Chapter 80

Mei Qian has already decided to find time to worship in the temple of efficaciousness.

He was a staunch atheist when he was on Earth, and even after passing through such bizarre things, his concept has not changed.

Because in his heart, time travel also has a scientific basis. At least, isn't the theory of parallel universes also proposed by scientists?And he happened to be the witness.

However, in the past two years, Mei Qian has truly believed in the existence of destiny in this world.

Because science can't explain, how can there be such unlucky people as myself in the world.

Life is full of surprises.

Copying novels almost became criminal evidence;

Participate in the program and jump into the trap of a fake film crew;
In a meeting of the Association, you can meet a lunatic who kills and sets fire;
A bronze tripod was just buried, but the next day it was dug up and confiscated as stolen goods;

Go fishing and relax, and the ghost ship will follow in broad daylight.

This time it was even more extreme. After sleeping, the car was hijacked.

The hijacking was easy to solve, but the car broke down and got lost, and even got involved in a gunfight between the police and the robbers.

I have to say that these two years of life have been exciting enough.

If I write the above experience into a memoir, I will feel sorry for my frightened little heart if I don’t hold back a hundred thousand words.

Add more water, hey, 20 novels are out.

With rumbling explosions and continuous gunshots all around her ears, Mei Qian was squatting in a small ditch, and she was still in the mood to complain to herself.

It can be seen that as a civilian who inadvertently stepped into the battle circle, it is still relatively safe.

So much so that he had the urge to poke his head out and look at the other side, wanting to know who was so desperate and dared to fight to the death with the special police.

However, after he almost managed to get out once, if he moved a little, he would be suppressed by the special police and Ning Chi, and he would be firmly held in place.

Although the special policeman's face was covered with camouflage, Mei Qian could still see the same tired expression as Ning Chi from the other side.

Therefore, Mei Qian could only smile apologetically, and then honestly prostrated herself on the ground, not bringing risks to herself or causing trouble to others.

Speaking of it, it was a ghost, obviously walking back along the dirt road, but when the four of them appeared in the eyes of the opposing sides, it seemed to be the signal for the start of the gun battle.

Fortunately, Mei Qian reacted very quickly, sensing the crisis in advance, and quickly pulled Zhang Yu and Ning Chi out of the range of the grenade attack.

Finally, three survived. As for Yan Zhiming, who was a prisoner before...

Mei Qian turned her head and glanced, and the other party fell down not far away with a blurred front view, because there was only the upper body, and the blood mixed with the intestines and internal organs had already dyed the soil and leaves below red and green.

As for the lower body, it probably remains in place, and it will definitely not be able to fight at the time of burial, so it can only be cremated.

Mei Qian is a normal person, with two hands, he can only save two people, so he really didn't intentionally leave Yan Zhiming in place to attract firepower.

The shootout started suddenly and ended quickly.

After about 10 minutes, the gunfire on both sides stopped.

The environment here is complicated, either the sound of the wind or the sound of insects.

According to Meiqian's hearing ability, he could only hear the slight sound of footsteps from near to far, but he couldn't distinguish clearly when they were within the range of the gangsters.

But it can also be guessed that the special police must have won a big victory and are carefully checking the results.

Probably out of safety considerations, the two special police officers still did not let the three of Mei Qian stand up and move around.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was still no movement on the other side, and there was no signal.

Mei Qian finally couldn't bear it anymore, leaned over to the special policeman, and asked in a low voice: "You guys are here to chase someone, who is on the other side?"

But the special policeman only glanced at him, then turned his head, and looked at another special policeman, with the same reaction, and seemed unwilling to talk to him.

His attitude was definitely not good, but Mei Qian wasn't angry either. After all, his act of taking the lead just now really frightened other people. They didn't know that they had the passive skill of danger intuition, which was totally understandable.

Moreover, they rushed over to protect themselves and the others under the hail of bullets. This responsibility alone was much better than one of their colleagues from Xiadu.

"This is a hamster, one civilian died, and the other three are safe." A SWAT member suddenly replied softly into the headset. They must have not recognized that Yan Zhiming, who was only half body, was also a policeman, but now is not the time to explain.

However, while the other party was talking, he also made a gesture of raising his hand towards several people.

