning of the next day. As the reporter, all the people on the yacht were naturally invited to the police station to assist in the investigation, including Mei Qian and Ning Chi.

During the voyage, I was questioned by the police who arrived in the early stage. Although the police tugboat returned to the shore one step earlier, it was also in the early hours of the morning. I had a rest in the hotel room provided by the police and was questioned again in the morning.

For such a large cruise ship, there are records of departure and departure.

There are not many clues that can be obtained from these people, so Mei Qian and Ning Chi were questioned for a longer time, and they just described the process of searching for the "ghost ship".

Of course, Mei Qian didn't mention the information about those bugs and monsters, after all, they were all reduced to ashes, even if they were told, people might not believe them.

This was also discussed with Ning Chi as early as on the cruise.

Therefore, after the police made a record, they were fine, but they could not leave Yushi for a few days.

At the police station, Mei Qian got in touch with Maomao, and after a few brief explanations, the other party first asked about their condition, and then reluctantly expressed apology to the "Longing for Mountain Village" program group far away in Nanyun.

After all, this was an irresistible factor, and they understood it very well, and agreed to postpone Mei Qian's appearance until the next issue.

After the work matter was settled, the police didn't bother with the details too much.

Mei Qian was still having a headache from the camera and microphone that suddenly appeared in front of her, but she didn't expect that the shrewd and capable female reporter didn't recognize this nationally famous writer at all, completely ignored him, and started to interview the ship owner directly.

Mei Qian felt relieved, greeted the ship owner who was being interviewed with great interest, covered his mouth and yawned, and strode away with Ning Chi.

Yes, although waiting for the tugboat on the yacht, there is plenty of rest time in the hotel provided by the police.But Mei Qian suffered from insomnia, thinking over and over again the reason why the ghost ship appeared beside her, and wondered if the system had messed it up.

This was his first formal contact with this supernatural phenomenon other than the system, so it was strange that he could fall asleep.

At this time, of course, I just want to go back to the hotel room to catch up on sleep.

But what he didn't expect was that after the interview was broadcast, someone actually clipped the clip of him yawning and posted it on the Internet.

So, after a period of fermentation, this section is called "Yoshi Ghost Ship Incident, look who is covering his face?" "The short video became popular.

【Isn't this Mei Qian? 】

[I have to say, the action of covering your face is really classic, is it because you are afraid of being discovered? 】

【A boatload of people died, and Mei Qian is a witness?If it were me, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with this kind of thing, would I? 】

[Speaking of which, Mei Qian is really miserable, what happened? 】

[I feel like this guy is a catastrophe, wherever he appears, big things will happen...]

[Upstairs, please remove the word "feeling", thank you! 】

[No wonder "Longing for Mountain Village" re-issued the announcement. I was expecting the grand master of the tomb robber to appear on the show, but I was suddenly afraid that he would come to our Nanyun, what should I do? 】


[Crying, the underground tomb is still hanging over the Xiadu Construction Bureau...]

[Latest news, the ghost ship in the news belongs to the Nidi Kingdom cruise ship, and there are a large number of Xia Kingdom cultural relics that have just been unearthed on board.Isn't this prying into the corner of Master Mei's wall?You understand! (The dog's head saves his life)]

[So, the dead are all foreign smugglers?Or the criminals who smuggled cultural relics from our Xia Kingdom?I have to support this. 】

[Don't be joking, if you say this, Master Mei may be going in again. 】

 Well, I originally planned to lie down and play some games to relax my mind, but I accidentally fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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