Another SWAT member stood up first and patted the dirt on his body.

Zhang Yu and Ning Chi got up at the same time.

It seems that the front is safe, and the crisis here is resolved.

Zhang Yu came over at this time and whispered something to another special police officer.

The other party seemed to know Zhang Yu's identity, and his attitude was much more polite than that of Mei Qian. He explained: "We have followed the traces all the way here, and we have found the target. These people on the opposite side are covering those two people from escaping. But our captain has already Lead a team to chase after it."

"That old man surnamed Bai is really treacherous and cunning, I'm afraid he has already prepared a way out." Ning Chi cursed in a low voice.

"It may not be a retreat, maybe it's just an ambush. It's a pity that they didn't expect that they were facing the special police who came to arrest people." Zhang Yu sighed quietly.

Mei Qian analyzed Zhang Yu's words and couldn't help being surprised.

He instantly got two messages in his mind:

First, I am afraid that this place is not far from the location of the ancient tomb, at least it is also the periphery.I didn't expect that I would encounter the ancient tomb with a few mistakes.

Second, if these people were arranged by the white old man, their purpose must be to monopolize the treasure.

If the police hadn't acted in advance, I, perhaps including Mr. Chen and Liao Laoliu, would not have escaped. This is the rhythm of killing everything.

Sure enough, those who robbed the tomb circle were all old silver coins, without integrity at all, and vividly interpreted the greed, deceit and selfishness in human nature.

It's no wonder that the rule of folk tomb robbers is that the father goes up to the son, and the nephew and uncle are combined.

Look, as soon as a lama was caught, someone arranged it first before going to the tomb to divide the spoils.

He was feeling emotional, but he saw two special policemen took off their bulletproof vests at the same time and handed them over to Mei Qian and Ning Chi.

Both of them didn't intend to ask for it, and quickly raised their hands to express their refusal.

But without saying a word, they stuffed them directly into their hands, and finally threw the helmets on their heads.

In fact, although Mei Qian can't prevent bullets, he thinks he has the ability to protect himself. He has good skills and has more danger instincts. He is safer than the policemen after all.

But he also knew that if he didn't wear it, the other party would definitely not feel at ease, and the stalemate would waste time, so he quickly equipped the bulletproof vest with Zhang Yu's help.

But Ning Chi's movements were faster, and he was already dressed neatly.

Although it was confirmed that the front was safe, the two special police officers were still extremely cautious, protecting Mei Qian and the three of them one after the other, and moved forward cautiously.

Not long after, I saw several special police officers with guns on guard. This is a hillside full of strange rocks, and bloodstains are all over it at this moment.

It was only now that Mei Qian saw clearly that there were a total of ten special police officers in this team to protect them, which was nearly half of what it looked like last night. Presumably, everyone else was chasing Bai Lao and A Fei.

However, after looking at the corpses on the ground, the special police were really powerful. Only two people on this side were injured in their arms, but the criminals were wiped out.

Glancing at the soldier whose wound was being bandaged, Mei Qian turned her gaze to her feet.

"It's really arrogant. These people should be mercenaries. The old man is really willing to spend his money." Zhang Yu lowered his head to check for a while, and found that these people had a unique pattern similar to a double-headed snake tattooed on their arms. He sneered .

Mei Qian blinked, fortunately she was not a real tomb robber.

Think about it, if you participate in the inverted fight, you have gone through untold hardships and survived several times to get the weapon, but you have not been happy for a long time before you are blacked out.

How sad should that be?

This crime seems to be less...

Pooh!Pooh!It is absolutely impossible.

Fortunately, Mei Qian's current thinking is a little divergent, resulting in too much inner drama, but what he does, he should, barely, be considered a good person.

Of course, whether it is good or bad, at least his current situation definitely doesn't count.

It was as if he was standing opposite him at this moment, the team leader of this special police team looked at him a little unkindly.

I don't know whether they are complaining that their sudden intrusion interrupted the deployment and distracted him, or they know Mei Qian's identity and are vigilant...

 The chapter name is very individual, ha~~
  Another: The author declares that there is absolutely no content in this book that mirrors or smears the government and the police.

  Although I am bald, I don't want to be hated.

(End of this chapter)

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